Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ruddy Turnstone and Red Knots

Bird Photography Weekly #72 to see more great birds photos go to:

These are two of the birds I look forward to seeing again this spring. On the Delaware shore during the first spring full moon the horseshoe crabs lay their eggs and then the feast begins.

                                  Ruddy Turnstone on a Horseshoe Crab


Pictures are from my ARCHIVES they were taken last spring.

 Tens of thousands of Redknots and Ruddy Turnstones and other shorebirds feast on the eggs from the horseshoecrabs. I was amazed at how many Redknots there were, I couldn't possibly count them all. I know these are not the best photos but they just really show how many Red Knots were there. This was only one section of the shore there were more along the beach.

                                  Ruddy Turnstones, please click to see a larger image of the different birds.

RedKnots and a some Laughing Gulls

A multiple meme entry this week as this is also my Camera Critters post. Tos see more great Critters go and visit Misty Dawn at camera-critters

This is my entry for Outdoor Wednesday, to see more great photos go and visit Susan at A southern daydreamer

Also to see more birds and other animals visit The Friday Ark

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice comments.


SquirrelQueen said...

Great shots Eileen, I hope everyone enlarges the photos to see all the details.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Wow,that is an amazing number of birds in one place.I would love to see that in person.

Kat said...

What an incredible sight. It must be truly amazing to witness in person. Great post! Kathy

Bill S. said...

Great pictures of some beautiful birds. I have never seen either of them - thanks for sharing them.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great bird pictures, Eileen. I posted my backyard birds both yesterday and today. Hope you check them out.


Rambling Woods said...

Love the photos and the merganser below...Michelle

Maria said...

I can see why you had difficulties in counting them birds.

Bob Bushell said...

A nice set of photos.

Shellbelle said...

Amazing photos Eileen! I find the shells of Horseshoe Crabs on the beach, but never really knew much about them. While I found the birds an amazing spectacle, I appreciated learning a bit more about the crabs.

Thanks for sharing.

Elaine said...

Wow! What a spectacle that must be to see! The noise must be incredible. The real wonder is that any of the horseshoe crab eggs escape the onslaught of all these birds.

Anonymous said...

This is so fascinating, Eileen. First of all, I didn't know horseshoe crabs always lay eggs on the same full moon. AND I've never heard of redknots and ruddy turnstones. Now I need to do some web searching to find out more. Thanks for this cool post!

NatureFootstep said...

it looks like the bird is sitting on a turtle :)
That would be a great event to watch!

Kerri Farley said...

Now that's a LOT of birds!!

storyteller said...

I'm unfamiliar with RedKnots or Ruddy Turnstones and have never heard of 'Laughing' Gulls but I loved your post ... the wonderful photos (well worth embiggening) ... enjoyed learning about the horseshoecrabs too! I always learn something new when I visit and that very kewl. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Sacred Ruminations

elvira pajarola said...

FANTASTIC Shots!!!!!....but the second last is a HIT: don't you think these magnificient birds did just put themselves in pose for the photographer....? yes...I think so....they are even smiling....!
have a wonderful sunday!
ciao ciao elvira

Kim, USA said...

That is really great shots. Thanks for sharing!


Iowa Gardening Woman said...

You always have such beautiful nature shots, thanks for sharing.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: What a wonderful number of birds at the shore. It sure changes in the Winter.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a lot of birds.

Michael said...

So much going on there. Nice pictures.

Teena in Toronto said...

That's a lotta birds!

I played too :)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Always nice to be introduced to new bird species. Great photos.

Carletta said...

They are in a blur frenzy!
I see someone already commented on the fact that it's a wonder any horseshoe crabs get born. :)
Great photos and info Eileen.

Martha said...

Great shots. I have never seen such a thing. With all those birds how do any eggs remain to hatch?


(Did you change your header? I like it!)

Janie said...

Interesting to see the redknots going after the crab eggs. Really love the merganser reflection below, too!

Chie Wilks said...

awesome shots....esp. the photo where there are plenty of birds.,

I got a snake

Shelley Munro said...

Wow, I bet all those birds make a lot of racket together. You'd be able to hear them before you saw them.

Squirrel said...

Great shots of the huge feast.

magiceye said...

amazing captures

Larry said...

Very cool shots of all the action Eileen. What a scene that must have been!

Bob Kaufman said...

How I would love to see that many Red Knots! Great photos!

Unknown said...

Wow! That's a lot of crabs and birds! I'm amazed any crabs survive!

Eve said...

Oh my goodness... what a busy beach! Those RedKnots are such an interesting bird - and so pretty.

Willard said...

That is an amazing amount of birds. It looks like it was exciting to be there.

Kelly said... all the shorebirds. The ruddy turnstone is gorgeous!

Kind of Curious said...

Wow! I have been to Cape May many times, but never during the red knot stop over. I definitely have to plan that so I can see this in person. I have read about how the number of red knots have been affected by the decrease in horseshoe crabs.

Chad said...

What gorgeous and cool shorebirds. I have not seen either species yet.... I can't wait.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...