Monday, January 18, 2010

Loch Raven Reservoir....That's My World

On Saturday,  hubby and I decided to take a walk and check out the ducks at the Loch Raven Reservoir. Baltimore has three reservoirs that hold water for the city and Loch Raven is one of them. In the winter months the reservoir seems to attract many species of ducks, geese and gulls. During the season the Fishing Center rents boats and canoes and they have the only boat ramp for access to the lake. The lake is a preferred destination for bass fishing.

On the weekends a 3 mile section of the Loch Raven Drive is closed for bikers, roller bladers, joggers and walkers like hubby and I. The road follows the lake so it is very scenic.

We saw many families with little ones coming with bags of bread to feed the geese, ducks and the gulls. From the shoreline, I could id the Mallards, Hooded Mergansers, large group of Ring Necked Ducks and Common Mergansers.

                                           Hooded Merganser

Mute Swans, Canada Geese and Mallard ducks

Ring Necked Ducks have a white line around their beak and are easy to id.

Canada Geese walking near the frozen shoreline.

It was a great day to be out walking and enjoying the outdoors. The temps were in the low 50's which was nice after the cold weather we have been having on previous weekends.

This is my Show My World post and to see more go and visit That's My World

Thanks for stopping by and thanks to the hosting team of Sylvia, Sandy, Wren, Louse, Klaus and Fishing Guy.


Quilt Works said...

What a lovely area to spend some time in! Neat to see how ducks and geese navigate in the ice!

Xavi said...

Always good pictures, Eileen.
Nice header.
Have a nice week.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I would love to spend a day at this place,it looks great.The road through there is very inviting.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Looks like a great way to spend a nice weekend day.

Great photographs.

Sylvia K said...

Marvelous captures and what a beautiful area! Love seeing the ducks and the swans. Lovely post for the day, Eileen! Enjoy, have a lovely week and stay warm!


Joe Todd said...

Great spot. My grandchildren love to feed the ducks

 gmirage said...

It's delightful seeing them coz in our part they are all sleeping :D Thanks for sharing your lovely photos!

Janie said...

How nice that the road is close to vehicles so walkers and bikers can enjoy the tour at a slower pace.
Beautiful bird shots!

My name is Riet said...

What a wonderful place to walk. Your pictures are beautiful. My favorite is the first one

Carver said...

Beautiful reservoir and great shots of the wildlife. We had a much warmer weekend where I live too.

Samson said...

What a beautiful place, nice photo's... thanks for taking us along

St Philomena's Church

VioletSky said...

Ducks are always great to visit for an afternoon. And they make such great subjects!

Indrani said...

Great visual treat. Thanks for taking me along.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. I especially like the tall pines...

Anonymous said...

Lovely weather to enjoy the ducks, geese, swans, mergaansers... HEAVEN!

Anonymous said...

It's now close to twenty to four in the morning and I'd like to say thank you for this much needed escape into nature, something missing much in this large city of Athens, Greece.
Please have a nice Tuesday.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: Thanks for sharing all your bird life at the reservoir. That was really a neat show.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Lovely lake full of birds!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful place, ducks are having a lovely time over here.

~Cheryl said...

What a wonderful walk you had today! The birds were fun to see; thanks!

Lew said...

Beautiful spot and you got some great shots of the waer fowl!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful photos!

diane b said...

Lovely shots of the busy birds. I bet theywere happy about the warmer weather too.

Wolynski said...

Beautiful photos - so serene and tranquil - the ducks look happy.

Oman said...

truly wonderful images. another place wandered. thanks for sharing these amazing shots.

Gena D said...

What a wonderful place to go walking and evidently to appreciate nature - how lucky!!!
You have a great day and thanks for leaving a comment on MWT
Gena @ Thikning aloud
a photoblog
South Africa

maryt/theteach said...

Oh, Eileen, what a lovely place to visit! You have a great variety of water fowl to photograph... lucky you! :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos. So serene....
I adore Canada geese!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

lovely captures of the water birds...they look so tranquil and peaceful. the area is beautiful...i would love to walk there.

Diane AZ said...

The reservoir looks like a wonderful place to walk and see water birds. I like those tall evergreen trees too.

Elaine said...

What a lovely spot for a walk. You have such a wonderful assortment of birds there. Thanks for taking us along on your walk.

storyteller said...

It's always a joy to see the photographs you share ... and methinks I'd love walking here too ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Regina said...

Beautiful world!
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Loch Raven is such a great name for a reservoir. I think I'd be there all the time, if the wildlife viewing is always so good. Thanks for taking us along with you.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...