Thursday, July 11, 2013

4th blog Anniversary

I am linking up Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-b-birdin I hope you will join in on the fun and share your critters and birds.

It is hard to believe 4 years have passed since I started this blog on July 13, 2009. For my 4th anniversary post I am sharing some photos I posted previously or as near to my blog's previous anniversaries.

 My first post was short and sweet, just talking about the Caribbean cruise we took and it included a photo of one of my trip lifers.. the Brown Booby seen between St Thomas and St John.

Brown Booby seen during a boat ride from St Thomas to St John..July 2009.

  Our first port of call during this Caribbean cruise was San Juan, Puerto Rico. From the fort we could see an iguana on the grass and our ship in the distance.

My 1st blog Anniversary July 2010, I posted about my backyard birds, like the juvenile Redbellied Woodpecker.

Also, in July 2010 a Sandhill Crane was sighted in Elkton Maryland.

 My 2nd Anniversary in July 2011, I was driving around the back roads in Maryland looking for new birds.. On this day I saw the Redheaded woodpecker and.......

another favorite find while driving the back roads was this pretty Eastern Meadowlark another July 2011 bird.

In July 2012, my son and his friends and hubby and I cruised to Bermuda from Baltimore. It was a great trip and most likely the last cruise we will take.

 I loved this beach we visited in Bermuda, the sand, water and sky were beautiful.

 These Bermuda birds are (Long-tail) White-tailed tropicbirds.

Back at home in July 2012 I was posting the juvenile Catbirds in my yard. It is not often I see two catbirds so close together. I believe these were juveniles at the time of the photo. This is not a fancy anniversary post and sorry no giveaways, just a quick look back at previous years post. Thanks for stopping by and I always appreciate my blogging friends following my blog and all your comments over the years.

Besides  these two favorites Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin.
I am sharing some more of my favorite blogs to read and visit. Maybe you might know these bloggers already if not you may enjoy visiting their blogs too.

I think everyone knows Betsy from Tennessee, she blogs about hikes and trips with her hubby George. Betsy also shares her pretty gardens and flowers.

I love to travel and this blog makes it easy to travel to Australia by visiting Red from Oz. She shares awesome scenery and reports on her own travels in OZ the land down under.

To see some awesome photography you should definitely visit  Brian King Photography. You will see beautiful birds, flowers and more.

If you have a birding blog I am sure you know Stewart with his Wild Bird Wednesday blog but
Stewart from Australia has two blogs. On this blog Stewart shares more stories about his life and birding trips.

Last but not least, if you are addicted to birds like I am you should check out Kathie's birds . Kathie lives in Arizona and does some great reporting on the Arizona birds.

I hope if you have time click on my links and visit with my blogging friends and their blogs.

 I wish everyone a happy weekend.
 To see more beautiful photos and cute critters

 please visit:  Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious hosts Misty Dawn of Camera Critters and to Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin.


Kerri Farley said...

What a nice trip down memory lane! Happy Anniversary!!! And wishing you many more!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

wow! FOUR years! happy anniversary...and happy saturday!
thanks for sharing all the year by year posts! i love the red headed woodpecker, the bermuda beach with 'lava rocks'??, and the bOOby!! they always seem comical to me. SAVE the boobies!! =)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

What a fun way to remember you years of blogging! Congrats on the anniversary and here's to many more.

I love the photo of the Redheaded woodpecker and I have to say that beach in Bermuda may be the most beautiful I've ever seen! Gorgeous water.

Carole M. said...

congratulations Eileen on your 4th anniversary; well done; you present a very interesting blog to keep visiting. Lovely memories in your photos and especially those white long-tails from the tropics

Nancy said...

Happy blogoversary Eileen! That's a milestone as so many bloggers quit in the first year alone.

Love the meadowlark! xo

lina@family tips said...

Congrats on your 4th blog anniversary, Eileen. I'm wondering how many wonderful photos that you've been posted.

Thanks for dropping by :)

Sofia said...

Fantastic captures! I like those colorful birds.

Hootin Anni said...

Happy happy 4th anniversary blogging!! How lovely to see your retrospective of the past posts!! I really liked it all Eileen.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful looking birds. I have never seen them before.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Eileen Great to see what you have posted over the last 4 year period especially as I have just passed my 4 month celebration!! I have a long way to go to caught up and still a lot of learn. I especially love, Have a great weekend. Margaret

DeniseinVA said...

Congratulations of your 4th blog anniversary Eileen. You've brought a lot of joy to us out here with your lovely photographs. These latest ones are wonderful!

i beati said...

fabulous birds today

rainfield61 said...

So much to remember in this anniversary.

Unknown said...

Happy blogoversary Eileen! Wonderful birds. The beach looks very inviting. Enjoy your weekend!

katerchen said...

eine wunderbare Sammlung Eileen...

kaum einen der Vögel kannte ich.

LG vom katerchen zum Wochenende

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Happy four year anniversary!!! I loved this trip down memory lane with you. I have only been visiting your blog for a few months but in that time it's become one of my favorites. And I have to say, that picture of the red-headed woodpecker is now one of my favorite pictures I've ever seen on Blogger :)

Snap said...

A wonderful way to celebrate, Eileen. A very special look back ... wonderful memories for you and for your readers! Happy Critter Day!

Diane Writes said...

Happy 4th blogversary Eileen! Wishing you more years of blogging happiness

Rohrerbot said...

Congratulations Eileen! That's a wonderful achievement. The time truly does fly by. Sometimes I'll back at old posts and think about all the things that have happened and how much we all grow as people for doing this kind of stuff. 4 years is wonderful! Happy anniversary!

Montanagirl said...

That was a nice trip down through the years of your blogging posts! Thank you for sharing. Nice collection of photos.

Bob Bushell said...

A great collection of American birds, and some have perfect hair-dos.

Suzan said...

Happy 4th Anniversary!! You always have lovely and interesting animal pictures!! Neat seagull - brown booby!! Interesting face!! Wishing you Eileen, many, many more blogging years!!

Noushka said...

Hello Eileen!
It certainly is a great anniversary!
The main thing is to enjoy your photography and the blogging friends you made since!
Well done, congrats!
Cheers, enjoy your sunday!

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen... Well congratulations on your 4th Anniversary! Your post have been interesting,informative and funny, and I have enjoyed following you!!
I have lost count of how many years I guess I should check that out!

Carolina Mountains said...

Happy Blogoverary! Great shots here.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 4th year Eileen.
I love all of your awesome photos- what a gift you have chosen to share with us today.

Happy weekend- you are one of the kindest bloggers I know ~:)

Irma said...

Congratulations of your 4th blog anniversary, Eileen.
Wishing you more years of blogging happiness.
Fantastic captures! I like those colorful birds.
Regards Irma

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Happy 4th Anniversary Eileen! I have enjoyed seeing all the different birds that you share.
I am only familiar with Brian's and Stewart's blogs. I'll have to check out the others.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Pat said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary! That beautiful beach shot has me longing to be there.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you has stuck with it. I've seen so many come and go. Keep it up, you're doing great.

Meghana Hassan said...

Great series of photographs, especially that Redheaded woodpecker and the beach, they are just awesome...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats, Eileen, on your blog-aversary!!!! I always enjoy your blog --and hope you continue doing it for many more years to come.

Thanks for mentioning me. That is so sweet...


Hilke Breder said...

Congrats, Eileen! Yours is one of my favorite birding blogs - the writing is always interesting and your pics are great! I am by the way one month ahead of you -started my blog in June of 2009.

George said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary. Thanks for the look back -- it's easy to see that you have been taking wonderful pictures from the very beginning.

DIMI said...

Ηallo Eileen!!
Happy 4th blogversary!! I have enjoyed seeing all the different birds that you share,and all your great posts!!!Wishing you more years of blogging happiness!!Have a nice Sunday!!

Caroline Gill said...

Congratulations, Eileen! I particularly like the Brown Booby and the Sandhill Crane. I have only seen Cranes (the Common Crane) once in the wild ... Thank you for your kind comment about my Scottish seal photos! Here's to your next anniversary ...

MyMaracas said...

Happy anniversary, and thanks for sharing your highlights!

Gemma Wiseman said...

A great post celebrating your blogging anniversary! Love the light and colour round the Bermuda beach and the red headed woodpecker has such a strong colour contrast!

Mary said...

Happy anniversary! Wonderful images from the last years!

diane b said...

happy anniversary. Although I am not a birder, I do enjoy your blog. Your Caribbean Holiday must have been great. Love the pics and the birds. I have nephew who lives on St Lucia. Maybe one day I could visit him.....dreaming.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Loved your memories! And Happy Blog-i-versary!

Maude Lynn said...

This is the perfect anniversary post! Wishing you many more!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Happy, Happy Blogaversary Eileen!! You've been to some beautiful places and taken amazing pictures--I hope I'm here for the years ahead, to see and enjoy more of them! :-)

Karen said...

Oh, terrific shots! Love the booby! Happy blogaversary!

Debbie said...

What a wonderful walk down memory lane, I am so happy to have found you!!

There was a red bird in here that was my favorite, I can't remember his name!!

Have a happy Sunday!!

Debbie said...

I had to go back and check....the eastern meadowlark, with the red head, what a beauty!!

Anonymous said...

Four years! Happy anniversary! Thanks for sharing all those special bird sightings.

Reader Wil said...

Happy anniversary Eileen! I 've learned a lot about birds from your blog. Thank you.

Daniela Augustka said...

Wonderful images.

Leora said...

Happy blogiversary! You show such a wonderful variety of birds. Thank you.

kim said...

You've been blogging exactly four times as long as I have, you're an inspiration! I love the diversity of images and especially love those tropicbirds, very beautiful!

Tammy said...

Happy 4th anniversary, Eileen! I enjoyed all the delightful photos you've captured along your journey!

My name is Riet said...

Happy 4th anniversary Eileen. How wonderful to back at all those beautiful birds. Great series.

Unknown said...

Happy Blogging Anniversary Eileen ! :)

Anni said...

Here's hoping your 5th year blogging will be the best ever for you. I know it will be great for us.

Phil Slade said...

Happy Anniversary Eileen - here's to the next four. I am so impressed with your pictures today, especially those from Bermuda. What wonderful blue skies to see and photograph the tropicbirds against. Have a great week ahead in year five.

EG CameraGirl said...

Congratulations on your 4th anniversary, Eileen! It's fun to look back on some of your past photos.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Congratulations, Eileen! What pleasant memories of blogs gone by. You inspired me to check my history and find I have posted 492 blogs since September 15, 2006. I must remember to observe my 7th anniversary, as I simply did not keep count and missed the first 6... (Hmm, how many birthdays have I forgotten to acknowledge over the years?) Best of wishes!!!

Celeste said...

Happy Anniversary Eileen, great to see some of your posts from over the years. Here is to many more years of great blogging :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos, nice selection of birds! Happy anniversary!

Elaine said...

Congrats on 4 years of blogging, Eileen! You've shared some wonderful images over the years.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Congratulations !!!!

Maria said...

All beautiful birds!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen,
Happy blog anniversary! So sorry a bit belated my friend.
I enjoyed the beautiful varieties of birds with your wonderful photos♡♡♡
Nature is a God Send and I appreciate you that you share with us.

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Unknown said...

Love your sandhill crane. I find them fascinating and they are almost tame here. Happy anniversary!!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...