Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday walk, June 23

  I am linking up with Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday .
It will be nice to see you join in on our fun this week at Mosaic Monday and to have a look into your world.

June 23, 2013

This morning I woke hubby up early to take a walk before it got too hot and humid. We drove around the lake so we could walk on a trail that goes right up to our lake. So these are some shots from our walk and a few shots from an early morning walk around my yard.

 I was awake early enough to see the super moon setting, looked pretty thru the trees, a little pink clouds during the sunrise, and Goldie Girl at the lake.

Along the trail, I could hear the Hooded Warblers and lots of Northern Parulas and Ovenbirds. None of which I could get photos of but, they were still nice to see and hear.

Some more scenes from our walk on the trail and lake.  I believe the Cardinal is a juvenile.

The fireroad or trail, it is lush and green and a beautiful place for a morning walk.

Back in my yard, the spirea, some clematis is mixing in with our blueberry bushes. Another type of clematis is still blooming on my fence, a bluejay with a mouthful of peanuts and a cute Tufted Titmouse.

It is amazing to see how many peanuts the bluejays can stuff into their mouths.

The Tufted  Titmouse are cute birds, I love this closeup.

This clematis vine seems to be mixing in with our blueberry bushes. I have not seen any blueberries ripe enough for picking unless the birds are getting to them before me.

This seem to be a young cardinal, I love that look!

Another clematis vine we have growing on our fence, it seems to keep putting out more blooms.

I hope you enjoyed my walk, post and photos. Thanks for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.
Join in on the fun and for more wonderful photos please visit  Mosaic Monday and more from  Our World Tuesday
 Thanks to our host: Mary our host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  I wish everyone a happy week!


TexWisGirl said...

pretty clematis! the lake is really pretty, but i love goldie girl in it. :)

Nancy said...

Your clematis is huge! I'm lucky to get a few inches growth each year.

Love the little cardinal. Have a super Sunday Eileen.

inge said...

I love the pictures of the lake I feel like I went on the walk with you.

Lynne said...

Always nice photos, variety too. I like the young cardinal, the fallen log on the path . . . and "Miss Golden" in for a swim!

My name is Riet said...

Such great photo's Eileen.The lake and surroundings are beautiful and so peacefull.your bird photo's are as always the best. have a nice week.

MandaBurms FarmStay for Cats. said...

SMILE what a beautiful walk thanks for taking us along. What a joy to see the little bluejay eating peanuts.
Love Leanne

debra @ HOMESPUN said...

It is hot and humid here right now and your pictures are lovely and cooling! :) I can almost smell the sweet wood scent and the water. Bird shots are adorable...especially the little titmouse, who, along with chickadees, was my grandmother's favorite bird :)

chica said...

Que beleza ver tantas fotos assim lindas! ADOREI! beijos,chica

Poppy said...

Hi Eileen,

How refreshing! I can feel the cool air on the water and in the trees! The little, winged wonders are absolutely darling! Fabulous, colourful and lively photos!

Have a wonderful week!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I always love seeing the birds you've photographed and today you have pretty flowers, too. But my favorite photo of all is the trail! Look how green and lush it looks! Like you're entering another world! WOW!

Bob Bushell said...

A lovely walk, it so amazing to see the things that remembered, nice moon and all the birds.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks for sharing your walk with us - so many pretty things in nature to see.
Have a great week.

Sue said...

What a lovely walk!
The trail looks cool and tranquil. Hope the bugs didn't "bug ya"!

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

Goldie Girl in the lake captured my attention immediately...what a doll!

The French Hutch said...

Hi Eileen, Wow you have the most beautiful trails to walk and the scenery is stunning! I love the snap of Goldie Girl enjoy a dip in the lake. You have a beautiful yard with amazing birds and flowers. I so enjoyed my walk with you Eileen. Have a lovely week.

The French Hutch

Vee said...

Wonderful walk...I enjoyed the photos so much and the descriptions, too. Lots of wonderful bird captures! I think tufted titmouses are adorable, too. Tufted titmice?

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Awww Goldie Girl in the lake is so cute. I love seeing dogs swim! Love the shots of the blue jay eating peanuts. That's so funny!

Linda H said...

Lovely photos and mosaics! I love seeing the birds, but my fav. shot is of the trail complete with fallen log. All the rain this spring has made everything so green and lush..

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Such pretty bird photos - and the clematis is stunning. Love the mosaics.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

The walk in the woods must have been cool and fresh. Goldie Girl knows how to cool off. The birds are always an interesting part of your posts. Have a great week. Valerie

Life Images by Jill said...

oh I love these walks with you Eileen - your forests are so different to ours.
I wanted to email you a link about lemon curd (or lemon butter) as I saw your note on Mosaic Monday, but I couldn't see an "email me" link - so here is a link! I hope you don't mind me posting here -
Have a wonderful week Eileen.

Barbara Selkirk said...

What a great walk with you Eileen - your photos are terrific and tell such a lovely story... thanks so much for sharing with everyone.

I do so love to see your part of the world and the beautiful nature that surrounds you and of course your darling Goldie Girl... what a doll that dog is. I wonder how she and my two labs would get along. I think she'd have them whipped into shape in no time don't you?

Debbie said...

awwww smart goldie, cooling off in the lake!! smart getting up and out early, it was so hot today!!

i saw a young cardinal in my yard this morning, it looked exactly like yours. is that a male or a female??

Montanagirl said...

Loved this post. Goldie Girl sure looks like she's enjoying being in the water. You took some really nice photos.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful and scenic place with such lovely birds.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Birds and blooms go together, don't they? I see Goldie Girl is cooling off in the lake.
Have a good week Eileen.

Laloofah said...

What a lovely set of photos! The Super Moon, sweet critters, beautiful flowers, all that lush green - what more could one ask for? :-)

I'd love to hike down that beautiful woodland trail - it looks like it would be a cool and peaceful place to escape the heat and crowds!

Betsy said...

The tufted titmouse is as cute as his name is. Those blue jays are something else. The little cardinal is posing for you.

Carole M. said...

another beautiful trail to walk Eileen, and wow you get the super moon way down low like that; not here. It looks fabulous.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What a lovely walk and a beautiful way to start any day!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen! The clematis is very pretty!

Anonymous said...

That was a lovely walk with you, Eileen.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your area has so many wonderful trails and so many different birds, Eileen. It looks like a lovely place to live!

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!
Wonderful pictures and great shots!!
You realy had a lovely walk!!You saw so many beautiful birds!!I love that cardinal bird!!It's my favourite!!And your clematis is very preety!!Thank you for sharing!!Have a lovely week!!

Tammy said...

That young Cardinal is precious! Young birds always look like they have such a sour expression. Love the shots of the trail you were is so lush and green!

Noushka said...

Hello Eileen,
Such a gorgeous area you live in!
Thanks for sharing that walk with us, I bet 'hubby' was happy you got him out of bed! LOL!
Your Cardinal youngster is sooo cute!
On bird I would have loved to see in North Carolina when we lived there!
Cheers, enjoy the day!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the lovely walk Eilen, I really enjoy it, I feel I was there walking along and seeing all the green, the pretty flowers and birds, and congratulations on catching the Super moon. I was too cloudy here is California so we missed it :(.
Have a great week and thanks for visiting us :>

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Beautiful setting and lovely pictures. I especially love that tender little Cardinal! Have a wonderful coming week1

Hootin Anni said...

Note to myself: "Must get a peanut feeder"!!!

Love all your nature photos and Goldie Girl in the lake. That looks so refreshing. Wish I could swim like your sweet girl can!

I got some terrific super moon shots this past weekend, but I'm not quite as proficient as you'll take me a few days to post my photos. LOL

Jannibele said...

Nothing is like a walk in such a beautiful and peaceful setting. Thanks for a nice walk:)

Mary Howell Cromer said...

I would really enjoy a walk such as the one that you, your husby and pup-cub took. It looks like fresh breathing good exercise kind of a walk and the birds, the lake and the scenes are all very welcoming. happy week Eileen~

DeniseinVA said...

Always fun to see a photo of Goldie Girl. She looks like she's having a wonderful swim. Marvelous photos again, love the ones of the birds especially that close up of the Tufted Titmouse. In awe I am :)

Unknown said...

Great sequrnce!! Love Goldie in the water. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Linda Kittmer said...

Beautiful post Eileen. My post is about noticing all of the beauty around us and you've certainly done that. I especially love the bird shots.

mick said...

A great series of photos. I especially like the lake.

Unknown said...

Marvelous captures of lovely places in your world, Eileen! I do love Goldie and those sweet bird close-ups are delightful!! Hope you have a wonderful week! Enjoy!

Fun60 said...

A wonderful walk at a beautiful time of the day.

Karen Lakis said...

What a beautiful walk! I love the pretty blooms and birds!

Dianne said...

Thank you for taking us along for the walk Eileen .... just gorgeous.

NatureFootstep said...

It is such a beautiful place. And your titmosue is gorgeous. :)

Unknown said...

I absolutely loved your post. I am not sure if my comment posted or not so am trying again. The nature shots are so restful.

Marcia said...

It was a hot one today. Nice you can beat the heat with an early walk.

Leovi said...

Simply great pictures, really impresses see nature like you've caught you, with all its beauty!

Indrani said...

Wonderful sights all around! I would have been confused what to take and what not to take! :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful! You are so skilled in getting close-ups of these birds - leaning towards purple (next phase of green, lol) with envy

Unknown said...

Can't tell if my comment went through - great pics Elieen, especially the close ups of the birds, you are so skilled at it!

Al said...

What lovely photos, I'd very much enjoy walking there.

Merlesworld said...

What a lovely place for a walk.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Wow,what a beautiful walk!Great Pics!

Birgitta said...

Wow! Beautiful, lovely and great photos!

Anonymous said...

What pretty shots - and what a gorgeous place for hiking.

Kusum said...

Beautiful flowers!

Mary said...

Such a beautiful walk! Thanks for sharing all your gorgeous photos!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos of your walk!
The juvenile cardinal is just gorgeous.

Dana said...

Such beautiful photos! That moon is stunning.

Happy Tuesday. :)

diane b said...

You see many more birds than I do on walks. I can hear thm but naver can see them. This is a beautiful walk.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wow what a capture of the moon through the leaves - I love the effect of that! And I love the Blue Jay pic. Happy Tuesday my friend :-)

Maria said...

Great photomontages again Eileen! I like the second one with the juvenile cardinal.

sweetbriardreams said...

Goldie Girl has certainly got the right idea on a humid day! Your walk looks so tranquil, thanks for taking us along. Take care. Chel x

Amazing wonders in my life said...

Wow... Beautiful..

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...