Saturday, July 27, 2013

Myakka River State Park

I am linking up Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-b-birdin I hope you will join in on the fun and share your critters and birds.

It is hard to believe I still have Florida vacation photos to share. These are some birds and critters seen at the Myakka River State Park in Florida.

Tricolored Heron and a gator.

Pretty sure this is the Great Egret. I love this preening shot, the egrets are beautiful birds.

Great Blue heron

Cute deer

Anhinga and an Egret. The Anghina is drying its wings.

I believe this is the Red Shouldered Hawk. Please let me know if I am not correct with my id.

We saw a group of  wild turkeys in this field.

I had to zoom in to catch this Common Moorhen. As you can see there were some great birds and critters in the Myakka River State Park. 

 Ok, here is my new list for the week of my favorite blogs to visit and if you missed any... look back at all my previous Saturday posts they go as far back as 6/22/13.

 Visit with Irma @ Irma's blog  you can see some adorable Grebe babies and lovely nature photos.

Mona's Montanagirl blog is always worth a visit. She is a wonderful nature photographer.

Kim @ Lirralirra is another Australian blogger, she shares beautiful birds and nature photos.

Juliet can be found blogging @ Crafty green poet is from the UK. She shares beautiful nature scenes, poems and shares a lot of my beliefs on conservation.

Dawn @ Dawn's Bloggy blog has unbelievable energy when it comes to nature, birding and blogging. Dawn and her hubby share their travels in their home on wheels. Following Dawn's blog helped in joining the group Birders who Blog, tweet and chirp it can be found on facebook here BwBTC

I hope you are able to find some time to visit some of my favorite blogs above, they are all wonderful bloggers.

 I wish everyone a happy weekend.
 To see more beautiful photos and cute critters

 please visit:  Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious hosts Misty Dawn of Camera Critters and to Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin.


rainfield61 said...

You are always connected to birds.

A dedicated birder.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love the top two shots- that gater makes me cringe a bit, though...the bird is much to close!

Kerri Farley said...

Wonderful birds that I don't get to see very often!

TexWisGirl said...

awesome turkeys! love the egret preening shot, too! you named several blogs i enjoy, too!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hi Eileen! Another great and scenic trip! I had no idea that Florida had so many beautiful and colorful birds!

Karen said...

Terrific shots! I really like the great Egret preening and the Anghina drying out! Sweet deer too!

Montanagirl said...

This looks like a place I'd enjoy visiting. Nice photos!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, What a great assortment of wildlife! I especially like the shot of the Tri-colored Heron with that partially submerged 'gator. Neat! Since I have lived here in Marion County, FL, I haven't seen any Alligators yet. Have a fantastic weekend!

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!
What a lovely place to visit!!!Wonderful pictures!!!Beautiful birds!!!Thank you for sharing!!!Have a lovely weekend!!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks for including me in your list of favourite blogs!

Lovely photos, i hope the heron is safe from the gator!

Irma said...

Wonderful array of birds and the alligator is super.
You only see here at the zoo.

Anonymous said...

Eileen you captured the essences of Florida, and its birds and wildlife perfectly.

Nicely done, happy weekend to you ~:)

Irma said...

Hi Eileen, great that you're linking to my blog.
Thank you, I'm very happy here.

Phil Slade said...

A great selection you show us today Eileen.Florida seems such a wonderful place for birds and photography. Enjoy your weekend of birding.

Celeste said...

What a fabulous selection of critters but I'm with you Eileen, that Egret preening shot is a stunner!

*Manja* said...

Wow, wunderbare Foto`s!
Liebe Grüße,*Manja*

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Stunning - such fabulous birds and photos. I hope the alligator was not looking for lunch.

Noushka said...

Fantastic sightings, Eileen!
That is quite a lot of birds you saw there.
I believe it is a Great egret, the legs are black.
Enjoy your weekend! :)

Lea said...

Wonderful photos!
I especially like the egrets and heron.
Have a great week-end!
Lea's Menagerie

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your pics, Eileen. That deer is so sweet.

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos! I love the deer and the preening egret.

Helma said...

Very nice this nature photos.
I love nature and you let some beautiful herons and other birds.
Greetings, Helma

Bob Bushell said...

The special type of all is Egret, wonderful.

DeniseinVA said...

Another great selection of beautiful birds Eileen. I'm glad you are still sharing your Florida photos. Have a great weekend :)

George said...

I don't believe I've seen a tri-colored heron before. Thanks for sharing more of your Florida trip with us. I've enjoyed every post.

sweetbriardreams said...

Great photos Eileen, love the one with the gator but I'm surprised the birds stay near them...shudder! Have a great week. xx

Al said...

What a great variety of birds! Deer look cute but you don't want to get too near them around here.

diane b said...

The heron is keeping an eye on the alligator. The preening Great Egret is lovely.

Carole M. said...

enjoyable walk and photos Eileen; great to pick up on the hawk

HappyK said...

I've never seen a tri color heron before.
You sure see lots of different kinds of birds and take beautiful photos of them all.

Unknown said...

Great series Eileen!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great photos, Eileen... The gator made me shiver--but I loved seeing the birds --and of course, the deer. That is a great photo of the Anhinga.


Lynne said...

Never a disappointment to see your wonderful photos. The Florida Park was filled with the best!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Myakka is fairly close to us. ( when we're in FL) ..and weve been there a couple of times. your pictures are lovely. I've never seen turkeys or deer are so good at spotting nature!

Indrani said...

Indeed a great series. What variety you get to see everyday!

Maria said...

Beautiful Egrets, Herons and Gators! I love the Anhinga too.

katerchen said...

es ist ja viel vertreten was es in der Tierwelt gibt
DANKE für die schönen Bilder

mit einem LG vom katerchen und dem Pauli..mann

NatureFootstep said...

lovely area for birding. I have a pair of moorhens in the pond where the Horned grebes use to be. They had two chicks but lately I´ve only seen one. And far out of course. :(

I too like the egret shot. :)

Ann said...

wonderful shots. I thought it was amazing that the bird in the first one doesn't seem too concerned with how close that gator is

Anonymous said...

une faune merveilleuse

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Eileen all the shots re lovely although my favorate is the Egret.

Unknown said...

I just came across your blog and love it. The birds are beautiful and the wild turkeys made my day. I've seen a few around here but when I'm driving an unable to get a shot. The alligator shot is precious too :)

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Nice mix of photos!

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen.... These are great shot's so glad you are sharing them!!
I have never been to Florida, seeing that Alligator makes me have to think about that haha!!
The White Heron is such a beautiful bird!
Nice set of photo's from the stat park!!

Huldra said...

What a beautiful serie! The first one was amasing.
Thank you for sharing :)

Greetings from Huldra in Norway :)

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Very nice Florida wildlife shots. It's been so rainy here in south Florida these past two weeks that we have had little chance to get outside.

Dan Huber said...

Great captures Eileen.

Anni said...

As for the hawk...your guess is as good as mine. They're so similar in so many ways, it's rather difficult to ID.

LOVED the very first image of the tri-colored and the gator!!!

Erik Koffmar said...

Lovely pictures of the herons and egrets! I really have to get to Florida to photograph some day.


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You saw such a wonderful variety of birds and animals. I like the moorhens...they are so neat. And look at that big old gator! I'm going to look and see where this park is! Sweet hugs!

Pat said...

Great shots of the wildlife you saw on your vacation.

Unknown said...

The contrast between the blue of the bird and the red of the weeds is beautiful - and on top of that the gator came into view too! It must have made your day -it would mine:)

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...