Thursday, October 1, 2020

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Happy Thursday!

Happy October everyone, are you feeling the chilly air now?  We have had quite a few mornings with temps in the 30's, it felt like winter to me.  There is always lots happening lately, good and bad.  My son and DIL are having a gender reveal party this weekend. So we will go wearing our face mask and trying to keep a social distance.  These are scary times! Over 200,000 (206,852 as of Oct 1st) Americans have died from Covid. More deaths every day.  This virus is not under control, a vaccine may be ready in the 2nd or 3rd quarter in 2021 for the larger population. Wear your Mask! 


With the loss RBG and COVID, do we need to worry the Supreme Court  possibly overturning the  ACA affecting our coverage of healthcare. Are you worried about your pre-existing conditions being covered, the future cost of your healthcare? 

On the bright side, hubby and I are taking our walks with nature. Nature is my happy place.  Recently we visited a few different parks, a few of our favorite places for the birds and scenery. 

1. These are photos from our Sept 20th visit to North Point State Park in Baltimore County. My previous visits to North Point SP can be seen here.


2.  Bird and wildlife sightings: Great Blue Heron, Eastern Phoebe, Northern Flickers, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Little Blue Herons, Slider Turtles, Mallards, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Wood Duck, Yellow-throated Warbler and a couple of Belted Kingfishers. 

3. A juvenile Little Blue Heron, click on photo for larger viewing. 

4. Little Blue Herons  are usually seen at this park during the spring and summer. They should all be leaving soon.. 

5. The next 2 photos are for my Throwback Thursday theme

Four years ago, I used to see the Red-headed Woodpecker at this park.  They are not seen here any more, are these woodpeckers another bird that is disappearing? 

6. A Throwback Thursday and Skywatch image from the North Point State Park.

7. A view of the Chesapeake Bay from the park, I thought I could see a Bald Eagle sitting on perch out in the bay.

8. A Little Blue Heron and a Mallard looking for a meal.

9. The bay was looking a little choppy from the wind, but I believe one of these birds is a Bald Eagle, one on the left.  Edited thanks to David.

10. It was nice to see the turtles out sunning themselves. 

11. A view of the Chesapeake Bay from the trail.

 I am thankful my hubby and I are staying healthy, all of my family is healthy and happy.  I am always thankful for nature, thankful for the Maryland State Parks. Go outside and breathe deeply.  Enjoy every moment. 

Take care and stay safe! 

Live simple and be happy!  😊 Keep smiling!

Thank you Martha for hosting Throwback Thursday 

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday

Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday

Thank you to Jutta the host of Nature Thursday

Thank you for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!!  😊


  1. Realmente o virus não está controlado...
    Mas que bom vao ter a festa de revelação! Depois nos conta o que vai ser!

    Boa sorte na festinha! Lindíssimas fotos, adorei ver! beijos, chica

    1. Hello Chica,
      Thank you for the visit and comment today.
      Much appreciated! Take care, have a great day!

  2. Looks to me like the bird on the left is the Bald Eagle, Eileen. It is a huge tragedy if Red-headed Woodpecker populations are declining.

    1. Thanks David!
      I have not been the only birder who mentioned that the Red-headed Woodpecker has been missing from this park for 4-5 years. It would be sad if they are gone forever. Have a great day!

  3. Hello Eileen,
    As always beautiful photos! I have made them bigger, and the Little Blue Heron looks so pretty. It's colder outside here too with a lot of rain. I already long for spring.
    Take care, and enjoy yor day!

    1. Thank you Marit!
      It is nice to click on the first photo and just go through the silde show.
      Have a great day!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you for the visit and comment today.
      Take care, have a great day!

  5. Let's hope the red headed woodpecker makes a comeback! Love your birds as always. I remember once crossing the bay on a toll road & my fear of bridges...we had to stop in the MIDDLE of the darned bridge to pay the toll! The fear of god was in me!

    1. Thank you Anni! The double scan of Chesapeake Bay Bridges can be scary driving across, I only get nervous when they start directing two way traffic on one of the bridges. Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you for comment!
      Take care, have a great day!

  7. I am thankful for nature and the good health to get outside and enjoy it. We saw a white, Little Blue Heron yesterday too. They are so beautiful. Enjoy your day! I know I'm not answering some of the questions. I'm not in denial just can't face it all this early in the morning! lol Hugs!

    1. Thank you Diane!
      The Little Blue Herons are pretty.
      Take care, have a great day!

  8. Hari OM
    Thank YOU, Eileen, for sharing with us such gorgeous views of all that you see! YAM xx

  9. I need to walk in a place where birds gather. These are most enjoyable shots of them. Have a good Thursday, Eileen!

    1. Thank you Barbara!
      Take care, have a great day!

  10. Happy October Eileen! I'm very concerned about everything you mentioned at the beginning of this post. Please be safe when you go to the party. I'm still debating about my future daughter in laws bridal shower, just don't think it's safe. All of your photos are gorgeous. I especially love the first on you used for Throwback Thursday, the beautiful Red-headed Woodpecker! Thanks so much for linking up. Have a great day :)

    1. Thank you for hosting Throwback Thursday and for the comment.
      Take care, have a great day!

  11. Hi Eileen, wonderful collages and are very lucky to have such wonderful places to visit nearby. One thing about Red Headed Woodpecker is they are very habitat specific. They need OPEN areas with dead trees when areas are replanted or allowed to grow the will move on. The like disturbed areas, fire is something we don't get much of around here but that helps to create open areas. Their numbers are decreasing due to encroachment of humans, development, and draining of swamp that is mostly Open habitat when trees die off. ONE reason why Beaver is so important they help create open area in the natural way. Happy Thursday!

    1. Thank you Sondra! This park has plenty of dead trees and habitat for the birds.
      Take care, have a great day!

  12. oh how sad about the red-headed woodpecker, it is such a beautiful bird!! it is so nice that you get to see bald eagles, they are all over this area but i rarely get to see them. there is a nest about 1/2 mile from our house, closer as the crow flies, i am sure they fly over the yard, i just don't see them!!!

    the herons are beautiful and how cute is that little turtle!!!

    1. Hello Debbie!
      I am sure the eagles fly over your place if the nest is that close.
      Thank you for the visit and comment today.
      Take care, have a great day!

  13. What a lovely place to walk! Always enjoy looking at your pictures Eileen. Happy October!

  14. ...nature's beauty at its best, thanks for sharing.

  15. Congratulations on the upcoming grandbaby! I hope your son and daughter-in-law do not use pyrotechnics in their gender reveal. I read that's what sparked one of the wildfires out west! I have only one spot near my house where I can go to (reliably) see a red-headed woodpecker. There used to be three spots. I think they may be on the decline.

    1. Thank you for the visit and comment today.
      No fireworks, they have having a fun reveal inside.
      Take care, have a great day!

  16. Hello,
    although October is here, we have not had cool nights yet. This year autumn is still pretty warm.
    Thanks for sharing your shots, especially that Red-headed Woodpecker is amazing.
    Wishing you a safe October with a lot of new captures!

    1. Thank you for the visit and comment today.
      Take care, have a great day!

  17. Love the woodpecker and that adorable little blue heron. my favorite is no. 5. that is spectacular view. gorgeous. I have been fretting over all the things you mentioned and a whole lot more... the pre existing thing is the most worrisome of all for all of us

    1. Thanks Sandra! The Red-headed Woodie is one of my favorite birds, one of many!
      Have a great day!

  18. Wonderful photos of all the birds and the turtle. Yes, I'm concerned about the supreme court becoming so conservative - not good at all.

    1. Thank you Linda!
      Times are changing, not all for the best.
      Take care, have a great day!

  19. Che meraviglia queste fotografie.
    Mi piacerebbe molto poter passeggiare nella quiete e nella tranquillità di un posto come quello delle tue foto e sentire in sottofondo il canto degli uccellini.

    1. Thank you for the visit and comment today.
      Take care, have a great day!

  20. Beautiful post and photos.
    Greetings for October.Stay well.

    1. Thank you for the visit and comment!
      Take care, have a great day!

  21. So many gorgeous birds. I have never seen the red headed woodpecker. Thank you.

    Take care at the party.

    1. Thank you Marie! It is one of my favorite woodpeckers.
      Take care, have a great day!

  22. Beautiful views of the world around us.
    That's where I set my mind and eyes.

    1. Hello Sue,
      Thank you for the visit and comment today.
      Take care, have a great day!

  23. love Red-headed Woodpeckers....their population getting rare in some places.
    Thank tou for sharing beautiful photos.

    Have a great day

    1. Thank you Tanza!
      It is sad to hear these birds are becoming rare to see.
      Take care, enjoy your day!

  24. I enjoy taking these walks with you, Eileen!

  25. The little turtle reminds me of the kind I had as a pet when I was a kid. Too cute!

    1. Thanks Dee!
      I remember the tiny turtles we had as pets.
      Take care, have a great day!

  26. I love the Red-headed Woodpecker, I've ntseen one before. I do hope they are not in decline. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos and have a wonderful day.

  27. Thank you, Eileen, for all the beautiful photographs!
    But now, after looking out onto the Chesapeake Bay, I seem to be craving crab cakes!

    It's not exactly cold down here in Florida, but we have had two mornings of very little humidity, so that's a good thing.
    Fall warblers are appearing everywhere.
    Family is healthy.

    Life. Is. Good.

    1. Thanks Wally! The Maryland crab cakes are the best.
      Take care, have a great day!

  28. Cooling off here as well. You say you are going to a party, we cannot have them here, stay safe. I would not go to a party even if I was paid at at present! I have been nowhere other than shopping since February, too dangerous and I have had pneumonia 3 times so I am high risk.
    Please keep safe, Diane

    1. Hello Diane,
      The party is more of a family gathering at my son's home. If the weather is nice we will sit outside.
      Thanks for the visit and comment. Take care, have a great day!

  29. Nice series of photos full of wildlife

    1. Thanks so much for the visit and comment. Have a happy weekend!

  30. Beautiful photos, you are so in touch with nature.
    With RBG gone, I have decided to not worry about the replacement. The GOP is not going to risk passing up a chance to place a judge in the Supreme Court. I think the Democrats would do the same thing. The proposed replacement is conservative for sure but seems a solid choice. We can only depend on her judgement if our current President decides to challenge mail in votes. As far as pre-existing conditions, that weighs on my mind. I just want as many people to vote as possible.

    Take care,

    1. Yes The GOP is determined to fill the court with their judges. I remember when they would not even consider Obama's pick for over 293 days. McConnell is a hypocrite. The supreme court is supposed to vote on the Health care issue one week after the November election. Insurance companies could start changing the health care policies they are selling, which would affect pre-existing conditions. Oh well, it is what it is. Thanks for the comment, enjoy your weekend.

  31. hi Eileen, sorry to hear your C.situation is not yet controlled :( In Sweden we start to easing things up. In my area there have been no more cases the past month. You are happy at least to have nature to visit. I took a walk along one of our lakes today. An h walk and not a single bird seen of heard. Except for 4 mallards swimming. It is so quiet it is deafening to your ears. :(

    1. Hello, Monica

      My state of Maryland is doing fine. I have been on walks, when there is not a sound. No bird sounds, can be eerily quiet. Thanks for the comment and visit. I wish you a happy weekend.

  32. Beautiful photos. Gorgeous sky over North Point State Park! Still waiting for the chilly air here (108 yesterday). Yikes!

    1. Thanks for the comment.
      108° that is too hot.
      I hope the fires are out.
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  33. I really enjoyed today's photos and I thank you for sharing them. I'm praying over the current situation and watching the election closely. Who knows what will happen.

    1. Hello,
      Yes, we need all the prayers we can get. Things are a mess!
      Thanks so much for the visit and comment. Have a happy weekend!

  34. Agree with you about nature being calming, it's so peaceful being out there in the trees and wildlife.

    1. Thanks Amy!
      Taking walk outdoors, is calming.
      Have a happy weekend!

  35. I don't think that I've ever been to North Point. I will have to see how far it is from me and maybe go there with the husband and my camera. It looks amazing! So many herons! I have not seem many red-headed woodpeckers, either.

    1. Thank you Minerva!
      North Point is a great park, I have been there often.
      Spring, summer and fall are probably the best times to go there.
      Take care! Have a happy weekend!

  36. You are doing well to get out and find as many critters as you do. It's an interesting time of the year with migration happening. Throw in fall colors and it's great time to be out.

    1. Hello Red,
      Thanks so much for the visit and comment.
      Take care! Have a happy weekend!

  37. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for the visit and comment. Have a happy weekend!

  38. Was für herrliche Naturfotos !
    Dein Beitrag ist beeindrucken, tolle aufnahmen von flora und fauna.
    Das wäre auch wert, zu meiner Callenge "Der-Natur-Donnerstag " zu verlinken.
    Ich würde mich sehr freuen.

    Warm regards

    1. Thank you Jutta!
      I linked up my post, thanks for hosting.
      Have a great weekend!

  39. Hi Eileen,
    Beautiful pictures of your walks.
    The lake is really very beautiful I think.
    Take care of yourself and stay healthy.
    Greetings Irma

    1. Thank you Irma!
      Take care and stay well!
      Have a happy weekend!

  40. your nature images always bring me into zen mood. have a nice weekend, Eileen.

  41. Siempre me voy de aquí contenta amiga. Me encantan las fotos. hoy me quedo con la sexta. es una maravilla
    Buen viernes Eileen. Cuidaros.
    Un abrazo.

  42. Hi Eileen,
    A privilege to live near such a beautiful nature. Right now, ideal places to overcome the pandemic.
    Magnificent photos of landscapes and birds.
    I wish you a beautiful party with your son and daughter-in-law and many more wonderful walks.
    Hugs and good weekend.

    1. Thank you Ailime!
      Have a great day and happy weekend!

  43. Amen!! This is far from over..Geat pictures of "the bay" and wildlife...Enjoy your weekend...

    1. Hello Missy, thanks for the comment.
      Have a happy weekend!

  44. Thanks for visiting my blog, dear Eileen!
    I love your photos of nature, they are great. And yeah, we have to look on the bright side of life, to look to the health of nature and to look after our own health in times like these ...
    Hugs and best wishes from a place close to Vienna, Austria

    1. Thanks so much for the comment and visit.
      Take care, have a happy day and great weekend!

  45. Nice view over the bay and I too guess it's a bald eagle perched on the stalk into the bay because of the bit white head! Lovely capture of birds and sliding turtles.

    Have a great weekend


    1. Thank you Jeevan!
      Take care, enjoy your day! Happy weekend!

  46. Eileen ~ Awesome as always ~ love the little frog ^_^

    Live with love each moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thank you Carol!
      Take care, enjoy your day! Happy weekend!

  47. We have cooler days in the UK now and a lot of rain too!
    It's always nice to get out and about and enjoy nature.
    I certainly enjoyed your fabulous photographs.

    Have fun at the gender reveal gathering.

    Happy October Wishes

    All the best Jan

  48. Your North Point State Park photo is just breathtaking! Thank you and have a wonderful weekend! Oh!! I almost forgot. . .photo of the turtle is a treasure! I love turtles.

  49. What a list! PLEASE be careful at the reveal party. And yes, I'm worried about the pre-existing conditions being pulled. And after yesterday, we add yet another unthought of thing to our list of stuff to worry about....

  50. Nature is my Happy Place as well. Spending time in creation is the best way I know for recharging batteries and being able to face the harsher side of life when needed. Enjoy the party. Mxx

  51. Hi Eileen! How I've missed your blog! I was in bed all afternoon, still not feeling well, I'm glad I am better this evening to see your fun photos, and read about your plans for the weekend - What a fun family event, you're going to have perfect weather for the "reveal" that I know will be a true celebration! Enjoy!! ❤️

    Oh, I've not seen hummingbirds in about a week, and I heard an Eastern Phoebe on Monday, that I'm sure was telling me "good-bye" for now! :-)

  52. Yes these are very scary and uncertain times and I'm still very much isolating though have recently had a few instances where I felt a bit uncomfortable. Just today I asked a cleaning lady at the small mall near me to stand back a bit as she was off mask and talking to me and kept coming closer. I hope the gender reveal party goes well and you all have a nice time. I like that you can get out into nature. I miss my nature walks as I haven't had a truly good one in such a long time due to the knee issues and other things. Nature is very grounding and your photos always give such a wonderful peek into the nature in your area. Have a lovely weekend. xx

  53. What beautiful nature and animal photos you have put together. These are fantastic scenes!
    Have a beautiful weekend, Elke

  54. Hi Eileen, beautiful photos. I love the birds in your area. They have beautiful colors. Greetings Caroline

  55. Beautiful walk ... nature is my refuge and happy place as well. Congrats on the expected grand baby! We have one (more) great grandchild on the way and one other who was born in March, just as the Covid hit. Not easy for mom and dad, but they are the hope of the future!


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly. " TCI resort, T...