Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chesapeake skywatch

I took these shots last Friday early in the morning on my way to the Blackwater NWR. The sun was already up and I think the clouds and light were pretty.

                                      My sunrise reflection.

To see more wonderful skies from all over the world go and visit Skywatch Friday

and thanks to the hosting team of skywatch Friday.

also I think my first shot looks great for Weekend reflections the sun is reflecting nicely on the icy pond.
to see more weekend reflections go and visit James at newtowndailyphoto. Thanks James for hosting this fun meme,

And thanks for stopping by my blog to see my skies.


rainfield61 said...

I did see the same sky. What a wonderful thing for us from two different places.

Anonymous said...

Two beautiful sunrise pictures. I especially like the first picture. The clouds are quite distinctive, and I like the reflection on the water.

jabblog said...

Beautiful shots, particularly the first one. It looks dramatic and mysterious and the clouds are splendid.

Carver said...

Both of these shots are so beautiful. I love the puffy cotton ball clouds, the reflection and also the sun.

Elaine Yim said...

Beautiful skies and scenery!

Shellbelle said...

First I have to say one thing, you need to remove that part in your profile that says you have to admit you're not the best photographer! That simply is not true, these shots are amazing and it takes someone with a good eye to capture the scene so well. Bravo!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Both are gorgeous shots.The first one is especially great.Thanks for sharing them.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, this is beautiful, that sky is awesome!!!

Unknown said...

Those are some gorgeous impressive skies.

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Great photos Eileen!! I like more the first one. Thanks for sharing, Have a nice SWF!!!

Unknown said...

Lovely Sky images Eileen!.

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful skypictures. Very special

Diane AZ said...

The trees and lighting are gorgeous in both! Early morning is my favorite time of day.

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely skies Eileen, and photographs to boot.

Benikos place said...

Looks very cold, but it is so beautiful!! have a nice SWF

Noel Morata said...

aloha, i love taking tree shots in silohuette with drammatic skies...very pretty

Bill S. said...

Beautiful patterns created by the clouds. It is alway interesting how these clouds are formed and how quickly they change.

Carletta said...

Love the reflection of the sun in the first one!
Gorgeous Eileen!

Sylvia K said...

Fantastic captures, Eileen! Really love the cloud patterns int he sky! Breathtaking! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

Looks as if painted with a brush, providing all that it owns, what a wonderful reflection of life and its beauty.
Please have a wonderful Friday.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful skies, Eileen! Did the sky clear as the sun came up? or are these clouds before a storm?

Rajesh said...

Fabulous shots. The cloud formation is fantastic.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: You certainly had a great trip with a lot of super photos. What a wonderful sky.

Regina said...

Such great skies and reflections!
Beautiful captures Eileen.
Enjoy the weekend.

Tarun Mitra said...

clouds are making an amazing pattern

gReat shot...keep it up

Eaglesbrother said...

Great shots...I think my favorite is the First one...very dramatic.

raf said...

Indeed, fine reflection and great composition in those images, Eileen!

Ebie said...

Pearly looking clouds. You caught them at the right time.

diane b said...

The light on the clouds and the water is stunning.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Beautiful skies and even better photos!

Anonymous said...

looks like a wonderful, peace filled place to be ... thanks so much for sharing

Plain Stuff

Mridula said...

Both the pictures look very beautiful.

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen.
The clouds and the light in the second photo are my favorite.

LV said...

A great job on your sky scenes today. They are really pretty and I enjoyed seeing them. Thanks also for taking the time to visit my blog.

Light and Voices said...

Joyce, IL, USA

Kerri Farley said...

Absolutely stunning! WOW!

John McDevitt said...

Lovely sky and a great reflection. It pays to be up early!

Hilda said...

Beautiful pale gold and silvery blues.

Have a happy weekend, Eileen!

VP said...

Impressive: I have never seen a sky like this, here.

Guy D said...

Fantastic as always Eileen, love that first pic especially.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

VioletSky said...

Both shots are great, though the silhouette and light in the first some is very soothing looking. A calm beginning to a cold day.

Unknown said...

Lovely pics, Eileen

Maia T said...

What a glorious sunrise. I love those beautiful silky clouds and the tree silhouettes.

Rune Eide said...

Nice ones!

Elisabeth said...

Super cloud shots Eileen with good color. Hope you have a happy weekend.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. :-)

Ces Adorio said...

These sky images are fantastic! Clouds make the sky so interesting and I selfishly think sometimes that they are intended for those who have the heart to see.

Kat said...

These are gorgeous. The first in particular is stunning. What a glorious sky! Kathy

Unknown said...

Lovely picture - have I told you that our daugther went to Maryland to spend some time on a High School?

Thanks for word on my blog.

Willard said...

Awesome skies!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Those SkyWatch photographs are just marvelous!

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful skies :)

Eden said...

Those are so beautiful, Eileen. Love all your images.

SquirrelQueen said...

Awesome reflection in that first shot, what a beautiful sky.

Crafty Green Poet said...

gorgeous skies, very beautiful photos

Alan Pulley said...

Gorgeous skies Eileen!! These photos are great. The Chesapeake Bay has to much to offer.

Anonymous said...

The texture of the clouds along with the light is amazing, Eileen!

Linda said...

I love your header photo, could sit and look at for ages and imagine I'm hearing the waves.

Phil Slade said...

Brilliant photos Eileen. Looks like I am not the first to say so.

Angel.Pearls said...

Really like these skies! Love//Eva

Serendipity said...

Wow. Just beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Magnificent photos, Eileen!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You woke up ealry and was rewarded with two beautiful photos. I should try to wake up early.

Now I am back in New Zealand, my body is at Australian time, I went to bed at 2 am, ang ot up at 10 am. No chance of getting a good sun rise photo like you.

Johnny Nutcase said...

what an awesome sky, Eileen - glad you got such good photos of it!

EcoRover said...

Stunning symmetry, Eileen--a wonderful conversation between earth & sky.

Unknown said...

Such a wonderful blog and photos.

Dewdrop said...

I absolutely love reflection shots! These are beautiful!

Kathie Brown said...

ellen, those are wonderful skies and it never gets old! Beautiful!

Lew said...

Beautiful! Water, sun and clouds make the morning magical.

maryt/theteach said...

Eileen these shots are incredible - you deserve all 70 comments! Wow! :)

Unknown said...

A Superb contrast between the sky and the sillhouette!!

Pixellicious Photos

clairz said...

Eileen! Look at all the comments you have! Absolutely beautiful photos, and water, too... Just about all this desert dweller needs to see.

Thank you for sharing.

Tania said...

This is very beautiful, both of them:-)
Wish you a great weekend!

Small City Scenes said...

Oh my goodess, Eileen, both shots are awesome. Excellent. MB

Dewdrop said...

Striking captures. I love how in the first, the water actually looks like glass. Wonderful!!!

happily retired gal said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS views!
Hugs and blessings,
Sacred Ruminations

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Eileen,
I enjoyed all your bird photos, and when I got here, decided this is where I'd leave my comment. Wow, what gorgeous skies, reflections, and beach! Awesome!

Thanks for visiting my CC post. I'm behind in my blogging. I hope to do a SkyWatch this week.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...