Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday's Critters #84

Saturday's Critters #84

It's Saturday and it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post..

May you find moments that make you smile today! Happy Saturday!

I am sharing some of the birds hubby and I saw during our visit to Ocala Florida. This was at a local park called Tuscawilla Park. This was a great local park jammed pack with birds.

Thanks to my Florida blogging friend Wildlifewatcher posting about this same park. I hope you can visit her blog.

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, is it just me or do some of these whistling ducks have grouchy looking faces.

Muscovy Duck

White Pelicans with more Black-bellied Whistling ducks.

A female Wood Duck

A Cormorant, Egret and more Whistling Ducks. LOL, I think they are all camera shy and turned their heads. Or, I just caught them all during their nap time.

Turtles taking a break from the water.

The Pileated Woodpecker.

More of my favorite Whistling Ducks, two Egrets and a Wood Duck.

I hope you enjoyed my birds and post. Now, I am looking forward to seeing your critters. Thanks to everyone for your visits, participation and the nice comments.  Enjoy and have a happy weekend!

Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to  Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I never even thought of going birding in Ocala! Obviously I missed a good spot! Very cool. Thanks for sharing and for hosting!

The Yum List said...

Hee, hee... it does look like those three birds are all hiding from the camera. ;-)

Claire Justine said...

Lovely shots, are love the one with the red beck :)

Thanks for hosting...

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wow - super amazing photos. I love the "shy" birds. Always love pelicans - the photos are wonderful!!!

Ela said...

I love these beautiful critters !!!
Gorgeous shots !! I love to watch your shots !
Happy weekend :)

Vilt og vakkert said...

Heisann! Fascinating animals, lovely photos - have a nice weekend ;:OD)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Lovely selection of birds in this post today but my favourite is the Woodpecker. I would just love to see one of these one day. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Jo said...

Good morning Eileen, what a beautiful image of the Pileated Woodpecker. And the other critters are so special too. Thanks for hosting this wonderful meme. Enjoy your weekend. Jo

Crissi said...

Very nice shots Eileen!
Have a great weekend Crissi

Sue said...

Hi Eileen--Just last month I saw some baby muscovy ducks at the place hubby gets his eggs. They're just the cutest things--funny that they grow up to be, um, UGLY-LOL!
Love all your photos. I agree-the whistling ducks look a tad grouchy.
Have a wonderful weekend

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful shots. Those Whistlers crack me up.
Have a jolly weekend

Anonymous said...

Happy Saturday, Eileen. Your photos are amazing. What a variety of birds to photograph. Have a great weekend.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful birds and great photos. Its cute to see them on one leg when they are napping. Happy weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

LOVE the woodpecker in amongst the moss today...oh and the bespectacled wood duck gal.

DeniseinVA said...

I loved all your photos Eileen. This looks like a great place for birding. Happy Saturday :)

chica said...

Que coisa mais linda!!Adorei! Lindo fds! bjs praianos, chica

rainfield61 said...

If you start counting, you must be surprised by the number of critters you have photographed.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Amazing pictures. Enjoyed seeing them...

Hannah said...

The Whistling ducks are always so cute, they do seem to have grouchy expressions. I always notice the expressions too. The Muscovy duck looks a little daffy. Your post makes me think of TexWisGirl's pond.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Ducks (of any variety) are always pretty good value! YAM xx

Noushka said...

Great observations Eileen!
Those whistling duck have a bit the same face as those in Australia!!
My favourite pic here is definitely the Pileated woddie!!
WOW, and the decor around the bird enhances that photo too, gorgeous!!!
Enjoy your weekend :)
i'll link up later, much to do today ;-)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Isn't it funny how we see facial expressions in critters? The whistling ducks do look like a serious bunch but look at the kind hearted face of the female wood duck.
Now dogs - always cute and loveable!

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

Such a pretty variety of these ducks and more! :)

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

While visiting Green Cay (Palm Beach County, Florida) two days ago I heard what I thought was someone on the boardwalk behind me whistling a tune, then realized it was a whistling duck flying over. Had never heard them do this before, but of course I do not see them that often. Nice photos of a beautiful park!

MadSnapper said...

the first shot those ducks will always be Teresa Ducks to me. LOL... i like the turtles to

Gayle said...

Always hard to pick a favorite. Today I choose the three one-legged whistlers and their reflections. Thanks for the choices.

TexWisGirl said...

i always love it when wildlifewatcher posts whistlers and glad you got to see them there, too! :) adorable little characters.

thanks, always, for hosting, eileen!

Lynne said...

I think you were in some kind of Duck Paradise . . .
Many varieties . . . I love the Whistlers and was introduced to them by Miss TexWis . . .
Seeing a Pileated Woodpecker would be a treat!
As it is always . . . Great Pictures!

EG CameraGirl said...

I feel like I really need to go to Florida to see all these great birds in person!

Home Meadows said...

Thank you for the link-up. I added your logo to my side bar. Have a great day! Heather

Country Gal said...

Awesome photos and post . I do like that little wood duck on the house she is soo cute ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend .

handmade by amalia said...

I can't pick a favorite, Eileen. Every single photo is simply beautiful. I wonder why ducks always move in a row.

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
Wow!!Great post!!
Such beatiful ducks!!!My favorite are the Whistling Ducks!!
Great shots and reflections!!!Gorgeous pictures!!
Have a happy weekend!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Good morning sweet friend! It's so much fun to see the birds we have here where I live. And I just went to the other FL birdwatcher and enjoyed seeing so many wonderful bird photos! I love living here! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane

sandyland said...

We used to have lots of whistlers here in Sebring I miss them They must have moved northward for vegetation - so many sprays around

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I love ducks! You got some great shots. I could sit and watch them all day long :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Many thanks for the mention! I love Tuscawilla Park! Tuscawilla Park is such a gem in Winter months when many migrating birds visit. Have a fantastic weekend and happy birding to you!

Michelle said...

Great shots and I like those grouchy faces :)

21 Wits said...

Oh those Whistling ducks are just adorable. You've collected most of my favorite feathered friends in such a flurry of fun! Very cool to see. Enjoy your weekend!

Sharon Wagner said...

What a great woodpecker shot. They are usually easier to hear than see.

GranthamLynn said...

Great shots. Would you believe I've never been to Florida? I need to go! I was a bit partial to the cute/ugly Muscovey Duck. I actually had a Muscovey. Although when he was a cute little yellow duck we didn't know what he would look like when he grew up! I'll have to dig out those old photo's and share them one day. I have some stories!
Thanks for the linking and coming by to visit. Have a great weekend.
I just noticed your husbands blog I'll go by and check it out.

Betty Manousos said...

i always enjoy seeing your critters, eileen.
great shots as usual!


GranthamLynn said...

Thanks sweet of you to come back by. I was too tired yesterday to visit. I barely made it over to Tex's under the wire! I am thinking about how to add buttons to my sidebar. I'm kinda of thinking one a week on the top and then moving them to the bottom. But not sure. I like to promote all the fabulous little parties. Any ideas? Or comments? I used to have my sidebar filled but I decided I wanted to make it a little more about me. Thanks again have a great day. XXOO

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

I like the ducks, Eileen, but that pileated woodpecker is something else!
Thanks for hosting.

Linda W. said...

Nice woodpecker photo! And I really like your first shot of the ducks all in a row. Happy Saturday!

Cranberry Morning said...

Fantastic photos, Eileen! Are you sure the whistling ducks aren't called Zorro ducks? Lol. And of course I always love seeing a pileated woodpecker. I linked up, but don't have the link on my blog yet because I'm sitting in a parking lot at Menard's. Will try to remember to do that when I return home. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

Celestina Marie said...

Good Morning Eileen, you really captured some great shots. Love this collection and the woodpecker is amazing. The details are incredible with your camera. Interesting seeing the turtles on water's edge. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great weekend. cm

This N That said...

Love all the ducks..that's quite an assortment..Nice photos.Thanks for sharing and hosting..Enjoy your weekend Eileen..

This N That said...

PS..I like your new header..very you

Inspired By June said...

Wow, Eileen! Love that shot of the Pileated Woodpecker! Whistling ducks are always good for an afternoon of amusement, love their pink legs! We had muscovy ducks on our farm in VT when I was growing up. I just remember them being mean and trying to bite me . . . I still stay clear of them to this day, lol. Great collections and thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots, Eileen, I think the Whistlers are giving you the stink eye. Love the Pileated Woodpecker.

Rose said...

I love then all, but that with the three Black Bellied Whistlers standing on one leg and being shy...that makes me smile!

Ana Freire said...

Stunning selection of images!...
It is so rewarding to stopping by, here on your blog, Eileen!...
Have a great weekend! Thank you so much, for your visit, and kind words...
All the best!...

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

loved your critters :)

Ileana said...

Great collection! The Pileated Woodpecker is my favorite. :)
Have a nice weekend, Eileen!

Gerald (SK14) said...

what a great selection of water birds

Hootin Anni said...

Eileen, thanks for sharing your link today at I'd Rather B Birdin' I'm still in my personal blog admin, but wanted to stop by from I'd Rather B Birdin' to send along my sincere thank you!!!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful all sorts of wildlife Eileen.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I love your waterbirds and turtles, Eileen. But the Pileated Woodpecker is first in my heart.


Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
marvelous photos of all these wonderful birds and the cute turtles. Great !
Best regards, Synnöve

carol l mckenna said...

More fantastic shots of our 'feathered friends' ~ beautiful!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

Debbie said...

It looks like an awesome birding spot, at first I thought I was in Texas (with Theresa)!! Great sightings, I think the woodpecker was my favorite today!! Thanks Eileen, for linking me in, the balloon festival was awesome!! Have a great Sunday!!

Our photos said...

This is really nice !

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Wonderful variety of bird photos!

HappyK said...

Like the Muscovy Duck. What an interesting face it has.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

you know at 1st i thought i was at Theresa's blog and had to check to see what blog i was commenting at 1st ... with those whistlers hanging around. i love the woodpecker. great shot. ( :

happy weekend!!

Merlesworld said...

That was a lot of comments.
On our news last night there was a video of a duck and her family crossing a 8 lane highway, she just kept going it was touch and go for a bit but they all made it in one piece, nice to see a bit of good nes for a change.

Tom said...

Again, such a wonderful collection. Tom The Backroads Traveller

Aimz said...

beautiful, beautiful birds, no wonder I enjoy coming by here regularly, think the 2nd one is my favourite :-)

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Another neat selection of photos for Saturday's Critters. You are to be congratulated on setting up such a successful meme. 57 link-ups as I'm writing this comment. Wow, your photo of the Muscovy Duck is amazing ... all the detail in that bird's face. Nice work! I still hope to get organized enough to put some of my old postcards with critters on here one of these Saturdays. Thanks for sharing and take good care.

Uppal said...

Hi Eileen,
Wonderful and beautiful array of photos of ducks in various poses! Yes,ducks i think are always wrapped in themselves!

Linda said...

Beautiful ducks and I just love that woodpecker!

Maude Lynn said...

I love that shot of the wood duck! Gorgeous!

Helma said...

Hi Eileen,

beautiful pictures you stand in your blog and the woodpecker isa real dreamer itself. I'm right but linked my latest blog. It does not have many birds in them but that's another time again. Have a very fine Sunday.

Greetings, Helma

Joyful said...

Love all the birds Eileen, esp. The woodpecker. Have a lovely weekend.

Unknown said...

Love those whistling ducks with their cute faces :)
But there seem to be an awful lot of onelegged ones ;)

Have a beautiful Sunday and week to come :)


Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Bom dia, captações maravilhosas das lindas aves, são belos momentos para fotografar.

Magia da Inês said...

Belo post.

Boa semana!!!
Beijinhos.ჱه° ·.
❤˚° ·.

Brian King said...

That looks like the place to be! Great variety of waterfowl! Love the Pileated shot!

Suzan said...

Central Florida is known for their birds - heck - almost all of Florida -- even "snow birds"!! (being a 3rd generation floridian, I had to throw in that last bird :-}}
When I see Whistling Ducks now - I think of TexWisGirl Teresa!! It's been awfully hot in Fla., hope you did OK down there- but it is lovely!! You have awesome shots!! Great shots of the White Pelicans!!

Gert said...

Wow! There really was a lot of different birds there. How blessed you are to see them! Thanks for sharing with us..


Katarina said...

It's always a great pleasure visiting your blog, Eileen. So many birds that I've never seen before. Like those ducks, for instance. They don't look like the ones we get around here.

Amanda Peters said...

Lovely photos, I do recognise some of the ducks, as we can get a odd escape living on the larger ponds and rivers...
Amanda xx

Phil Slade said...

Wow Eileen, it took me ages to reach the bottom of your comments page. You really have very many visitors to your page and to Eileen's Critters every Saturday.

I think I'd give almost anything to even see a Pileated Woodpecker, never mind to photograph one as well as you have. Great work Eileen.

Have a wonderful bird-filled week.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I enjoyed seeing all your critters and my favorite is the pileated woodpecker. Outstanding shot!

Ailime said...

Hello, Eileen, I loved all your pictures! The birds are of unusual beauty. Congratulations for sharing! I wish you a good week with a lot of pictures of nature. All that is lovely. Hugs.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Lovely ducks and wonderful woodpecker.. Cheers..

Anonymous said...

me again! I'm late linking up, but I wanted to say thanks for hosting the link up. Hope your weekend has been nice.

FAB said...

Another wonderful mixture of wildlife. Have a super week Eileen.

GreenComotion said...

Hi Eileen,
All are fine specimens from nature.
I particularly enjoyed the Muscovy Duck - almost sounds like a name given to duck from Moscow.
Thanks for hosting Saturday's Critters.
Have a Great Week!
Peace :)

Stephanie said...

Loved seeing the Whistlers again, the Pileated Woodpecker, turtles and other critters. Wonderful images!

Black Jack's Carol said...

All of my experience with Whistling Ducks comes from you and TexWisGirl, Eileen :) All the more reason to enjoy your the post. i hope one day, i will get to hear them like your commenter, Kenneth, did. I also have to say I agree with Phil's comment about the Pileated Woodpecker. Even though we have them here, I've only seen one or two a summer and not a single one this year. I'll keep looking :) Your photo is inspiring! Many thanks for your wonderful meme.

Kathie Brown said...

Eileen, I love the ducks and egrets! The pileated woodpecker is perfect! Nice shots, all!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I love your woodpecker shot. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Great captures! Love the look that Muscovy duck is giving you.

Ida said...

What a wide variety of ducks. I did immediately think of Theresa (TRRR) as she often post about Whistlers. - Enjoyed seeing the turtles and the cool woodpecker too.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, the Muscovy Duck is such an ugly duck. I wonder how that happened.
But, I think it´s family think it is pretty :)

Thanks for hosting :)

Roan said...

Awesome shots, but that woodpecker really caught my eye!

A Colorful World said...

The female wood duck is my favorite shot, though I just loved the pileated woodpecker as well. Great sightings and photos, Eileen. Sorry I didn't join in...mostly because of my break this past weekend. I have a cute one for next time. Thanks for your comments! Have an awesome week!

Liz said...

What a fabulous post! So many great birds!!

Happy Monday!

  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Believe you can and you're halfway there." Glenn Hwy, on the road to Gl...