Sunday, June 30, 2013

River walk

  I am linking up with Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday .

June 30, 2013

It will be nice to see you join in on our fun this week at Mosaic Monday and to have a look into your world.

Since Google reader is being retired, have you chosen a new method for following your favorite blogs? I linked up to bloglovin and you can find my link in the top right hand corner of my blog.

These photos are some scenes from our walk last weekend at the Susquehanna State Park here in Maryland.  The trail is called the Susquehanna Heritage Greenway trail. Also, some shots of my backyard blooms and birds. 

Above the is trail we hiked on at the park, the Deer Creek which empties into the Susquehanna River. I noticed some of the pretty wild tiger daylilies blooming along the creek, along the trail is an old flint furnace.

At the river, I was able to catch a few of the Eastern Pondhawk dragonflies. The Susquehanna River must be an great place for fishing on the way home I saw this field of daylilies.

This field of daylilies is gorgeous.

My purple coneflowers are starting to bloom, they are one of my favorite flowers. I also included some clematis still in bloom, a juvenile Cardinal, a Ruby-throated Hummingbird and a Carolina Chickadee.

One of my pretty purple coneflowers.

One of my many Carolina Chickadees.  Lately our weekends include a walk somewhere and I enjoy a walk around our yard to see what flowers are blooming and to watch my yardbirds.

I hope you enjoyed my walk, post and photos. Thanks for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.
Join in on the fun and for more wonderful photos please visit  Mosaic Monday and more from  Our World Tuesday
 Thanks to our host: Mary our host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  I wish everyone a happy week!


TexWisGirl said...

the field of daylilies is beautiful! wowza!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful park to walk around with lovely birds and flowers.

podso said...

Eileen what a beautiful walk. I feel like you've taken me along with your photos. Have a great week!

Poppy said...

Hi Eileen,

What a beautiful place! The field of day lilies and the river are breathtaking! Your coneflowers close up is very lively; I feel like I'm right there!


Bob Bushell said...

Nice day out, superb.

My name is Riet said...

Another sweries of beautiful photo's Eileen.Have a nice week.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty photos, Eileen. I love the dragonflies and cone flowers especially.

Debbie said...

Love, love, love those dragonflies, what gorgeous light in those!!

Beautiful field of blooms!!

Snap said...

Dragonflies and hummingbirds .. I can never get a decent shot of either. Loved seeing yours and the beautiful coneflower. You have the most wonderful places to walk!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous photos, Eileen... Even though I have been AOL from blogging for two weeks, I always tried to at least read your blog. I always enjoy it. You are able to go to many great places not only for birding --but just being out in nature. Love the color of that wild lily... Gorgeous.


DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!
What a beautiful walk!!Great pictures!And you saw a field of those preety daylilies!!!I realy enjoyed your post!!!
Have a lovely new month!!!

DeniseinVA said...

That was a lovely walk you took us on Eileen. Great photos!

Merlesworld said...

Lovely place to wonder around in.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hi Eileen
I just added you to my Blog lovin list. You find the nicest places to go for walks with birds and blooms to share with us.

debra @ HOMESPUN said...

I love all of the photos, especially that cooling river, but that sweet little chickadee is stealing the show :) I just love them! :)

Pat@BPM said...

These are all wonderful Eileen. I especially like the Draonfly.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The daylilies sure are a pretty pop of color! Lovely photos my friend!

Stephanie said...

It was a lovely walk around your yard through your lens.

Carole M. said...

the chickadee is wonderful; the daylilies and coneflowers. What a beauty of a place to visit Eileen; you get to some neat places!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hi Eileen! Its been a few years, but I've been to Susquehanna State Park, and it really is a beautiful place to visit, and you've made me want to visit again and see your garden too!

Brian King said...

Love that field of day lilies! Nice shot of the chickadee! Cone flowers are one of my favorites.

SandyCarlson said...

What a gorgeous place. Your photos are pure poetry!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

That was a great walk - and lovely yard - I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite - loved the flint oven - one in my backyard would be perfect :-) and the chickadee and the field of day lilies - what a sight.

Life Images by Jill said...

a "field" of daylillies - my goodness - we only see them in clumps or along borders in gardens - stunning. And I love that coneflower. What a glorious time of year.
Have a wonderful week Eileen.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear you have a good many Carolina Chickadees. I love those little birds! I read recently their numbers are declining. Coneflowers are one of my favorites, they seem to like it here. :) I like that in a plant!

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
Beautiful collage of beautiful surroundings.
Collage 4 I find totally amazing.
The flower is the purple coneflower, a medicinal flower, they make medications.
Regards, Irma

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Hi Eileen!!.. Beautiful pictures and collage... Congrats.. A kind regard..

Betty Manousos said...

hi eileen,

looks like a great place for a walk.
totally enjoyed this post.
your photos are just gorgeous!!
have a great week ahead~


Stewart M said...

Nice pictures - it will be a while before I can take any dragonfly shots.

Stewart M - Melbourne

Anonymous said...

Wow! Wonderful photography of a beautiful place ~ Love them all and mosaics are excellent ~ happy day ^_^

Thanks for visiting.

Hootin Anni said...

Great mosaic collage images you've created. I especially like the one of the coneflower with the birds on the right.

maryaustria said...

What a lovely place!! Beautiful!

Karen said...

Wonderful mosaica! The coneflowers are beautiful!

ulla laiho said...

You have beautiful flowers in your garden!

Unknown said...

It is nice to walk along the river with a great views like yours. Very lovely Eileen.

Maria said...

Beautiful places, and flowers!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I love purple coneflowers! I need to get some on my property :)

Giga said...

Park jest śliczny i z pewnością było przyjemnościa po nim spacerować i patrzec na przyrodę. Śliczne kolaże. Pozdrawiam.
The park is beautiful and certainly more fun after the walk and to look at nature. Beautiful collages. Yours.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

The pic of the field of daylilies is gorgeous and so is all your other pics!

The Sage Butterfly said...

A lovely walk with so much to see and savor. Love the bird on the branch at the end.

Unknown said...

Great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Love that Carolina Chickadee! It's been a long while since I have seen one. Have a nice Tues. tomorrow!

Oman said...

this is a great place to roam. i have to take a second look though at the "tiger" word, i though they are freely roaming the place then i read again they are flowers haha. awesome shots.

Pondside said...

Hi Eileen - thanks for taking us on that colourful walk. I loved the Purple Coneflowers. I planted some, but a hungry critter ate them right down to the ground!

LifeRamblings said...

beautiful nature photos and i love your mosaic.

diane b said...

That field of lillies is stunning. Love all your flowers. I enjoyed the walk with you while sitting in my study looking out at the rain.

Penelope Notes said...

It is the fluffy bird that captured my heart. :)

Indrani said...

Lovely pics, always a joy to see your shots!

Tammy said...

You create such great mosaics, Eileen! The field of lilies is truly stunning!

Unknown said...

The chickadee is so cute! One of these days I might get to paint a dragonfly - I love the bluish cast on its fragile wings:)
Thanks to you I'm now added onto bloglovin'!

Marisol@TravelingSolemates said...

Hi Eileen, thanks for taking me with you on a spectacular walk. Love the flowers and birds and the dragonflies. The dragonflies brought back fond memories of my childhood in the Philippines.

caite said...

A lovely visit...I need to plant some coneflowers

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos from your walk! Love the coneflowers and that chickadee in the last photo.

Randi said...

What a lovely walk! Love all your photos.
I have chosen Feedly...very similar to Google Reader.
Have a great week!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I took a different type of riverwalk n my blog, Eileen, but yours if full of such wonderful wildlife!

Fun60 said...

Wonderful shots of Summer. I love the field of daylilies.

Tina´s PicStory said...

so lovely pics and great macro shots!

yonca said...

Gorgeous photos! I felt like walked with you :)

Kusum said...

Ah! So refreshing!

Ingrid said...

Indeed a beautiful walk ! and your flowers and birds are gorgeous !

Arija said...

Love the little chickadee. I tried growing coneflowers but its no go here. They are so pretty.

A Colorful World said...

A FIELD of daylilies! What could be more gorgeous! Great photos, Eileen. I've been so behind, and am slowly trying to catch up. I was wondering about choosing another blog "driver" or whatever. How is it you don't lose the blog you have when you switch? I just don't understand any of it! :-)

Lynne said...

I think I will kiss the nose of "Miss Carolina Chickadee!"
Loved your photos . . . beautiful Cone Flower, mine are just ready to POP . . .

Marcia said...

Lovely spot you found there for your hike. My cone flowers are just showing their colors too.

Faye said...

Love blogs for giving us the opportunity to see so many parts of the world up close and personal through the eyes of the photo blogger. Such a pleasant walk and we didn't even need to sweat! :-)

Carolina Mountains said...

Lovely spot - the last two pics are stunning!

ZielonaMila said...

Beautiful photos, nature is wonderful:) Greetings

Suzan said...

Beautiful wild flowers and neat dragon fly!! A flint Furnace??? Didn't know you could melt flint? Very Interesting!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post. Love the lilies and coneflowers...and of course the bird. I tried to migrate to feedly but am not very happy with it. I'll check your link out. Between being away for a while and that change I am feeling rather lost!

Amy Burzese said...

All great, but the day lilies and cone flowers are my favorites.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...