Saturday, January 23, 2010

A scenic view of Blackwater NWR

During our visit to Blackwater we took a walk on the woodlands trail. During the walk I heard and saw a lot of Geese flying over, some swans in flight and lower to the ground I could hear the kinglets. My header is overlooking the Blackwater River from the woodlands trail.

Canada Geese

Outside the visitor center we had a great sighting (right above our heads) of a Cedar Waxwing flock.

They landed in a tree with berries, I was lucky enough to focus on one before a group starlings landed and scared them off.
Blackwater located on the Atlantic flyway is a very birdie place, it is designated as an IBA important bird area and it is also home to the endangered Delmarva fox squirrels. It is also a sanctuary for the Bald Eagles. I have heard the first egg has appeared and you can check out the Eagle webbcam here:  The Eagle festival is in March and is a very popular event.

                       Sorry, I could not zoom closer but in front of the geese is a juvenile Bald Eagle

Blackwater is a very scenic place. It is along the Blackwater River, it consists of tidal wetlands, field and mixed evergreen and deciduous trees. There are walking trails, canoe and kayaking and the wildlife drive. It is one of my favorite places to visit.

Thanks for stopping by to see my Scenic Sunday and to see more go and visit the Holleys at : Scenic Sunday


Marie said...

Blackwater seems to be a wonderful place. Have a great weekend.

nice A said...

What a great place to relax on a weekend! I love bird watching and the flock you captured here is incredible.

Maggie said...

Hi Eileen,
Great photo's, Blackwater looks like a twitchers paradise.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I love the scenic shots.Wow,does this place sound like the place to be.Too bad it is so far from my home.Keep on sharing your pictures,at least I get to see some of the beauty.

rainfield61 said...

It is such a beautiful place. The dotted lines in the first pictures is my favourite.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful there. And those bird photos are stunning. Thanks for sharing :) Have a wonderful weekend :)

Aisha said...

You have great scenic shots. I missed looking at the Canadian Geese. :)

Sara Chapman said...

What a great group of photos. You have a wonderful eye for composition, and of course, birds! I like your blog very much.

Prizler Photography said...

I was going to say my favorite was the first shot until I saw the second then the third and so on. I love them all. Really beautiful location.

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Beautiful shots, Canadian Geese are so plentiful these days, my Dad says that when he was growing up in the 30s they were a rare site.

Felicia said...

Blackwater sounds like a great place to visit and revisit--how lucky you are to be so near all that good stuff! It's interesting that the geese in your shot weren't at all bothered by that eagle; maybe they know they're too big for him to take? said...

excellent photos. I loved enlarging the last shot with the bald eagle-how cool!

Dorothy said...

Beautiful scenes!! Love the Geese and the Cedar Waxwings!

Coffeedoff said...

Wow beautiful photos, love the birds!

Unknown said...

Hi Eileen, great photos. THe second photo is amazing - it looks like it should be on a calendar. So beautiful, so calm.

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Great photos.
Melbourne Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this small escape.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos, Eileen! The cedar waxwings wiped me out of crabapples last fall...but they are such fun as they travel in such large flocks. Your photo turned out way better than any I took. Maybe next year I'll do better. Maybe.

Tammie Lee said...

scenic indeed. And wonderful to have a glimpse through your eyes!

Melissa B. said...

Just beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing these Superior Snaps...

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos! I love geese. Beautiful shot of the cedar waxwing. Just like your snowy owl, that is yet another bird I have not seen, but I'd love to.
What was the eagle doing with those geese?? Never seen them together before.
Hope you're having a great weekend!

Unknown said...

I think I told you before that I love that area and the nature there.
So amazing!
I've never seen a waxwing - lucky you, he's beautiful!

Gena D said...

Excellent shots Eileen ... I especially love the scenery and clarity in shots 1 and 2!!!
have a happy Sunday!
Gena @ Thinking Aloud

diane b said...

It looks ahaven for birds and birders.Great shot of the geeseflying overhead.

My name is Riet said...

Your pictures are beautiful. What a wonderful place to relax

Angel.Pearls said...

These are just beautiful photos from the nature! Love//Eva

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful place !!

Karine said...

These are beautiful photos, Eileen! My favorites are the closeup of the Canada Geese and the cedar waxwing!

NatureFootstep said...

I love the shallow water on the top photos. :)

Coy Hill said...

I have enjoyed these latest posts. Blackwater is an incredible place with a tremendous amount of waterfowl. I haven't visited there since last winter and your post reminds me that a visit there is long overdue.

Elaine said...

Blackwater looks like a wonderful place to spend the day. You took some lovely photos. They make me want to visit there, and I'll put it on my list of places to see when we are traveling.

Helena said...

Hey Eileen! Seems like forever since I've been to visit you here. :) These are awesome shots as always. I really love the second one, it just looks so calm and peaceful there.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Lovely photos! The first two photos are very scenic!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Fantastci shots Ellen! I alos enjoyed seeing the heron in the post below. I'm now following your blog on facebook!

Neil Tasker said...

Lovely post Eileen. I love the shot of the waxwing. I think I'd be tempted to build a log cabin and live up there!

sunnymama said...

Stunning shots of an awesome looking place. :)

SquirrelQueen said...

This is such a beautiful place, I would love to have something like this closer to where we live. Your photos are wonderful Eileen, you got some great shots. I love the last one with the juvenile Bald Eagle, he seem to be trying to determine if the geese are prey or predators!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Eileen..I kept enlarging these and each one of these just came to life! I love the bird with the berries shot- you were fortunate to capture that- just beautiful! The sky in the first is unreal. I can see why you focused more on it in the third one- wow. Of course the geese in flight are terrific! An exceptional post here!!
Aloha, Regina-

Kerri Farley said...

This is definitely on my list of places to visit!!

Linnea said...

So many scenic scenes! I really love the second shot with those towering trees. It reminds me of parts of Washington. You certainly have patience to shoot those wonderful bird shots! Thanks for stopping by at my SS.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...