Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Backyard Pond

Besides having the beautiful waterlilies our pond is doing exactly what I wanted and that was to attract wildlife. There are probably hundreds of tadpoles, frogs and just the other day I watched this dragonfly dipping into the pond. I believe it was their way of laying eggs.

                                         Dragonfly seen at bottom of photo with its bottom curved

Yellow Waterlilies

A few tadpoles with their wiggly little tails can be seen in shot

                                            Frogs love it.

The birds seem to enjoy the pond too.

I am linking to several memes with my pond post to see more great photos visit 

 Susan at her

and Michelle at

and 2sweetnsaxy at

Thanks for stopping by my post


  1. Your water lilies are very pretty. I like the yellow color. You have a nice variety of wildlife visiting the pond. I like the picture of the frog sticking its head out of the water. I enjoyed looking at the other pictures too.

  2. Wonderful shots! I am crazy about that frog! SO CUTE!!!

  3. This should prove to be a special place.Love the Waterlilies.

  4. i am taken by the birds.

  5. Your pond looks like a very peaceful place. Love the water lilies and frog.

  6. Oh, that elusive dragonfly, i could not get so close to them!

    Hehehe, we have the same flowers.

  7. I love the pictures... I wish I had a pond *sigh*

  8. I like the water weeds on the frog's head! So cute!! And the goldfinches are lovely!

  9. You have many guests in your pond :)
    Great shots, as always...


  10. What a delightful feature to have in your yard. It attracts such a wonderful variety of critters. Great shots of the water lilies and the frog.

  11. What a great pond to have so much wildlife in it. Love the waterlilies'.

  12. I love the lilies, so dainty looking.

  13. Beautiful shots, I really like the water lilies and the frog is so cool.

  14. Beautiful shots and I love the birds.

  15. Wow, Eileen, I love your backyard pond. I love the frog and the waterlilies.

  16. Eileen -- how wonderful! You don't even have to leave your backyard to enjoy a whole other world! Thanks for sharing it.

  17. Enjoyed your outdoor post for today. That would be nice having a pond to watch some of nature's creatures visit.

  18. Ah, just gorgeous. The water lilies are stunning and it seems those little birds who are adorable along with that dragonfly are having a good time in your pond. How wonderful to have a pond like this in your yard. Great shots.

  19. lovely shots...the birds are beautiful. love your photo with the frog.:p

  20. Hello Eileen! I just love your photography. Beautiful. The hummingbirds in the first post are a great catch!

  21. I realy enjoyed seeing the beautiful creatures that find your pond.

  22. small ponds are great places for life to florish. :)

  23. Wonderful photos! I really like the bird and the lilies.

  24. You have a wonderful backyard pond! Lucky YOU!

  25. Wonderful habitat for the animals and I loved these shots.

  26. Eileen,
    I am fascinated by ponds and yours is just teeming with life - I wouldn't be able to get anything done, I'd just be sitting there watching everything! The water lilies are beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and saying "hi!"


  27. Did you dig the pool? Must be exciting to see the frogs from eggs to tadpoles and then frogs.

  28. What a lovely backyard pond. Great job capturing the dragonfly. So many creatures benefitting from from your pond. Great shots!

    ~ Tracy

  29. Wonderful nature shots. Your pond sounds so full of natures delights.

  30. Beautiful pictures.... the dragonfly, the water lillies..it is all lovely and magical.

  31. We have so many dragonflies this year. I wonder now if that is because we've had so much rain. Better dragonflies than mosquitos!

  32. I love all the critters, flowers and water .... peaceful!

  33. What a beautiful place to enjoy the water, foliage, water lilies and critters! It's a wonderful watery place, no doubt!

  34. Your pond is so lovely and so different from mine...Michelle


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 542

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