Saturday, June 29, 2013

Everglades National Park

June 29, 2013

 EDIT: I am linking up with Favorite Fotos thanks to Lydia at Where the Wild Things Were 
I hope you will join in on the fun and share your critters and birds.

I enjoyed my Florida vacation so much I have to share some more birds and critters, these are all from the Everglades National Park. We saw a nice variety of birds in the Everglades. On this day we were near the Flamingo Visitor Center.

Osprey's were a common sight in the Everglades National Park

 Blue-winged Teal couple.

 Walk this way...Alligator on the visitor center parking lot . Most of the gators we saw in Florida were laying in the water, this was the first one we saw walking. I am glad he was walking away from us!

Above are two alligators with a turtle nearby.

This was my first time seeing both the Brown Pelican and the White Pelican together. Above, I see six White Pelicans and two Brown Pelicans.

One of the many White Pelicans we saw in Florida.

The American Crocodile we sighted in the Everglades National Park. The Crocodile has a narrow snout is and lizard shaped. The male crocodile can reach 20feet long. They live and thrive in salt water.

A Black Vulture's view of the Everglades wetlands.

 My last photo is my favorite the Green Heron, this shot shows off some of their pretty colors. And I love their eyes. I hope you enjoyed my tour of the Everglades National Park.

Like weekend I am sharing some more of my favorite blogs to read and visit. I hope you have a chance to visit. In case you missed my first time sharing my favorite 5 blogs for the week here is the link 1st Favorite 5

Betty always seems to have something positive or lovely to say Cut & Dry

If you have not already done so visit with Tex at the  Run*a*Round Ranch ..she see awesome birds at her pond.

I am always amazed at Fiona's gorgeous photos on her blog..go and check them out: Lady Fi

Chris at Las Aventuras has some awesome bird reports from Arizona and beyond.

Last but not least, I always enjoy the sky shots at Spare Parts and Pics..always a pleasure to go skywatching on this blog.

 I wish everyone a happy weekend. Thanks for stopping by and I always appreciate your comments. 

 To see more beautiful photos and cute critters

 please visit:  Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious hosts Misty Dawn of Camera Critters and to Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin.


Carole M. said...

such a wonderful place to visit Eileen; and I love the photos you got, especially the green heron

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

How nice!!!.. Fantastic place.. Beautiful birds and other animals .. gorgeous pictures. Greetings from Madrid.

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic wildlife photos from the Everglades. We were there about ten years ago and I've never forgotten it. Never saw a 'gator out of the water though, I think I would have done a double take on that. Happy Weekend Eileen, and thanks for the great photos!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I'd love to visit the Everglades someday! There is so much to see. Although I am pretty scared of alligators so hopefully there wouldn't be any roaming around the parking lot while I was there!

Great list of blogs to check out - I follow several of them already!

Hootin Anni said...

I too love the Green Heron...and their bright contrasting eye color! I haven't seen a croc here, but plenty of alligators and turtles.

Glad you enjoyed my post on the baby turtle release. I plan on going back and getting there early enough to see the very beginning so I can 'root them on'!!

Have a great weekend. It's gonna be a hot one...looks like...all over the country.

Hootin' Anni AND Anni @ I'd Rather B Birdin'.

Anonymous said...

What amazing shots - I love that Green Heron too!

And thank you so much for the shout out. Have a great weekend.

Phil Slade said...

Just brilliant shots today Eileen. The osprey could almost have remained unseen blending in with the background. Having only ever seen a couple of Blue-winged Teal your super picture reminds me how much bigger they are than Green winged/Common Teal. And your Green Heron is amazing. I'd just love to see Alligator like that, walking about the footpaths - it's hard to believe they might attack but best to stay safe? Enjoy your weekend birding.

Magia da Inês said...

¸.•°♡♡♫° ·.

Bonitas fotos.
Gostei mais dos jacarés.
Bom fim de semana!
Beijinhos do Brasil.
¸.•°❤❤♫° ·.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh my goodness that alligator picture is AMAZING! I love the Osprey picture as well. I am going to FLA in three weeks I make take a spontaneous trip here :-)

Nancy said...

A photographer's paradise Eileen. Your images are amazing. xo

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Great photos! My favorites are the pelican and the green heron!

Mia McPherson said...

Wonderful images of a location I treasure Eileen! I never got the see the salt water crocs so I might just have to go back!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful birds. I have never seen a alligator walking in that style.

DIMI said...

Wow Eileen!!!What a wonderful park you visit!!!Those alligator shots are amazing!!!I like the pelicans photos and the blue heron bird!!Thank you for sharing!!!Have a lovely weekend!!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Coincidentally, we were in Grand Canyon National Park while you were at our "local" National Park! Interesting to see both pelican species mingle like that. Their feeding habits are directly opposite-- the Browns plunge and the Whites herd. Hope some find their way to the little lake next to our home as they have done the past two years.

Montanagirl said...

Great place to visit! Love the Green Heron. Hope to see one someday.

grammie g said...

HI Eileen...I sure am glad I don't live where there are alligators..yikes!!
Love the shot with the Brown and white Pelican together, the water is like diamonds!!
There are some Blue Winged Teal on the river here, nice shot!!
Nice share from from the Florida vac.!

TexWisGirl said...

cool gator on land! love the osprey and gr. heron. :) great teal pic!

Beth said...

Fantastic photos, Eileen! I loved seeing the croc and gater, especially since they weren't close to me. Appreciate you sharing your pictures. Have a great week and 4th of July!

Unknown said...

Wonderful shots! I love the osprey. The alligators are interesting, but I'm glad we don't have any here. Enjoy your weekend!

Saun said...

Hi Eileen as always they are great.The Green Heron is my favorite too.

FAB said...

Another fabulous selection from the Everglades. The Green Heron is my favourite.

Have a glorious week Eileen.

Lynne said...

Wonderful photos. Certainly a great trip by the looks of things. Alligator walking around might steer me away . . .

Happy weekend Eileen!

George said...

Thanks for taking us along with you to the Everglades. I've always wanted to visit there. Your photos are wonderful, but I'm glad the gator was walking away from you.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Some amazing birds in the everglades Eileen. In all the years we've gone to Florida, we've never been that far south.

ShannonW said...

Yikes! Alligators! LOL

Great photos.

Icy BC said...

I enjoy your post always, Eileen! Beautiful nature photos you have..

Merlesworld said...

What a interesting place so full of life.

NatureFootstep said...

a great day with lots of things to study. Love the Teals.

Anonymous said...

You got my all time favorite heron!

Unknown said...

Great series Eileen. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I will have to get back down there to the Everglades sometime in the coming year or two. It has been over 25 years since I have been there. I love the picture of the Blue-winged Teals. So pretty. I also loved the picture of the White and Brown Pelicans. I have seen both (Brown in CA and White in TN at the lake house). Have an extra-fine Sun. tomorrow!

Dawn Fine said...

Love the everglades! Great Birds and wildlife there!

Jidhu Jose said...

lovely clicks


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed seeing your great photos, Eileen. The alligator doesn't look nearly as threatening from that end!

Indrani said...

What awesome sights you see!
The walking croc is scary!

katerchen said...

Krokodile..oh nicht so mein Lieblingstier..

Schöne Bilder aus dem Urlaub hast du gezeigt.

DANKE sagt das katerchen der staunt über die Vielfalt der Arten.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Stunning collection of characters! I can't believe the colouring of the heron in the last photo! Beautiful!

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
What a great photo's, the Green Heron is truly a beautiful bird, with beautiful colors.
The crocodiles are beautiful to see.
Regards, Irma

diane b said...

Thanks for the tour of the Everglades. I never realised that there are both crocodiles and alligators there. I thought it was only the latter. The shot of the heron with his bright eye and orange legs is terrific.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Thanks for sharing so many great photos!

magiceye said...

Lovely sightings and captures!!

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos, it looks like a wonderful place to visit.

Noushka said...

Hello Eileen,
Florida is definitively one of the best place I know of that can offer such great bird photography opportunities.
How lucky your are to ba able to take a holiday there and around the Everglades.
Great post and variety of birds!
Enjoy your weekend!

lina@family tips said...

Wonderful series!
Thanks for dropping by :)

sweetbriardreams said...

I would love to visit the Everglades and will see if I can add this to my trip next year. It all looks so prehistoric! Have a wonderful week. Chel x

Bob Bushell said...

Great reserve, my fave is the Green Heron, superb.

EG CameraGirl said...

I would like to make that trip myself. So much to see!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos, Eileen! Those alligators look so big!

Shey said...

Fantastic shots, totally enjoyed visiting. Loved the osprey and green heron. Great captures of the crocodiles too.

Donna Sexton said...

Beautiful photos!

Debbie said... sure would need a couple of memory cards here!!

Great images, I don't think I have ever seen a gator walking, I thought they slithered on the ground as well!!

Maria said...

Those gators are huge; I like the vulture!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

The Florida Everglades look fascinating. I am fascinated by crocodiles and alligators! They look so prehistoric.

A Colorful World said...

Some of your favorite blogs are mine too...well, your trip to FL yielded some amazing sights! Wow! I LOVE ospreys! But to see both crocs and gators, wonderful! And the white pelican, too. I loved seeing all your photos so much!

Suzan said...

I try to be accepting of all of God's Creatures - but I have a difficult time with the gators!! We had a place on the St. Johns River below Lake George and the gators ate everything in sight. All the ducks, any dogs that wander along the river bank and you had to watch for your little kids. they need to be controlled like the deer. They are an awesome dinosaur to watch and they have to eat too, but. . . .

Suzan said...

BTW- Great photos!!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the remembering me my old journey to Miami. I never forget this special journey with my family. I enjoyed so much on there. Specially the wildlife adventure is best part of my life. For more information about Everglades boat tour please visit our site :- Everglades boat tour

Unknown said...

Attractions in Miami

This is the marvellous post that I have come over after huge searches. Everglades National Park protects an unparalleled landscape that provides important habitat for numerous rare and endangered species like the manatee, American crocodile, and the elusive Florida panther. Thanks..

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...