Thursday, July 18, 2013

Around the yard, July 17

I am linking up with NF Winged   and  Skywatch Friday

 I have a hard time believing it is the middle of July already, time goes by so quickly. It is my favorite time of the week, sharing my skies with Skywatch Friday and some yardbirds for NF Winged. I hope you can join in on our fun. It has been a hot and humid week here in Maryland.  I hope everyone is staying cool.

 For the birdies part of my post, I am sharing the Brown-headed Cowbird and a Redbellied Woodpecker above.

 I have a Brown-headed Cowbird pair hanging around my feeders, they left their eggs for the Cardinals to take over the parenting job.

A male House Finch, looking pretty with his colorful red head.

The House Finch couple.

 I have been enjoying the Sunrise on my way to work. Some of these photos were taken over a couple of mornings.

While everyone seems to be in a hurry in the morning, I guess they are in a hurry to get to work. If I see a nice sky I will pull over to snap a few photos.

 This moon shot..phase is the Waxing Crescent taken on July 14, 2013. I enjoy these simple pleasures watching the birds and skywatching. I hope you enjoy my post.  Happy Skywatching everyone!

Thanks for visiting my post and  blog and I always appreciate your comments.

To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and to see more of the winged critters check out NF Winged

Thanks to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday! Thanks to Monica the host of NF Winged.   I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.


EG CameraGirl said...

I think it's great that simple pleasures make you so happy.

That poor mama and papa cardinal having to bring up a hungry cowbird. :)

Bob Bushell said...

The birds are so colourful, and skywatching is my favourite, Eileen, you are superb.

Birgitte said...

Åh hvor jeg elsker dine fugle :-)

Red Nomad OZ said...

RED birds and RED skies are HOT ... but the moon shot is coolest of them all!!

DeniseinVA said...

I often say the simplest pleasures are the best, especially when it comes to watching birds and looking at beautiful skies. Thank you for sharing yours Eileen. Your photos are great!

Sue said...

You've enjoyed some pretty sunrises. I never miss them--I always have my first cup of coffee out with the birds in the garden.
I'm not smart enough to bring my camera though.....

Have a great day, Eileen

Gemma Wiseman said...

Simple pleasures last, cost nothing but time and attention, can't be stolen and don't overdraw a bank account! They're the best! (I too pull over on the way to school to take a photo!) Great skies and love your colourful collection of birds! So the brown headed cowbird has cuckoo habits!

Caroline Gill said...

That Brown-headed Cowbird is most unusual! Another terrific selection ... and thank you for your kind comment, Eileen, on my dolphins.

Carole M. said...

well my favourites are those wonderful birds; each a beauty; lovely skies too Eileen

Regina said...

Hello Eileen. These are wonderful!


Lynne said...

Exceptional post today Eileen. Love your artistry in birds, sun, moon . . .

Suzan said...

The brown headed cowbird is new to me!! nice coloring. Nice seeing the red finch couple. I have put out thistle in hopes of attracting more of the red finches and love the golden finches.
Nice moon shot!

Jen Sanford said...

Great photos- I love your current header too with the echinacea! I watched a Song Sparrow feeding a giant young cowbird yesterday, those buggers...

TexWisGirl said...

i know a lot of folks don't like them due to their parasitic ways, but i think cowbirds are so handsome. :)

rainfield61 said...

If birds can talk, they will thank you for always make them a star.

caite said...

That red bellied woodpecker is lovely!

Irma said...

Hello Eileen
Beautiful colourfull birds.
The sunrise and the moon are totally awesome.

Montanagirl said...

I always enjoy your posts, no doubt about it! Your photos are always sooooo good! Love that Moon.

Indrani said...

Love your skies, moon and of course your birds! :)

Karen said...

Excellent bird captures. The finch couple is so cute, I have a pair in my yard too. Gorgeous sky shots!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Eileen I think this set of captures is my favorite thus far. I love the picture of the Brown-headed Cowbird and the Redbellied Woodpecker. And that Finch is beautiful! Also, what an amazing moonshot!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

The birds are fabulous fabulous fabulous. And a beautiful sky is always a good reason to slow down and take some photos.

Oh the moon - yesterday on the way home I saw the half moon in the sky and was going to take pictures of it - and completely forgot - drat. Well I'll try again tonight, but it will have changed a bit more - I need pictures of the half moon.

DIMI said...

Hallo Eillen!!Great post!!!So colorful and beautiful birds in your yard!!!I like the sky photos!!!Great work!!!And here it,s so hot!!!
Hope you have a lovely evening!!Hugs!!

MitchyLR said...

Hi Eileen!! Love all your shots. I always enjoy your bird photos as you have quite a few species in your area that I don't see over here, like the Cowbird and the Red-Bellied Woody

The Furry Gnome said...

Wonderful pictures of the birds, and the moon.

Debby Van Enkenvoort said...

Great bird shots. I love them all.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Wonderful photos of the different birds and beautiful photos of the Sunset. Fabulous !
Best regards, Synnöve

Annemor said...

Very colourfulbirds, some unknown to me. Fun to se.
Lovely skies :)
Have a nice day.

Maude Lynn said...

These are the same things that make me happy!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Lovely shots of beautiful birds! I must say, that first shot is exquisite. I think you should enter it into a photography contest!

NatureFootstep said...

your Brown-headed Cowbird looks very nice. But leaving the eggs....not good. :)

HansHB said...

Lovely serie of sky-photos!
Nice to see!

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos! I like the beauty of these birds!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice bird pics and skies. Yes, not too many people will stop in the morning on their way to work to take pics, not even me, generally. Your bird pics make me think that you are patient person.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, I always love seeing your little backyard birds... I have almost the same ones... AND--your sunrise photos are fabulous... Bet you love seeing them on your way to work...


Al said...

Lovely photos. You're going to work early if you're catching the sunrise this time of year!

Lew said...

Love your bird shots! There are lots of trails in the several parks on Catoctin Mt. - just don't get too close to Camp David.

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

Lovely bird photography - the shot of the brown headed cowbird is beautiful, and I love the moon image.

Carver said...

Wonderful sky shots and I love seeing your birds.

Carver said...

I forgot to answer your question when I commented. The flowering tree on my skywatch is indeed a crepe myrtle tree.

Sylvia K said...

Yes, I love your bird shots, too, Eileen, and of course, your skies are so beautiful! The moon shot is awesome! You got some "drop dead gorgeous" shots for the day!! Hope you have a great weekend!

Photo Cache said...

am a big fan of your bird photography.

Saun said...

Love your sky shots especially the second one. I was wondering what that brown headed bird was called. I can always depend on you to tell me what kind of bird they are. Have a great weekend !


Unknown said...

The right bird in your first pic is the woodpecker? The feather pattern of the wings is very pretty!
Eileen that moon is gorgeous! Do you use a specific setting for that?

George said...

It's always a pleasure to see what is going on in your backyard. Your photos are always wonderful. But then your sky photos are marvelous as well.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful; birds. I also like that sunrise.

Kusum said...

Beautiful scenes!

Anonymous said...

Love the red-bellied woodpeckers, though we haven't seen a pair of them for awhile, something must have happened to the male. Our little song sparrow has been busy raising cowbirds this summer, too. A fledgling cowbird came along with some starlings this week.

Unknown said...

Love your sky and bird shots. Hey they go good together, huh?

Zizi Santos said...

Belíssimas imagens!
adorei todas

Anonymous said...

What amazing shots!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Birds, skies, and moon... a wonderful post, and great photography!

diane b said...

I love the woodpecker in his spotted pyjamas.The skies are lovely and I'm glad you can take the time to enjoy them and capture them to share with us.

Beth said...

Excellent and beautiful photos, Eileen! You truly amaze me with your bird shots. Yesterday I was about 5 feet from a hummingbird. They love my garden this time of year.

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

Wonderful series again, I specially love your second sky shot.

Kerri Farley said...

Awesome as always :)

Bill S. said...

Great pictures of the birds in your world. I love the moon shot - great detail.

Betty Manousos said...

oh my word, eileen,
what a spectacular! great photos. always a delight to pop by your lovely spot for a visit.

missed you!

Jennifer said...

Beautiful shots! Especially love the cowbird and the red-bellied...we have both in our yard. Love the cowbird's waterfall sound.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos, Eileen, I love the male House Finch!

Debbie said...

Awesome bird catches, the male house finches are so pretty right now!!

Love that purple sky!!

Mary said...

So lovely birt shots! And the skie ... amazing! Wonderful photos!

Giga said...

Bardzo lubię dzięcioły za ich leczenie drzew. Kardynały są urocze i mogę je tylko oglądać na zdjęciach, bo u nas ich nie ma. Niebo o wschodzie było bardzo ładne. Pozdrawiam.
I like woodpeckers for the treatment of trees. Cardinals are adorable and I can only see the pictures, because with us they do not. The sky at sunrise was very nice. Yours.

Dar said...

Birds, sky, the moon, all wonderful gifts for us to only take time to see. I pull over for sunrise and sunset photos too.
Thanks for stopping by earlier. and I'm so glad to be back on here to check out what's new.
I have those same birds in my yard...
Life is God

Elaine said...

Beautiful skies and beautiful birds! Love the first shot with the woodpecker and the cowbird!

Noushka said...

My answer is YES!!
I have enjoyed your post tremendously!
I love to discover birds we don't have in France.
The Woodpecker and cowbird are gorgeous and so are your sunrises.
Thanks for sharing.
Keep well Eileen!

Phil Slade said...

Handsome looking birds Eileen, and I really like the cowbird shot even though I know they have a bad reputation. Its a lovely pose of the woodpecker you found too - spot on shot. Enjoy your weekend of birding.

thomas said...

just love the moon shot most.

Maria said...

Great moments, you have so much nature around you.

Shirley said...

You must leave a little early in hopes of seeing a magnificent sunrise to photograph. Love the bird shots too!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...