Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weeping Cherry tree

Years ago we planted this Weeping Cherry tree across from our deck. The birds seem to love sitting in this tree. The top branches are bare, I am not sure if it is due to the birds landing and sitting on these same branches over the years. It is one of my favorite blooming trees in the spring and it seems like the birds love as much as I do. But,  is a popular tree with the birds during all the seasons. It is very popular with the hummingbird as he guards HIS feeders. He found a nice branch where he can sit and see all the hummingbirds feeder on my deck.

I especially love this tree because I can sit outside on my deck and take photos of my yardbirds as they land on the tree. I can also watch this tree and the birds from my dining room and kitchen windows and from my computer.

Click on the photos for a larger image

Birds in this mosaic are male downy woodpecker, carolina chickadee, house finch, male bluebird, female cardinal, cedar waxwing and on the last row are the goldfinch, purple finches, female bluebird and a bluejay.

A blue bird for Blue Monday, they make me smile so I can not really say I am blue. The bluebird is my all time favorite yardbird.

Under the tree we have some Purple Coneflowers growing which are very popular with the groundhog family living in the yard. We had to enclose the area around the tree to keep the groundhogs from eating all the plants.

The birds in this mosaic below are the male cardinal, pine warbler, eastern phoebe, female cardinal, house finch with bluebirds, male ruby throated hummingbird, rose breasted grosbeaks and a bunch of Pine Siskins.

The bluebirds look cute sitting in the weeping cherry tree with the male house finch. That red head on the finch looks perfect for a Ruby Tuesday.

Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird

My newest visitors to my weeping cherry tree.

The Brown thrasher

and the Great Crested Flycatcher

For Flag Day

This is a multi meme post and I am linking up with

Mary of Little Red House for Mosaic Monday
Sally's of Smiling Sally and Blue Monday
Mary at Work of the Poet for Ruby Tuesday

You can visit all these fun memes by clicking on my link above or the sidebar link.
Thanks to the great host of these fun memes and thank you for stopping by to see my post.
Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Your bird pictures are awesome. My favorite is the first picture of the bluebird. Bluebirds are so pretty; haven't seen any here.

Rettabug said...

Eileen, your knowledge of the different birds always amazes me & your photos of them are spectacular. I still haven't tried to capture any shots of the ones around here. I watch a mother robin & her nest out my sewing room window daily. They would make good subjects!

podso said...

Your photos are simply beautiful.

Ebie said...

Wow, Eileen, your back yard is a gathering of all beauties. You are so knowledgeable of the birds. And I can't even tell a heron from an egret. I wish to know more about them.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Kind of like birdies on a pedestal!
Great photos Eileen.

A Garden of Threads said...

Wow, all those pictures taken while sitting in the garden. the mosaics.

Mary said...

What a wonderful collection! Some old favorites there, and some I have never seen... Beautiful images! :)

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Fabulous photos of the birds. I have a groundhog in our yard too. He is busy eating the tops of all my plants.

Vee said...

Wonderful collection of bird photos. I can't believe that hummingbird shot...amazing. I think that the bluebird would be my favorite, too. I see very few of them in my corner.

Snap said...

Lovely mosaics and wonderful birds. Well done, Eileen!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

My favorite kind of photos ~ beautiful birds! Great captures for beautiful mosaics!

Shirley said...

Beautiful bird photos. I love the bluebirds too.

Laurie said...

I love the variety of birds you have captured as they "pose' so beautifully. Such wonderful photos!

Anonymous said...

How cute is the name chickadee! We don't have many of these birds over here so this was a fabulous way to learn about your beautiful varieties of birds.

Happy Monday and best wishes for a beautiful week,
Natasha, Stacey and Holly.

Dawn Fine said...

Great photos that I tweeted out to our twitter friends.

Bobbi Ann said...

Hi, Just amazing photos! Loved them! Hope you have a lovely new week!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

That Cherry tree is worth its' weight in gold,as the saying goes.What a fabulous place to watch all the bird activity.

Traci said...

Remarkable bird shots! Absolutely LOVE the blue birds sitting together!

Regina said...

Teh birds are so pretty!
Beautiful mosaic Eileen.
Happy MM.

Naturegirl said...

Eileen what a treat to see all these birds in one place!You certainly capture them well!
I suppose one has to sit in the garden to capture as many as you have today!I'm always digging or weeding to notice!

Rebecca said...

I am a bird watcher, so I realllllllllyyyyy enjoyed your mosaic! Happy Mosaic Monday!

Back Porch Blessings,

SquirrelQueen said...

You have a beautiful yard Eileen, I can see why all the little birds like it there. All of the birds are great but I especially like the photo of the bluebirds and the house finch.

Rinkly Rimes said...

What a lovely selection of birds! And, of course, the bluebird wins first prize.

jabblog said...

What a lovely, colourful post. I love the bluebird - such pretty colours.

Cezar and Léia said...

I love this set of sweet friends there!
That hummingbird is gorgeous,he reminds me one of these cute birds, he used to visit our balcony in Brazil.I miss him! :)
Have a great week!

Unknown said...

I think your backyard is a paradise, those birds are just simply gorgeous.

luna said...

That Cherry tree is worth its' weight in gold,as the saying goes, you have a beautiful yard.So difficult birds I never see in a tree!
Happy BM and happy MM!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Just beautiful. Your bird mosaics are my favorites.

I love watching and listening to birds and have feeders stationed all around my cottage to draw them in for a closer look.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Eileen, what a joy to get to see these beautiful little birds! I love to watch them from my kitchen window, and probably my favorites are finches. Sometimes there are large numbers of them. I assume they are migrating. And every now and then we get wild parrots, though I haven't seen them in quite some time. I wish I could see a bluebird. I remember seeing them when I was younger, and they were migrating across the South in large profusion. I was in the car with my mother, and we just marveled at them.

Happy Blue Monday!


Sheila :-)

Inday said...

I would love them all sitting on my outstretched arms. Do you think they will do that? Maybe they need a little bit of training if not prodding.

Beautiful paradise in your own backyard Eileen.

rainfield61 said...

I may need your blue birds to help keeping me away from any Blue Monday again.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Awesome pictures of the birds! I have seen a few hummingbirds in the garden this Spring and that always makes my day. Your mosaics are wonderful.

My name is Riet said...

Such beautiful birds pictures Eileren, look great in the mosaics. Have a nice week

SmilingSally said...

You have the best collection of PRETTY birds, Eileen! Happy Blue Monday.

Diann said...

Oh Eileen, your photos are beautiful! And the mosaics are perfect!

Autumn Belle said...

Wow, there are so many colourful birds on this beautiful cherry tree.

Kim, USA said...

Wow Eileen it looks like the cherry willow tree attracts a lot of birds and they are so beautiful to me. Happy Monday!

Cake & Cupcakes

LV said...

Great bird and tree feature for today. A nice combination for a special day.

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

Eileen your photos are just fabulous along with your knowledge of these little birds.

:) Rosie Centre of Interest (via Macro Monday meme)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I enjoy watching the birds but never see the variety that you do Ellen. Wonderful photos and mosaics!

Elaine said...

You made a great decision when you planted that cherry tree. What a perfect place to watch all the birds. Today's collection is supurb, and as always I love your mosaics. Lovely post.

Coloradolady said...

Loved this post with all the wonderful birds in your area, so nice. Happy Blue Monday

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

The bluebirds are so sweet! Thanks for posting such great pictures. Debbie

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

What a wonderful place to watch these beautiful birds. All your mosaics are just so pretty, and the birds are a treat for me.

Claudia said...

Eileen -- what a great mosaic and shots of your feathered friends.

Your knowledge is daunting :) I just know very few bird names. But love them!

Some time stop by and join us at Friday Finding beauty.

Would love to have you.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Awesome flowers and birds. Do you have your computer on your deck, and watch the birds all the time?

Ralph said...

The blossom is arrayed like a star, delicate and bold at the same time. From cardinals to finch, that bit of ruby is subtle and adds a red sheen. Great captures!

LifeRamblings said...

great series of birds. they are all beautifully captured.

Leora said...

You have such a wonderful collection of bird photos - it is my dream to get shots of something other than sparrows!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Your photos are always a treat to look at!

EG CameraGirl said...

How clever of you to plant the tree where it can be seen from so many places!

Martha Z said...

You have quite a variety of birds in your yard. Most of them don't visit here but I can't complain, I do get a lot of birds.

Carletta said...

You have some really wonderful shots here today Eileen!
I love the bluebirds and the finch in the same shot - they do compliment each other. :)

Hootin Anni said...

Since I love birdwatching, this was a special treat for me...or should I say special 'tweet'?!! LOL The blooming tree is outstanding!!

My Ruby Tuesday is HERE. Hope you can find time to visit with me today.

Joyce said...

Isn't nature wonderful and better yet isn't it fun to capture it with your camera. You always have some of the best bird shots. Good eye.

Jeanne said...

Hi Eileen, your photos of nature and around your yard are stunning. The bird are awesome. They are so hard to capture. Are all the photos yours? I am amazed if the are.
Happy photo ops to You,
Hugs, Jeanne

Joanne Olivieri said...

Oh these little birds just made my day. I adore our feathered friends and you've capture so well their beautiful essence. I also like the mosaics you've created with the photos. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Great bird shots for Ruby Tuesday, Eileen! Lovely bloom from your weeping cherry tree! :)

Dhemz said...

awwwww....sweet! great to be here...thanks for the visit....:)

Molly Anne said...

Wow you got some fabulous shots! And you have so many birds - I just discovered a chickadee nest in my grape arbor - haven't had one of those before.

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

Great ph0tos,great p0st!

Carolyn Ford said...

What a fabulous backyard you must have to attract such a variety of beautiful birds! I'd get me the best chair ever made and park myself there all spring, summer and fall!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...