Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nature Center Visit

Click here Watery Wednesday to see more watery shots from all over.

Wordless Wednesday  click  link to visit the Wordless Wednesday links.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit, I hope you enjoyed my nature center visit and the Barred Owl. Thanks to the host of Watery Wednesday and Wordless Wednesday.


jabblog said...

I've never seen an owl in daylight, apart from in a bird sanctuary. How delightful!

Tes said...

Hi Eileen! Gorgeous photos -no need for words, indeed- they say it all. Amazing capture of the owl -love it! :)

Inday said...

Gosh, they look paradise to me! How beautiful! I share your passion for nature Ma'am Eileen!

Is the Owl real? Isn't she gorgeous if she is a she?

If next time, you get her Macro, may I have the permission to copy? Just because I don't think I have ever seen an Owl in real!

I have a retired Navy Admiral friend who collects Owl! I mean the miniature collectibles if you know what I mean.

Unknown said...

Great shots! I love the duck reflections! And owls are always a pleasure aren't they? I have seen a few over the years but oddly enough, never photographed one. YET! :o)

rainfield61 said...

Why does everyone manage to find an owl except me?

Anonymous said...

Great shot of the owl!!!! Lovely place to visit.

EG CameraGirl said...

LOVE the owl photo especially, Eileen!

Crafty Green Poet said...

what lovely photos, excellent capture of the owl and the light in the first photo is so beautiful

Diane AZ said...

These shots and all so green and beautiful. I have never seen an owl in the wild during daylight.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I did enjoy this visit.The nature center is a lovely place.I would love to see it in person.

Ricepatty said...

All grat shots! How did you manage to capture that lovely owl in daylight? Fantastic!

eden said...

Wow, what a beautiful place! I love visit a place like this. The shot of the owl is fantastic. Great captures as always. I enjoyed all your photos.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful shots! The tranguil waters are so delightful! And that owl is really a very special sight!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the pathway shot! Beautiful shots!

caite said...

very nice! a couple of them remind me of mine this week.

eileeninmd said...

I am replying since a few are remarking at my seeing owls in the daylight. Every time I have seen an owl, it has been in the daylight. We were lucky at this time, there was a family we actually saw three owls. One adult and two juveniles. I heard their cries for food and I knew they were closeby. But the juvies stayed hidden in the leaves of the trees. We did see both of the juvies flying a few times. They are so cute!

Pat said...

What a beautiful, peaceful place! I love the shot of the owl. Great shots

LifeRamblings said...

those are such gorgeous shots. the owl is an eye-catcher.

SandyCarlson said...

Goodness! These are wonderful photos. Just delightful!

Ebie said...

You always have great nature photos to share!

The view from the board walk is pretty!

Tara said...

That pathway is very tempting to walk on and see where and what it leads to. Great photos as always. Btw, I love your header too.

sheila said...

B E A U T I F U L !!! Love the duck shot!

stan said...

what a blissful place!

Dena E's Blog said...

Wow,,Awesome photos you are sharing with us !!! You take some gorgeous pics Sweetie !!! Love the Owl and of course the flowers too.
Thanks for the note at my blog, all the comments mean soooo much to me as I have no doubt they do to all of us in Blogville.
Happy Camera~ing
Blessing and Hugs Dena

Dena E's Blog said...

Eileen, I just looked again and again ,,,your photos ALL of them are just Amaziing...You go Girlfriend!!! :0) Dena

Life With Dogs said...

Another owl pic fan here!

Carver said...

Wonderful shots from the nature center. The reflections in the water were so beautiful and the owl was a treat to see.

Bernie said...

Looks wonderful, especially as we had -3c this morning!!

Mine is up as well at AussiePomm, have a great WW!!

Kay Baughman said...

thanks for a post that was watery, wordless--and wonderful! Your photos are always gorgeous.

Lorac said...

Wow! Love the owl and your outing looks great!

Al said...

My favorite is the second photo, cool reflections!

Unknown said...

wow, an owl at daytime! i've only seen an owl at the aviary.:p these are wonderful photos.

Faythe said...

Eileen you always have the most interesting photos! You are blessed to visit these beautiful places!
Have a wonder WW & 4th of July!
Faythe @GrammyMousetails

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

When did you see the owl? I always thought that owls come out at night.

Ma.links said...

Great shots.

cat said...

Great shots! That owl shot is absolutely fantastic!

Unknown said...

gorgeous, gorgeous!

the owl photo is one of my dream shots.

Jeanne said...

Good morning Eileen, love the serene photos of water today. it always has a calming effect for me.

I also admire your outdoor mosaic. We LOVE Shenandoah. Except for the fog at night. Smile. Your photos are awesome.

Thank you for your visit to my post.
Hugs, Jeanne

Jan n Jer said...

A nature center is a great place to go for great photos. Love yours and how lucky to spot that owl! I got a shot of an owl..but it was not in the wild, it was at a nature demo.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Robin said...

What a beautiful, peaceful looking spot. Gorgeous owl too.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Marice said...

beautiful scenery! and my fave is the photo of that owl. looks like she sees u ;)

NatureFootstep said...

great watery shots. :)

Unknown said...

Looks likea great place to explore! Love that boardwalk! And the owl!

Elaine said...

Very nice! I'm playing catchup, and also liked your shots of the Cranberry Glades and Skyline Drive. You always have such a nice variety of photos.

Tania said...

Beautiful photos! Great and peaceful landscape :-)

SquirrelQueen said...

What a beautiful nature center, I would love to walk through. Great photo of the owl. I hear them sometimes during the day but they stay in the taller trees so I can't see them.

Like you Eileen, the only time I have seen an owl is during the day or late evening.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...an owl....amazing!!!!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Always take the scenic route." Cape Flattery, northwest tip of Washington stat...