Saturday, February 11, 2012

Back Roads equals Horned larks

I am linking up with Camera Critters

A good tip from a birding friend of mine, she told me after a snowy day I should take a ride on the back roads around my neighborhood to look for new birds. It seems the birds like to find food along the road where the snow melts. So, on this day I took a slow ride around watching the birds fly away from the edges of the road. You never know what you might find  Horned Larks, Sparrows, Juncos, Longspurs and sometimes even Snow Buntings.

On this day I found the Horned Larks and some Juncos. They flew away when I got close, so I stopped the car and they came right back. 

Above, you can just barely make them out but there are four Horned Larks along the edge of the road. One has its head way down in the snow.  Must be something really tasty there. Do you think they like road salt?

It seems like where ever I go I am always seeing vultures. These Turkey Vultures seem to be watching a group of donkeys. Not sure why?

The donkeys do not seem to mind being watched by the vultures and by me. I think they are so cute.

I hope you enjoyed my critters this week and  to see more wonderful and cute critters check out Camera Critters..   I have added the new Linky followers for those who will soon be loosing Google Friend Connect. Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting and Thank You for stopping by to see my critters. I hope everyone is having a great weekend and Happy Birding.


  1. Perhaps the vultures think those donkeys are as cute as we do!
    It would make ME nervous to be watched by them---it would make me think they might know something I don't--LOL!

  2. Birding in a winter.

    What an experience.

  3. Nice shots of the birds on the side of the road...I enjoy watching them, but don't think I would head out in the snow to find them! I am a total wimp when it comes to snow! Have a warm day.

  4. Great photos Eileen, and thanks for sharing the tip on where to look for birds. Strange but true, no snow here.

  5. Those turkey vultures...they're everywhere, aren't they? Love those sweet, sweet burros! And loved the images of the lark and junco!!

  6. We have so many garden birds, especially this time of year, but never a snow bunting. Envious of that image.

  7. The donkeys are very cute. Much smaller than the donkeys around here. These are burros, perhaps? Anyway, I enjoyed your photos. And I'll look for birds as the snow melts here. Thanks.

  8. You just never know what you will find when you are out driving around. I went out the other day to take some sunset photos, and as I was driving down the road, numerous wild turkeys started crossing. I got some great shots and will post them in not too long. I don't think I've ever seem a vulture "up close and personal". Have a great weekend. Mickie;)

  9. the vulture certainly looks creepy. your photos are wonderful.

  10. I think they are either miniature donkeys or burrows. Whatever they are they are cute!

  11. Oooo - such sweet fuzzy donkeys!

  12. Hello there! They sure do love road salt. I think they have a reaction to it like alcohol does for humans. It slows them down if they eat too much....and if go overdose, they can also die. Weird. Love those donkeys as well. What are the vultures thinking?:) Probably waiting for the donkeys to fall over or have what they're eating. My mom always compared vultures to us boys. But I drew a line when it came to eating roadkill:)

  13. I love donkeys, they have such tender eyes.

  14. using your car as a blind is smart. :)

  15. Great captures! Love the donkeys.

  16. Thanks for the tip, Eileen! I'll have to check some country roads s the snow melts.

    All our turkey vultures have flown south, I think, as I haven't seen any all winter long.

  17. Oh, those turkey vultures...they sure are ugly!

  18. these are so lovely, eileen.

    this totally uplifted my morning.

    thank you.
    have a great weekend!

  19. Love all these critters in the snow - a rare sight in Texas!

  20. Spectacular captures, Eileen. You have such a keen eye for beauty.
    Happy Valentine's ~
    TTFN ~

  21. Love those little donkeys... I'm your newest follower on 'Linky Followers,' will you follow me back?

  22. Great critter shots. I wouldn't want to be watched by a vulture!

  23. Love those little birds in the snow. I wonder how they stay warm?

  24. I wouldn't want those vultures watching me!

  25. Great Camera Critter post Eileen. I've never heard of the Horned Lark before, and I thank you for introducing it to me.

  26. I've never seen Horned Larks. I have seen lots of vultures, though. :-) Maybe they knew something about the donkeys you didn't.

  27. The birds must be thinking," Why is that Vroom Vroom animal chasing us away?"

  28. Those Horned Larks are great Eileen, and what a great name - over here we just call them Shore Larks, not nearly as descriptive. i think like lots of birds, a bit of road grit helps digestion. Have good Sunday.

  29. Enjoyed the critters! Such cute donkeys. I'd be nervous with a vulture watching but they seem to be enjoying their grazing!

  30. We have meadowlarks here -- I would love to see a horned lark -- beautiful birds Eileen. :)

  31. The little burrows are so cute!

  32. Perhaps the vultures love seeing donkeys :)
    Donkeys are cute but some of us think that they are dumb animals :(

  33. Hi Eileen, Great pictures! I have never seen any of the birds you mentioned but then, maybe those particular birds don't visit Cumberland County, TN? I'll be on the lookout just in case. Have a fantastic day today and a most pleasant coming week!

  34. I love horned larks. During the winter, we have thousands of them along the roads and they nest out in the desert during the summer.

    Great photos and blog.

  35. Your tours in nature are always interesting. Your birds are sometimes so different from ours that it is wonderful to see that we live in really different places.
    Thanks for showing your wildlife.
    Have a great new week.

  36. Always a treat to find some of the more uncommon birds. Good shots. MB

  37. Great captures, Eileen. Always feel sorry for those animals in the cold, but I guess they have their fur and feathers to keep them warm.

  38. Cute donkeys and I haven't seen horned larks in awhile. Good for you!

  39. That is a good shot of the vultures and donkeys.

  40. Beautiful photos. I hope I would be able to see vulture in the wild someday.

  41. That is an interesting tip about seeing the birds along the edge of the road where the snow has melted. I am quite intrigued by the vultures, I have never seen one around here.

  42. Met a sports instructor called Cunningham today. I always wonder, where do the birds go in winter.

  43. I like your assortment of critters. Years ago we went to a bird festival in Burns Oregon to see sage grouse (we did and it was wonderful). One one tour the guide looked out at the edge of the road and said 'oh those are just some horned larks' , but I remember I was very excited to learn this new bird too! (well, you know, maybe not as exciting as the sage grouse, but still they were a new bird to me!

  44. Looks like a fun hike, and cold! Like your bird friends too :)


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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