Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fly by

June 5, 2013

Linking up with NF Winged   and  Skywatch Friday

Can you believe another week is flying by? It's time for my favorite Skywatch Friday and some birds for NF Winged 

I have been hearing the baby herons and on this day I just barely managed to catch one of the adult herons flying over my yard back to the nest. You wouldn't believe the sounds coming from the heron nest, one of our neighbors thought the sounds were coming from some wild animals.

This moon shot was taken June 1 the last quarter with 43 % visable. I saw a pretty crescent moon this morning. I will try to get a crescent shot in the morning.

During last weekend's walk with hubby, I saw this pretty Scarlet Tanager. He was high up in the tree among the tulip poplar blooms.

On this morning driving to work , I saw somewhat of a sunrise, there is some pink behind the fog.The silhouettes of the trees look pretty. These trees  have grown so fast and so high, they are now blocking my view of the sunrise during my ride to work.  :(

Further along on my ride to work, I could see more of the sunrise and a pretty pink sky.

I am ending this post with another shot of the colorful Scarlet Tanager. I hope you enjoyed my birds and skies. 

Thanks for visiting my post and  blog and I always appreciate your comments.

Happy Skywatching  to everyone!

To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and to see more of the winged critters check out NF Winged

Thanks to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday! Thanks to Monica the host of NF Winged.  Also, thank you for stopping by to see my post. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.


Sue said...

We are supposed to have the scarlet tanagers here, but I have not seen one. Our neighbors regularly see some in their yard. You'd think I'd see such a bright bird.

How neat to have baby herons right in the neighborhood.

Annemor said...

Enjoyed :)
Birds, moon and the skies.
Have a wondeful day.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love 2 & 4 .... the moon & that foggy shot ... nice views. so mysterious. like the fog is rolling in... super cool!! ( :

Rebecca said...

Love your blog header! I have yet to see a Tanager...

Unknown said...

I love your pretty skies!

Indrani said...

The sky shots are awesome and so are the bird shots!

Reena said...

You spot the best birds! He is beautiful!

Judy said...

I love seeing the herons flying, but I have never been to a heron rookery, so I don't know what sort of noise they make...
I love that image of the moon!!!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

So beautiful of your sky shot, and bird! Have a great weekend!

Jenn Jilks said...

There's a successful day!

Suzan said...

I've never seen a Tanager here in the Atlanta area nor in the northern Fla. area!! Lovely little birds - so bright in color!! Your skys are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Time sure is flying by!

Love these shots - gorgeous moon and lovely purple skies.

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!Great news from the herons nest!!I can imagine how it sounds from there!!Amazing pictures of the scarlet tanagers!!!Nice shots of the moon and the sunrise!!!Have a lovely weekend!

EG CameraGirl said...

Yes, for sure I enjoyed your photos of birds and skies! I am still on a hunt to get the "perfect" shot of a scarlet tanager.

Gail Dixon said...

Nice set! Especially the moon. I missed the scarlet tanager during migration this year. Will have to wait another year to hopefully see him.

Rohrerbot said...

Surprisingly tanagers are very difficult to see :-) nice find! I didn't know you Had that bird there. The Tanager group is really neat!

vivi ka said...

I enjoyed your birds and skies!!! And of course the beautiful moon!
Have a nice day! Kisses!!

TexWisGirl said...

gosh, would love to see a scarlet tanager! loved the shot of the sunrise w/ trees. :) and wish i could hear those herons, too.

Beth said...

Your sunrise photos are amazingly beautiful, Eileen! Loved seeing the scarlet tanager and the tulip tree. I have never seen a scarlet tanager - how colorful! We have a tulip tree but it grows in a very shady area and it remains small and has not bloomed. Our neighbors have one that blooms, I guess I just have to enjoy theirs.

George said...

You get some great drive-by shots on your way to work. You've had some beautiful skies. I like your photos of the Scarlet Tanager, and your moon shot is fabulous.

Karen said...

What a beautiful pink glow to accompany you on your way to work! Love the moon shot!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Love the shots of the Scarlet Tanager and your morning sky shots are beautiful!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love trees of course, but I'll miss your morning sky shots! (However, maybe you can sleep in a few more minutes, with no need to stop for a photo op.)

Wonderful scarlet birds are always so special to me, because I never really saw any in the part of Oregon where we lived for so long.

ulla laiho said...

What a beatiful red bird - we don´t have them in Sweden. However I have a tulip poplar but I have never seen any flowers on it.

MitchyLR said...

Hi Eileen!! Nice shots. I really like the one of the heron in flight. The Tanager is not seen in the UK, so is a new bird to me. Love his bright colours!!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful set of images. I like that moon shot.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

That moon shot is so cool! I just love it! And that tanager is so beautiful!

Giga said...

To był dobry dzień, gdy słońce tak pieknie wschodziło. Pozdrawiam.
It was a good day, when the sun was rising so beautiful. Yours.

Anonymous said...

The Scarlet Tanager is so beautiful.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful birds and sky photos, Eileen. After hearing 2-3 Baby Bluebirds squealing at the feeders for Daddy to feed them, I can only imagine how LOUD the baby Herons are..... ha


inge said...

The moon picturei is so dreamy and just simply stunning

A Colorful World said...

Love the photos! Your Scarlet Tanager is wonderful! Oh, and I LOVE the blues on your header!

Kim, USA said...

Love your photos Eileen. I think we do not have tanager here in Michigan this bird is so pretty.


Tammy said...

Love the foggy pink sunrise! I think fog (when its not too heavy) makes such stunning landscape photos! The Scarlet Tanager is gorgeous!

Jidhu Jose said...

excellent clicks
happy SWF

Rock River Stitches said...

Gorgeous photos!! And that moon shot is something else!!


NatureFootstep said...

sure, I loved both the sky and the colorful bird. :)

Sylvia K said...

Awesome captures for the day, Eileen!! Love the moon! And your birds are always delightful! Wonderful variety of skies!! Hope you have a great weekend!!

namaki said...

Akk kinds of different skies ! the moon is awsome !

Anonymous said...

Great series with wonderful skies and stunning birds.
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend.

FAB said...

Lovely colours .. birds and the sunrise. Have a great weekend Eileen.

Photo Cache said...

everything is just beautiful. i am a fan of your bird photography.

Karen said...

Such beautiful shots of the bird and the sky is so pretty.

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic Eileen, Happy SkyWatch Friday :)

Anonymous said...

Love your moon shots.

Kusum said...

Lovely skies!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the weekend is coming soon, looks to be a wet one. The scarlet tanagers are so pretty. I hope to see a "real" one some day. Last year I saw my first Tulip tree, I'd never heard of it. So pretty! Have a great weekend!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful photos, but I think the moon shot is my favorite! Happy skywatching.

Lina Gustina said...

The bird, moon and skies look wonderful. Love it, Eileen.

Pearl Maple said...

a beautiful collection of images of nature in many different moods, have a great weekend

Montanagirl said...

I always enjoy your birds and skies. That Tanager is gorgeous! I've been occupied with switching computers and transferring info and photos. Very time-consuming project. I may have to go to posting only once a week. I'm in front of this computer way too much!!

eden said...

Very nice photos. Love the moon shot.

Liz said...

These are lovely shots, Eileen! That's a gorgeous sunrise amongst the fog and that little bird is very sweet!

Phil Slade said...

Love your skies Eileen. I hope those herons don't wake you up too early but I'm guessing you actually don't mind too much? Have a great weekend with lots of birding.

Joyful said...

Your moon shot takes my breathe away. Have a lovely weekend, Eileen. xx

SquirrelQueen said...

This week has flown by hasn't it? All are gorgeous shots Eileen but that little Scarlet Tanager really catches my eye. Such a brilliant red.

Happy Weekend!

Maria said...

As usual, very nice skies and moon.

Unknown said...

the scarlet bird is stunning! beautiful photos.

betty-NZ said...

Lots of great shots, as usual, Eileen! Love the tanager and the beautiful tree it's in!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...