Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cranberry Glades Botantical Area

Hubby and I had a long weekend away in West Virginia and Shenandoah. Hubby's main reason for the trip was to meet with a Caving Club and go spelunking. In case you do not know spelunking is a word for cave explorers. So, I tagged along for the weekend and did the driving. I am not into exploring caves, dark closed in places give me a fright. I did some research on the area and found out that the Cranberry Glades is a good place for birding. After dropping hubby off , I took out my GPS and drove the 30 minutes or so to see the Cranberry Glades. My first stop was the very nice visitors center. They also had a nice shop, I picked up a butterfly guide book, tee shirt, a hat pin and a new hummingbird feeder. I do most of my shopping when hubby is not around. After checking out the many hummingbirds on the visitors centers  feeders and the butterflies on the plants, I drove the short distance to the actual Botanical Area.

The Botanical Area had a half mile trail that was all boardwalk.

The 750 acre glades are a grouping of peat bogs similar to some Canadian bogs. The land is highly acidic and support plants that are normally found at higher latitudes some are the pitcher plant and the cranberries and sundew. The weather is cool and wet comparable to New England. So glad, it was a beautiful day when I was there. The higher mountains surrounding the Glades form a bowl and draining the cool air downhill to the glades. The plants some rare seem to thrive in these conditions.

I used my new guide book to id this Great Spangled Fritallary

I was told at the visitor center that I timed my visit perfectly for the grass pink orchids that were in bloom. The Cranberry Glades are also known for the insect eating plants, one of which I saw was the Purple Pitcher Plant. The wildflowers were all just gorgeous! I heard a lot of birds in bushes along the walkway. Of course they just teased me and just gave me brief glimpses. I read that the Nashville and Mourning Warblers breed in this area. I was also actually hoping to see a black bear, no luck there. I guess that is a good thing I am not sure seeing a bear by myself would be a good thing.

Grass Pink Orchids

This is my post for Nature Notes please click on my link to go there and see more. You can also read about the passing of Bobbie of Almost There and see all the wonderful causes she stood for. God Bless You, Bobbie.

I am also linking in with Susan's Outdoor Wednesday visit Susan to see more great post.
Thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. What a beautiful place. It's so lush and green and a treat seeing the orchids in the wild. Great shot of the butterfly. All of the shots are very beautiful.

  2. This sounds like a nature lovers dream.The Orchids are beautiful.

  3. Oh, wow, what a nice place! I would have much preferred going to this botanical place rather than a dark, damp cave! Your butterfly picture is great!

  4. Fantastic! I love the first picture..

  5. It looks such an inviting and relaxing place to walk, far preferable to caves ;-)

  6. The Great Spangled Fritallary is Great. There should be more butterflies out in the wild. Waiting to see more.

  7. Yes, a toss up between spelunking and the great outdoors. Hmmmmm......what to do, what to do. Yes the decision would be to go and see all those sights topside. Great photos Eileen, and all joking aside I hope your husband had a great time also.

  8. Very nice captures. Sounds like a wonderful place to visit.

  9. Beautifu~~~Eileen,

    Thank you for the lovely journey this morning:)))

    Happy Outdoor Wedensday!

    Kay Ellen

  10. What a nice tour you've provided. I've never seen the grass orchids. They are beautiful! Thanks for posting.

  11. Its a beautiful open area where I see lots of green! I have not seen this type of butterfly.

    A place great for photo opportunities!

  12. You have done me a great favour by taking us on this tour in the botanical gardens and doing the board walk! That's what I love to do in Australia too. Have a great weekend!

  13. Beautiful photos! Everything is so green...thanks for sharing!

  14. These are gorgeous shots. The botanical gardens here in SF have become my home away from home.

  15. what a gorgeous series of summery photos

  16. I love that butterfly shot...hhmmm I'm again not so successful with them same with birds.

  17. I love the butterfly that is gorgeous! but all the photos are very beautiful looks like you had a great day enjoying the outdoors, it's a great place to be to get away from the mundane life. Have a wonderful Monday!

  18. I love all your photos but the butterfly shot is gorgeous. So glad you got out to the gardens to enjoy a great day!

  19. Cranberry Glades is one of my favorite places. Last time I was there I actually stayed at the Cavers camp station. I am like you and I don't go caving either. I am surprised he found a place to go into because most of the caves in WV are now blocked off because of the White Nose disease on Bats.
    I love to read your blog.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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