Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More from Loch Raven for Watery Wednesday

These are more shots from the Loch Raven Reservoir, I posted an entry for That's My World below also which tells more about the Loch Raven Reservoir.
It was fun watching the swans, ducks, geese and gulls flying all around at the reservoir on Saturday. People were feeding bread to the ducks and geese so they were coming close to the shore.

Below are Ring Necked Ducks to me they should be Ring Beak ducks. Because the white ring is around their beak. In winter they like freshwater lakes like our Loch Raven Reservoir.

This is my entry for :  2sweetnsaxy's Watery Wednesday click on the link to go and view watery photos from all over. Thanks to 2sweetnsaxy for hosting Watery Wednesday.

My entry for : Outdoor Wednesday go and visit and thanks to Susan for hosting Outdoor Wednesday.


My entry for:  Nature Notes   and to see more go and visit Michelle at Ramblings Woods.
Thanks Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.

Thanks for visiting my blog and for all your nice comments.


Tes said...

That glorious sun reflecting on the water is really beautiful, Eileen! Very nice composition, especially with the silhouette of the swan and the bare branches of the trees! Amazing! I also like the in flight photos of the birds, so cute! :) Caught in the act!

Carletta said...

Loch Raven Reservoir certainly looks like a nature lover's paradise.
Wonderful captures - your header included.
Round The Bend.

Lew said...

Great shots of the gees with spread wings! Thanks for your comment on My World post.

diane b said...

That is a nice watery place. The birds look happy to be fed. The ducks with a ring around their beak are unusual.

Elaine said...

Gorgeous header shot!

Randi said...

Lovely shots of the birds! This reservoir must be a wonderful place to visit.

Jo said...

How quickly the birds learn when they are thrown bread! Good shots Eileen. (((Hugs))) Jo

Regina said...

Amazing creatures.
Happy Watery Wednesday Eileen.

JTG (Misalyn) said...

The last photo is perfect as the sun glares and reflects on the water. Looks so serene.

It must be a lovely place to visit and relax while watching the sky, the water and the geese & ducks.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I love watching ducks and geese in the water. Your photos are fantastic and wonderful.

Hootin Anni said...

Awesome. I like 'em all, but that last photo with the sunlight on the water is stunning.

My Wednesday post & sketch can be found HERE. I invite you to stop by for a visit if you can find time in your busy day.

Diane AZ said...

The Ring Necked Ducks are cute, it is funny that they're not named for the ringed beak. Also, I like the sun reflecting on the water in the last pic.

Tania said...

Looks really nice and great natur! Very nice shot!:-)

rainfield61 said...

Love to see the swan dancing, and the music starts.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen,
I saw the "It is 2 months until Spring" image at the top of your post and got all excited. Then I remembered that we have at least 4 months until Spring here. :)
Love seeing all of your bird photos today - spending time watching them is such a joy!

Unknown said...

That's a lot of birdies - and beautiful ones at that.
Love the Tuesday post too.
It must be amazing to walk around there and see them all so close by.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Those are beautiful shots Eileen!

My Outdoor shots

Kammy said...

Pretty pictures - I love the swans !

storyteller said...

Another LOVELY series of watery photos here! Love the 'in flight' views and the sunlight too.
Hugs and blessings,
Small Reflections

Martha Z said...

Looks like a great birding spot.

Shellbelle said...

My first date with my husband (now deceased over 25 years) included going to our local park and feeding the ducks. Thanks for bringing that special memory back to me today with this glorious post.

Gemma Wiseman said...

These birds look wonderful all together! Love your collection of photos!

Carolyn Ford said...

So many birds! How amazing it is to watch them and photograph them too! Beautiful sun reflection on that last photo too...very nice post, indeed!

Mona Sweden http://fotoentusiastenfotoblogg.blogg.se said...

What a wonderful place! Birds are fascinating to watch.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What great camera work! Your photos are terrific. I hope you are having a wonderful Outdoor Wednesday.

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful series of photographs. I think I would stay there for a long time just watching those beautiful birds.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your bird pictures are amazing! I feel like I am right there.

Martha said...

Love all the birds, in particular the swans!


Carver said...

I've been enjoying your posts from the reservoir so much. This is another wonderful sequence of shots of the birds.

Anonymous said...

You have found some wonderful places to photograph and watch birds! I need to find out more about where birds can be seen in abundance here in Ontario!

Caron said...

You must be warmer than we are again as we are completely iced in this evening and you have wonderful bodies of ... water. ;)

I really like the photo with the sun in it. That's a nice shot.

Johnny Nutcase said...

nice shots, Eileen! I agree - whomever named the Ring-necked must have had a slip of the tongue, always wonder about that one! Looks like you had a nice time there!

Quilt Works said...

Wonderful swans! I love them and you have great pictures featuring them. I smile every time I see your top banner too - so beautiful.

...Follow the poop!

Ebie said...

A lot of ducks and a lot of photo opportunities! Beautiful series!

I also have some crackers in my car handy just in case we happen to be near the lake.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Beautiful shots.. Thank you for swinging in to see my little "thief". I hope he moves on before the rest of the family shows up. lol hugs ~lynne~

nice A said...

How lovely those graceful swans and geese and ducks! I'm always a fan of your great photography, eileen:)

Unknown said...

frolicking ducks! wonderful photos!

Kirigalpoththa said...

very nice!

Anonymous said...

All are beautiful photos, but the last one is my favorite. I'm sure that sun was giving them much needed warmth.

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

Great photos! Isn't it amazing that their legs and feet don't get cold swimming in that water?!

Anonymous said...

oh such beautiful shots & they're all so fantastic looking swimming around

Dawn Fine said...

Howdee Eileen..
nice world you have there!
i am enjoying catching up with your posts and photos!

Rambling Woods said...

Hi Eileen..I loved seeing all the waterfowl. I miss them here when the pond is frozen although a few mallards come at dusk to the cracked corn bird feeder... Michelle

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Eileen -- thank you for visiting and commenting on FT-L. I'm honored that you liked my photos. I always look at your beautiful nature pictures and try to learn (and hope that maybe someday....)

NatureFootstep said...

the canadians will soon be back here I think. It´s good.

MyMaracas said...

That is a wonderful place to spend the day! I love the reflection on the water in that last one. It looks so peaceful there.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...