These Cormorants are from my archives and were seen during one of my many visits to Chincoteague National Wildlife refuge. The birding is great at Chincoteague and these Cormorants are just one of the many birds you can see there. The Double Creasted cormorants are a common species and they nest in colonies along the coast. They are diving fish eaters and are cool birds and fun to watch them fish. The Cormorants are also seen holding their wings open in the sun to air dry their feathers.
My Cormorants post is my entry for multiple memes so to see more great critters and birds go to:
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My Cormorants post is my entry for multiple memes so to see more great critters and birds go to:
the Friday Ark and Misty Dawn's Camera Critters and Bird photography weekly
This is also my Watery Wednesday and to see more go and visit waterywednesday
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This is also my entry for: Michelle's Nature Notes
Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.
Nice post Eileen. Always an enjoyable visit to your blog.
Great photos and great bit of information on the Cormorants.
Yes, I agree these are wonderful birds to watch, they just seem majestic to me. They love nesting in the many magroves we have here in Florida. Great photos!
Nice photos. I love to see them fly up and down the river during migration. There is just nothing like them is there. Take care.
The word verification for this comment is "inflygi". It could be the scientific name for a new species of bird that has a mating call of "Gi-Gi-Gi" that it performs as it dives at G force speeds to impress the female. "In-fly-gi" is one of the more interesting Word Verifications I have had to type.
Beautiful birds and pictures. Always good to learn something. Thank you
I don't know why but I thought they were all black. Maybe it's a special break, the pictures are very nice !
Very interesting bird. We have many out here on the eaterways. Yours look like the Brant's Cormorant. the ones I see the most are the Double crested. Neat no matter what. MB
Wow you have some amazing photos. Love how you can almost see them "conversing". LOL
Thanks for stopping by my blog
Absolutely beautiful birds! I have never seen these before. Thanks for sharing, Eileen.
Wonderful birds and great shots:-)
Hi Eileen;) your photos are AMAZING of these comorants. I have just familiarised myself with the birds in South Africa and now I've moved to North Africa. I have a book which teaches me all about the birds in Africa south of the Sahara so have a new challenge ahead of me! I love your nature photos - excellent.
Wonderful captures!
I love the second one where they seem to be plotting something and the third one reminds me of friends out for a walk stopping to chat and share or wait for one to catch up.
Fabulous photos. Really beautiful birds. I like the last photo showing their black feet.
The Cormorants are lovely. I don't see many waterbirds in the desert. Your header photo is stunning.
Those comorants are beautiful. We never seen birds like that in our area. Thanks for sharing!
You had birds & water too :) I don't think I've ever seen those birds here.
I like the place where you live Eileen, lots of animals to see.
Watery Wednesday
You got some great shots of the coumeronts. Looks like a great wildlife refuge.
Another great bird showing for today. You have some interesting ones around your area. These little ducks,that is what they look like to me, are so cute.
What a fasinating bird. I enyoyed reading about it. What a delight to have you stop by. Pop in any 'ole time.. hugs ~lynne~
Interesting post and lovely pictures!
Beautiful birds and photos. I love especially the first one.
These are wonderful Eileen! I especially like the second one.
Hello Eileen, I love the cormorant photos. You did a great job getting these shots. birds are hard to capture. I have never seen them before. A lovely watery post.
Hugs, Jeanne
You were able to get quite close to the cormorants! I only see the in the distance around here. Wonderful shots!
The cormorants are one of my favorite birds to watch when we go to the coast. Great photos Eileen.
Great nature photos! I'd love to watch them dive and fish too.
Those are great photos!
I've only seen one once and it had stopped off at the pond to fish. Really neat looking bird..It looks like I copied your spring ticker so I will change mine..sorry about that... Michelle
Lovely shots of some of my favorite birds.
I think they are awesome.
Watched them on the golf course the other day.
A whole flock,playing around and circling.
Have been to Chincoteague 20 years ago :)
Don't remember much of it, but have pics to prove it :P
I saw these birds on Planet Earth! ;o)
Great shots - I particularly like the second one!
Hi Eileen, You have some great pictures of the Cormorants... Thanks for sharing.
Cormorants have a bad name here in Idaho. They do take a lot of fish and mark many of those that get away. But they are an interesting bird.
Handsome birds. Love your second photo - something about the water and the bird's neck and the scenery as a whole. Feel like we are behind the bushes peeking in on their world.
Lovely shots..... they are not my favorite bird but I love to see them here Eileen, great job!
We don't have any Cormorants in northern Arkansas, but I love seeing them when I'm on the coast. Watching them fish is grand, but for some reason, I'm especially fond of their wing-drying pose. Nice shots, Eileen.
Eileen: We have these at our lake and they always put on a neat show.
I don't think we have those here, but I have seen documentaries of people using captive cormorants to catch fish. They are amazing little hunters. Nice photos of an interesting bird!
I learned something today Eileen, thanks for sharing.
Very amazing shots today
my compliments :-)
So natural !!!
Have a wonderful weekend :-)
Your bird posts are so nice. These seabirds are called "skarvar" here in Sweden. Thanks for stopping by.
Great photos. I first saw these birds on a river boat cruise in Florida and found them fascinating.
Nice shots, I remember the first time I saw comorants, I did not even know they passed through Iowa but they do, I have seen them many times since, interestesting birds.
Your cardinals photos are beautiful, my favorite birds.
Wonderful shots! We see cormorants when we sail but never in numbers like this!
What a wonderful capture of the birds and great info.
I don't think I've ever heard of Cormorants before - thanks for sharing!
Beautiful photos of cormorants. We have these birds in my city too but their colour is 100% black. As you say, it is really fun to watch them fishing. Have a pleasant weekend!
I've watched cormorants a few times watching them diving, and wondering when and where they are going to surface. I can't remember ever seeing how big their feet are though. No wonder they are such great swimmers. Must be the first time I've seen them on land.
What a great entry you have. Hope you have a nice weekend. God Bless!
Greta bird shots once again, you,re really good at capturing them!
The cormorants are beautiful birds. Nice photos of them here.
Such beautiful birds and you captured them wonderfully. Love all your photos..
Have a good week!
I love Chincoteague and I love cormorants, so this approaches being a perfect post.
Excellent information and wonderful photographs of the cormorants. This is another species that I have not gotten good close photos of.
Beautiful cormorants ... they look different from the 'snowy white' ones I see in here in Southern California ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Great shots of the juvenile Double-crested Cormorants Eileen! Chincoteague looks like a super birding spot.
I really like Cormorants. I see a few on the Susquehanna. Great photos and I love your header.
cool photos of the cormorants, Eileen. They (and anhingas also) always seem a little alien-ish to me, in a good way! :)
Nice birds and I like your photos. We have cormorants here also - but not that kind.
I love the second photo..looks like they're chatting about something..
Thanks for visiting my Cockatoo earlier :)
Nice photos, Eileen! I was surprised to see them walking on land!
Nice to see cormorants. . .they hang out up north in MN and are so fun to watch all summer. Very nicely done!
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