Tuesday, July 2, 2013

New Old birds

I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

July 2, 2013

Can you believe it is July already?  I wish all the Canadian bloggers a HAPPY CANADA day. And on Thursday is our 4th of July celebration in the USA.

These are a few birds from my archives that I noticed I have not posted. I would like to do a post on each of my lifers, that way all my lifers appear on my blog. Another way I can keep track of my life birds. These birds were seen during a trip to Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana.

Yellow-headed Blackbird


Mountain Bluebirds

Clark's Nutcracker

Black-throated Sparrows. I am sure I have more lifers that I have not done a blog post about, it will take a little while to find the photos. How do you keep you life list? Is it on an Excel document? Do you keep a written journal?  I am looking for an easy way to keep a list list and have it numbered, any ideas?

I hope you enjoyed my variety of Wild Birds on this post.
Thanks for stopping by and for leaving your nice comments. I always appreciate your visits.
Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday and thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.

I wish everyone a happy week ahead and Happy Birding!


TexWisGirl said...

have not seen any of these in person! wonderful!

Debbie said...

oh i just LOVE the magpie, eyein' you up!!

and the bluebirds, so handsome on that branch!!

MandaBurms FarmStay for Cats. said...

I'm way interested in how you keep your birding lists I've never kept one and it is something that would be rather wonderful.
Love the shot of your Mountain Bluebirds.
Love Leanne

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Pretty birds! I love that you keep a list of all the birds you've seen.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm thinking you must have a very long life list of birds! I have never seen any of these except in photos! :))

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great group of birds, Eileen. You really do have a huge list of 'lifers'..... I saw a couple of these when we were out west...

Loved seeing the Clark's Nutcracker--when I saw it...

Thanks for sharing.

FAB said...

Eileen, I would love to see ANY of those birds.

If you want to keep a simple record of your 'Lifers' (Date seen, place etc) I would suggest an Excel spreadsheet.

I'll admit to being 'belt and braces' and keep an annual logbook plus I use a dedicated software programme for all my trip and patch sightings.

If you need any help or further info, then just shout.

Unknown said...

Great look at your lifers!! They're seeing some yellow-headed Blackbirds west of me. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

George said...

I'm glad you decided to post these 'lifers'. I really like your first photo.

mick said...

Great photos and a very nice series of birds. I especially like the Yellow-headed Blackbird with the water behind it.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Great photos of your lifers. I saw my first yellow headed blackbird this year. I did get a picture but not a very good one. I have heard other people saying they have seen them this year too.

Suzan said...

Nice collection of wild birds. You must keep a journal of all the birds you see and where?? The yellow headed blackbird is neat!

Kerri Farley said...

None I have ever seen before (except in pics) So cool!

Leora said...

These are all delightful birds. I really like the Yellow-headed Blackbird and the magpie.

Bob Bushell said...

Lifer again, beautiful images.

Brian King said...

These are awesome! I haven't seen any of them. The Magpie is very striking!

Valerie said...

What a vibrant header you've made, Eileen! That blue bird in the centre is amazing - what is it? (sorry if you've already explained that in previous posts!). Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

Wonderful post of some birds I wish I had near me! Beautiful pics.

Carver said...

Great shots of the birds. You photograph such a good variety of birds.

caite said...

Some great shots!
I have a few birds myself this week....

Karen said...

Oh great shots! That magpie has an awesome long tial!

Lynne said...

Love seeing your "lifers"! Each were firsts for me. What a thrill it would be to see them in person and catch a picture too!

Montanagirl said...

Love the Bluebirds on that dead tree. The Nutcracker is one bird I'd really like to see in person!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Canada day wishes, Eileen, and happy early 4th of July to you! The Clark's Nutcracker is a great bird, can't wait to see one someday!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Lovely selection of birds. I don't keep a life list, I find some people who do are always chasing after the next bird they need a tick from. I am happy being outside in the fresh air seeing what birds turn up. That is what makes birding special for me. Not knowing what bird is just round the corner. Margaret

Unknown said...

Lovely birds! I love how the magpie is looking straight at you.

Carole M. said...

these are new to me Eileen; I love the yellow-headed blackbird, but I'm amazed at your magpie differences to ours. Yours seems to have a much more longer and sleek style tail too

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
Beautiful pictures of different birds.
A number of these birds are not in the Netherlands.
Regards, Irma

Stewart M said...

Nice pictures! My life list is an excel document - which reminds me I need to update it after my trip to Western Australia!

Thanks for the link to WBW.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Anonymous said...

These are all great captures Eileen. I'm not encountered a single one of these beauties.
Thanks for sharing- keep um commin ~:)

i stora drag said...

Hi Eileen!
What nice birds you shared today! I would love to se a yellow-headed blackbird! We've only have black ones.

Hope you will have a nice day too.
I've been at intensive care last week and now on medication for a long time...
Greetings Pia

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Goodness these are some amazing captures - especially that first one of the bird balancing itself on the reed! Amazing.

Irene said...

Nice bird shots, Eileen .... as always!

I hope you are enjoying the summer. Nice and warm in MD (my aunt told me yesterday - she lives in Ocean City)

We are still longing for the sun and summerheat. Maybe we should come over :o)

Have a great week .... hug Irene

Ailime said...

Hi Eileen, so beautiful! I love all the photos. Hugs Ailime

A Colorful World said...

Great series! That magpie looks so majestic!

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!
What a wonderful post!!Amazing pictures!!!
So many beautiful birds i have'nt seen before!I like most the Mountain Bluebird!!!!Great shot!!!Thank you for sharing!Happy 4th of July!!

Sharon Wagner said...

The nutcracker is shouting away.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

A nice variety of beautiful birds. Thanks for sharing!

Mia McPherson said...

I really can't help on the lists, I don't keep one except in my head.

I love seeing the western birds I am so familiar with on your blog!

SandyCarlson said...

The magpie made my day. I haven't seen one since I was in Ireland way too many years ago.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I laugh when I see birds perch on top of poles, singing, I am the King of the pole.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love the look at your archives. We saw our first magpie in quite a while in Eastern Oregon this last trip. They're prettier than common crows, but just as obnoxious... or assertive I guess would be a nicer word!

I just keep notes in my bird book -- haven't even moved into the last century on keeping my lists yet. (Of course I don't have nearly the number that you do!)

NatureFootstep said...

Lovely birds as usual. About lifers list. I have no idea of how many I´ve seen. I have the different blogs and then I have lists for countries. The overall no I don´t know. But also, I only count the ones I photographed.

Pat said...

Wonderful shots. The Magpie is a striking bird.

Rambling Woods said...

Lovely photos.... My list is so small that it is on an index card and on my blog.... Michelle

Maria said...

Wow, a Magpie, that's a very pretty one.

Unknown said...

I now word will sort and list so if you were to continually add your list to a word doc you could keep tabs but then perhaps correlate it with zipped folders placed on flash drives? Anyway, I am not the best person to speak on organizational skills but your photos are gorgeous.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...