Saturday, June 1, 2013

Around the yard

I am linking up Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin.

For this weekend I am sharing some shots of my yardbirds and my Goldie Girl. If you would like to see my backyard blooms from this spring , I am sharing on my other blog at: backyard-blooms

 I was sitting on our deck Friday night when this Indigo Bunting stopped by for some food.

One of my yardbirds...the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird.

Happy Birthday to Goldie Girl she is now 10 yrs old. She is slowing down some, kind a sad feeling. But for now we are celebrating her birthday with vanilla ice cream her favorite.

The Cardinal is giving me the evil eye while I was sitting on the deck. They are kind of shy around me. I am glad all the other birds do not seem to mind me being nearby.

The Bluejays often stop by..mainly looking for peanuts. But, they will eat other seed I spread out on my deck railing.

The Downy Woodpeckers are not shy, they will come right next to me for some peanut suet.  

I hope you enjoyed my critter post. I hope everyone has a happy weekend. Thanks for stopping by and I always appreciate your comments. To see more beautiful photos and cute critters
 please visit:  Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious hosts Misty Dawn of Camera Critters and to Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin.


Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, you have all sorts of critters in your yard. so cool!! Happy Birthday to you Goldie Girl. so sweet. ( :

Icy BC said...

These are beautiful backyard birds, Eileen! Gorgeous photos of these beloved critters, including Goldie!

Lynne said...

Which critter do I chose . . . I like them all . . . Goldie Girl is the star of the show having a birthday after all . . . but seeing an Indiago Bunting and being close enough for a photo . . . that makes Eileen the super STAR of the show!

Deb said...

Wow, those are beautiful photos of your yard birds. Happy Birthday to Goldie Girl. She looks like a sweet- natured dog. Our dog, Kane will be 13 this summer. I feel sad, too. Deb

Gail Dixon said...

Such a huge assortment of birds in your yard! Love that bright blue indigo. Happy birthday to Goldie. She sure is a pretty girl. It's hard to watch our pets age; I have 2 senior dogs myself. Have a great weekend!

TexWisGirl said...

gorgeous shot of the indigo and hummingbird! wow!!!

goldie girl is SO sweet. even though she's a golden and marigold was a yellow lab, goldie girl always reminds me of my old girl... *sigh*

Karen said...

Lovely birds Eileen! Happy Birthday to Goldie Girl!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love the Indigo Bunting and the Hummingbird!! I hope you have a great weekend Eileen!

Suzan said...

BEAUTIFUL Indigo Bunting and love your hummingbird! I need to get my humming bird feeders out today! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen! Happy birthday to Goldie!

Lina Gustina said...

Happy birthday to Goldie Girl! Enjoying your bird shots, Eileen.

Rajesh said...

Very lovely birds. I like that ruby throat-ed humming bird.

rainfield61 said...

You have a mini bird park in your backyard.

Joanne Olivieri said...

I want to come out and visit your yard :) The birds are adorable and what great shots.

Unknown said...

Wonderful birds! I love the hummingbird. They seem so magical to me.

Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

Great post! Loved your photos. How lucky to have the indigo visit!

Montanagirl said...

Wonderful variety! LOVE that Indigo Bunting. Such an electric blue color!!

Anonymous said...

auch von hier

noch viele schöne Jahre wünscht das katerchen der noch danke für die schönen Bilder sagt

Jo said...

Happy birthday, Goldie Girl! She is a sweetie. Your photos are amazing as always, Eileen. Hope you're having a great weekend. Jo

Debbie said...

we get all the same birds in our backyard, except the indigo, what a beauty!!

happy birthday goldie, you sure are loved!!

VioletSky said...

You got a hummingbird to pose for you?!!
May happy returns to Goldie, too:)

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous shots!

Hootin Anni said...

superb birding Eileen. But I must say Goldie Girl has stolen my heart today. :o)

Hootin Anni said...

Ps...drift seeds are seeds from the tropical plants that wash up from the countries like Old Mexico, and islands in the Caribbean....landing ashore here. And we try and find 'em.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and colorful bird photos! Happy birthday to your sweet Goldie girl!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

You are right about Cardinals being shy.. They really are... But our Jays, Downys, Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, and Nuthatches are not shy at all....

Wish that Indigo Bunting would have stayed around here. I haven't seen them (2 of them) but ONE time....

I have 3 Hummingbird feeders out --but seldom see any so far this year.... They seem to come here later than to other places.

Happy Birthday to the Goldie Girl.

George said...

That Indigo Bunting is a gorgeous bird. I've never seen one in person, but I sure enjoy your photos. All of your bird photos are great. I'm glad Goldie Girl got to celebrate her birthday with her favorite treat.

Lea said...

Happy Birthday! Goldie Girl
Love the bird photos.
Have a beautiful week-end!
Lea's Menagerie

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!These are very beautiful photos from your wonderful yard!!So preety birds!!Happy Birthday to Goldie Girl!!!She's so cute!!!Have a lovely weekend!

Saun said...

Gorgeous as always, I wish I could attract a blue bird to my yard. :) enjoy your weekend

sweetbriardreams said...

Happy birthday Goldie Girl! I love the shots of your birds, I just don't see anything as colourful here. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Chel x

Brightcetera said...

Happy Birthday to Goldie!
An Indigo Bunting on your deck??? WOW! That would be so thrilling for me.
That Downy looks like a Hairy to me with that long bill, no?

NatureFootstep said...

happy birthday to Goldie Girl. :) And a great day for you as well.

chica said...

Muito lindos os pássaros e para GOLDIE, parabéns! beijos,chica

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hello Eileen!! I am kicking myself for not following the crumbs to your blog after you have been coming to mine and leaving such nice comments. I'm so glad that today I did, and have come just in time to celebrate your beautiful girls birthday!! She's so lovely, and I hope she has many more birthdays with vanilla ice cream to enjoy!! Your other photos are just amazing, and I'm so, so glad I'm now following your blog!! Enjoy your day, and I hope you are staying cool!!! :-)!!!

Carole M. said...

a sweet post Eileen with lots of beautiful photos, but I think that little hummer did me in the most...

Unknown said...

Eileen, Your bird photography is stunning. I love the indigo bunting. Your Goldie is so beautiful! As a Golden Retriever lover, perhaps you know about Ray Charles, the blind G.R. puppy? He's adorable, and all over the internet. He has a FB page too. Check it out if you get a chance.
Beth (this is Beth from Beyond the Garden Gate - I am not signed into Google so it'll show as unknown.) Sorry - I forgot, and I didn't want to retype my comment.

Unknown said...

I love, love your bird photos. The details are amazing. I usually lose sight of the bird by the time I pull out the camera.

Anonymous said...

Bird personalities are the same everywhere. I do love blue jays and their boldness. Happy birthday, Goldie Girl! She's a beauty.

Cindy said...

Happy Birthday Goldie Girl. You're beautiful. Love your photos and the Blue Jay is gorgeous. Happy Sunday.

Cindy :)

Sandy Carlson said...

Happy birthday, Goldie Girl! Nice your feathered friends could surround you on your day.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

These are all beautiful shots of one of of my favorite subjects...birds! Love the Indigo Bunting. Such a beautiful color. Happy Birthday to the sweet Goldie!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shots! And a special big hug to Goldie Girl! My Oscar is now 10.5 yrs old - slowing down too... so I know that sad feeling.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, that Indigo Bunting is stunning- as are the rest of your wonderful yard birds.

Happy weekend to you ~:)

Phil Slade said...

Wish a happy Birthday to Goldie Girl for me Eileen. Boy your so lucky having all those colourful birds right there at your door. The Indigo Bunting shot in particular is wonderful. Have a great week ahead.

EG CameraGirl said...

Okay. I'm feeling envious: I have never been that close to an indigo bunting!

Julie G. said...

I hope Goldie had a wonderful birthday. She has the most beautiful face! Our dogs LOVE ice cream too. Terrific photographs of your stunning backyard birds! I am always amazed at the blue brilliance of Indigo Bunting feathers. How nice that you were able to get so close to take a fabulous photograph.

Al said...

Happy Birthday to Goldie! We have bright blue birds around our house that look like that indigo bunting, I wonder if that's what they are.

Nancy said...

The bunting is stunning!

magiceye said...

Beautiful captures of lovely birds!!

Anonymous said...

What a nice birthday treat for your beautiful Blondie. They are so special to us we just have to spoil them!

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen ...your header is stunning, just love it!!
I an so envious of you all who get to see the Blue Bunting, I knw that there are some here, but not in my eyesight : ))!
Hope Goldie Girl had a great birthday and many more to come ! : )

Celeste said...

Your bird photos are stunning as always Eileen but that photo of Goldie just melted my heart, what a sweetie! Wish her happy birthday from me and I hope she enjoyed her ice cream.
Love your blue themed header by the way :)

HappyK said...

The indigo bunting so so very pretty.
I saw one in person for the first time the other day!!

Brian King said...

Wow! The bunting is fantastic and I LOVE your hummingbird shot! We're still waiting to see the little buggers here.

Maria said...

All of these are very good, my love to Goldie!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bird shots. Happy birthday to your Goldie!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Happy belated BD to your beautiful Goldie girl.

The Indigo Bunting photo is stunning.

Betty Manousos said...

wow!!! what awesome birds you have in your yard!
the indigo is so very pretty.

love, love, love your shots.
and goldie is soo beutiful!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...