Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wildlife Reflections

This is my entry for Natures Notes  and Weekend Reflections and Friday Ark.  You can click on my links to visit.

These shots were from one of my birding trips to Bombay Hook, De. On this trip we saw many Egrets and Black Crowned Night Herons.  I alway enjoy the birds reflections and on this day there seem to be bird reflections everywhere we looked. Bombay Hook is one of my favorite wildlife refuges to visit. The birding there is great. It was cool to see so many juvenile Black Crowned Night Herons.

Adult Black Crowned Night Herons, juvenile BC Night Herons and Egrets in the background


Black Necked Stilt

American Avocets.. not the greatest of photo I had to zoom to far with my camera.

Thank you for visiting my shorebird post 
also thanks to Michelle of Nature Notes and James of Weekend Reflections and to the Friday Ark.


jabblog said...

Beautiful reflections of wonderful birds. Water reflections are so calming :-)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a great birding place Eileen. I am so hoping that we have time this summer to get all the way up the East Coast. If not this summer, someday!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

WOW, I would love to visit this place,it looks like a birders dream come true.

Carver said...

What a wonderful place to view shore birds. I love the reflections you got of the egret and black necked stilt. These are all very appealing shots.

rainfield61 said...

They are so many out there, and thus you have become a very odd one in their yes.

SandyCarlson said...

Looks like an astounding place. Beautiful photos, Eileen.

Leora said...

Everything looks so gentle, like these birds have not a care in the world.

Regina said...

wonderful and lovely reflections Eileen.
Have a great weekend.

Elaine said...

I can see why Bombay Hook is a favorite of yours. Beautiful photos!

Unseen India Tours said...

Beautiful,lovely and fantastic shots !!Simply amazing !!Unseen Rajasthan

Tania said...

Wonderful birds and reflection.
Great photos:-)

Phil Slade said...

I can see why you like that place Eileen, it must be a place to linger a long time - I wish it was a bit nearer to me. Nice shot of all those avocets.

Kilauea Poetry said...

I didn't do a W.R...but I'm warming up for one. I love that first image!! These are really neat birds Eileen (the tree swallows below are terrific as well)! I feel as if I'm dredging the bottom ..(lol) I'm good with it but realize I may never get out and travel -only I certainly appreciate what you capture and admire all of the fantastic places you are able to visit! Thanks for sharing this!

Joanne Olivieri said...

What great shots and the reflection in the third shot is so cool. Very nicely done.

Tes said...

Hello Eileen, it is such a delight to see so many winged friends looking so happy and undisturbed. After all those harrowing oil-spill photos, I am thankful to see photos like yours for a change! Beautiful capture. Am sure it's such a beautiful experience for you as well. :) Mother Earth rejoices in your shots! Love it!

Sylvia K said...

Fantastic captures! And what a beautiful place! Love the birds and the reflections in the water! Wonderful post for the day! Enjoy your weekend, Eileen!


Lindz said...

I love the thrid photo, it captured the whole body of that bird... thanks for visiting my photo, have a good weekend

Hilda said...

Seems to be a popular place with the birds! ;)

Wonderful photos, Eileen!

Carletta said...

I love the first one!
What an exciting adventure to see so many in one place.

(Round The Bend)

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful pictures Eileen. Great shots.

Dianne said...

they are all so graceful looking
beautiful shots

Cezar and Léia said...

Beautiful set of pictures, those reflections are so lovely,in this peaceful place!
Happy weekend
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg and little Luna ( our kitty ) from We love Luna

Gemma Wiseman said...

This looks like a wonderful place to enjoy watching birds just being birds in the wild! And love the bird in reflection!

Elaine Yim said...

Your nature photos are beautiful.

penny said...

What a wonderful spot to watch and photograph the wildlife, Eileen. There are so many different species of birds all in one place its like a birders paradise.

Your photos are beautiful.

Have a nice weekend.

Margaret Gosden said...

So beautifully delicate in the shooting of the herons.
Wonderful reflections!

Clytie said...

I get excited when I see one heron or egret ... to see this many in one place - absolute magic!!!

Ebie said...

Wow! A great place to visit for birding. Love the first one, bird perched on the twig.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful wetland habitat and clean oil...we are going to have to really treasure places like this....Michelle

Martha Z said...

You sure do find a lot of great birding spots.

Eden said...

Wow, what a lovely place for birding! Love all your pictures. Thank you for sharing.

Have a great week ahead..

Inday said...

Picture perfect Eileen! Thanks for the visit.

Anonymous said...

Lovely images Eileen. You have a way with the creatures of the air.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Always take the scenic route." Cape Flattery, northwest tip of Washington stat...