Saturday, July 20, 2013

More from Around the Yard, July 20

I am linking up Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-b-birdin I hope you will join in on the fun and share your critters and birds.

It has been a hot humid week here in Maryland, other than going to work and coming home to a cool house I have not been anywhere to take different shots. It's too hot!!!!! So these may look the same but they are new photos. The Ruby Throated Hummingbird easily entertains me. Goldie Girl has had a hair cut for the summer and looks more like a Labrador than a Golden Retriever. She is still my cutie!! I caught a Chipping Sparrow singing loudly by my mailbox. And I am trying Tex's idea of putting out fruit to attract more butterflies. I am not having much success. :(  So that sums up my week and now for the photos.

Goldie Girl looking more like a Lab. See my cute bear, it's ear and nose was chewed off by my neighbors Labrador mix Marlow. He came over for a visit, despite his invisible fence. A wild puppy, he is a handful.

I am going thru more sugar water now, and very happy to provide food for these cute hummingbirds.

A hummer near the monster trumpet vine on our deck.

Another shot of my male Ruby-throated Hummingbird.

Hummingbird Moth at our butterfly bushes. It has a cute fuzzy bottom.

I have caught this one butterfly, at least I think it is a butterfly at the fruit feeder. The fruit feeder is an idea I stole copied from Tex, except she has had more success. Tex, what am I doing wrong?
I did catch some green looking flies and found a good way to be rid of overripe fruit.  :) We go thru more bananas, I usually eat one a day. The mushy bananas go out to the fruit feeder.

A loud Chipping Sparrow in the pine tree by my mailbox.  He is peeping at me while I get the mail.

If you have time click on my links and visit with my blogging friends and their blogs. Where else can you visit Africa, the south of France, the United Kingdom, I believe Sweden and last but not least Virginia, USA all in the same day?

 Ok, here is my new list for the week of my favorite blogs to visit and if you missed any... look back at all my previous Saturday posts they go as far back as 6/22/13.

Jo's Memorable Meanders  visit with Jo, she will take you to Africa and shares her beautiful birds, scenery and life in Africa.

1000-pattes Noushka has been sharing some amazing birds and insects. Awesome and beautiful nature photos.

Birds & Nature in the Forest of Dean,  Bob has awesome closeup of great birds. I am in awe everytime I visit his site.

NF Winged  Monica has this fun meme on Thursdays..sharing birds, insects and anything with wings. I love all her birds and nature photos and appreciate her hosting this meme.

Life at golden pines..Kim is truly a loving person ..she runs a Golden Retriever rescue... which is a very generous thing to do. I wish I had the time and funds to do the same...I love my goldens...Goldie Girl and before her my first golden love.. Daisy. 
I hope you enjoyed this variety of photos and critters. 

 I wish everyone a happy weekend.
 To see more beautiful photos and cute critters

 please visit:  Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious hosts Misty Dawn of Camera Critters and to Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin.


Giga said...

Twój piesek ślicznie wygląda po wizycie u fryzjera. Kolibry uwielbiam, jak juz pisałam wcześniej, ale ich widoku nigdy dość. Ja widziałam kiedyś w motylarni, że w podajniku były pokrojone pomarańcze. Pozdrawiam.
Your dog looks lovely after a visit to the hairdresser. Hummingbirds love, as I wrote before, but never enough to see them. I saw once in the Butterfly that the tray was cut oranges. Yours.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh I like how you added a few of your favorite blogs with a little blurb of each. Great idea Eileen.

The chewed bear is still sweet!! And the lab is healthy looking!

But the Great shots and the sparrow in the pine I like also.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, your Goldie Girl sure is a cutie and a beautiful GR.
A Hummingbird Moth is new to me- I do enjoy all your lovely hummers.
I tried the fruit too and all I got was ants ~:)

Hope your days cool off!

Lynne said...

Wonderful post . . . off I go for some visits!

Anonymous said...

It's been hot and humid here too, but this morning it is refreshingly cool. Goldie looks cute in her hair cut.

Suzan said...

Beautiful RED trumpet vine. We have orange trumpet vines around here. Bet your local hummingbirds do love your vine. Poor bear! A little black paint rubbed over his "bear" spots will cover his wounds!!

Karen said...

A terrific look around your yard! Beautiful hummer. I am still waiting for ours to arrive.

TexWisGirl said...

i know the butterflies really liked strawberries - i don't know if it was the color that attracted them or the juice. i had to discontinue my fruit plate this year as the dang squirrels discovered it and would raid it mercilessly!

i like goldie girl in her haircut!

rainfield61 said...

You have also those green looking flies.

Kaya said...

Your Goldie Girl looks like my dog Tasha!

You took so many beautiful pictures of birds. Even Ruby-thoated Hummingbird was nicely posing for you.

Very beautiful post!!!

Maria said...

Beautiful post, flowers and hummingbird. Goldie Girl is precious.

chica said...

Que lindas e sempre bem feitas fotos!beijos, lindo fim de semana,chica

The Furry Gnome said...

Great shots of the hummingbirds!

Anonymous said...

Love your lab ~ they are such gentle dogs and so much company ~ Hot here too in New England ~

wonderful photography as always ~ even close to home ~ Good Luck with the butterflies!

Bob Bushell said...

I love the Hummingbirds, they are superb. And, thanks Eileen for putting my name up the others.

Jo said...

Your hummingbird shots are AMAZING, Eileen! And imagine having a hummer moth too and seeing it at the same time! Thanks, dearest friend, for your sweet words about my blog and for adding me as a favorite. BTW Goldie looks beautiful as a Lab! Have a great weekend. Jo

Lea said...

Beautiful series of photos!
Have a great week-end!
Lea's Menagerie

Unknown said...

Goldie is such a beauty!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Debbie said...

goldie looks good and cool in her new haircut!! you are getting soooo many hummingbirds, i'm just a tad jealous!!

have a happy sunday!!

ZielonaMila said...

Wonderful photography, this post is fantastic:) Greetings

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!!
What a lovely post!!!Your Goldie Girl is so preety!!!How lucky you are having all these beautiful birds in the area you live!!!Great shot of the Hummingbirds!!!Have a lovely weekend!!!Hugs!!

George said...

It's been hot here as well -- I haven't done much more than clean up the flower beds all week. You have managed to get some great pictures, however. Goldie Girl is a cutie in her summer haircut.

sandyland said...

I feel like I'm right there in your photos my golden Jenna LLammee also has a summer coaT

Betsy Banks Adams said...

When it gets hot like this, none of us want to get outside much. So I can understand why you want to stay inside...

Goldie Girl looks much cooler now. Bet she loves her new haircut...

Stay COOL.

Zizi Santos said...

Lindas fotos!
amo todas

Gemma Wiseman said...

Enjoyed the stories behind each photo! Loved the photo of the ruby throated hummingbird and that odd looking moth with the fuzzy bottom. And yes! Goldie is the winner for beauty and charm.

NatureFootstep said...

great winged ones and 4-legged ones.

It is a beautiful butterfly. Some of them really like fruits. Especially when they are a bit decayed.

Glad you like the winged meme. :)

S. Etole said...

Great shots of that little hummingbird.

SandyCarlson said...

Thank you for caring for the hummingbirds. All of your images are great.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love the photos of the hummingbirds! We only have 3-4 and that's it--I wish we had more, but I am enjoying the ones we have!

THANK YOU for the mention of my blog, I appreciate your kind words and support!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

Unknown said...

Love the dog & the butterfly..


Carole M. said...

your dog will be feeling much better after the haircut in the hot weather. Love the hummers, how lovely to have them in your garden. The fruit is for the butterflies?

katerchen said...

wenn der Hund vom Nachbarn auch dein Freund es wunderbar.:D
Tolle Bilder die mich immer NEU begeistern.
LG vom katerchen zum Sonntag

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen,
Your lovely Goldie Girl had hair cut; looking really happy with your husband, may be♡♡♡
Oh, butterflies loves the fruits.
It is REALLY hot here and not being able to be outside the house much; haha, bit of stressful.

I hope you will have a wonderful Sunday.
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
Beautiful post, flowers and hummingbird.
Every picture is perfect.

EG CameraGirl said...

Hu Eileen,
It has been unreasonably hot here too so I understand why you've stayed indoors as much as possible.

Lucky you that your butterfly bush is in bloom already. At least you have a chnce of seeing some butterflies soon.

vivi ka said...

When i saw the first photo i thought it was an another dog! :)) Beautiful photos with wonderful colors!
Have a great new week!!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

So many delightful captures! Hummingbirds, butterflies and moths, each on a little miracle.

Anni said... the way, that trumpet vine it red?!!! I have only seen orange trumpet vine blossoms. Maybe it's not a vine?!!

Crafty Green Poet said...

I used to think retrievers were just long haired labs anyway!

Lovely photos, how wonderful to see the humming birds. we don't get them over here, though we do get humming bird moths sometimes...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Eileen great shots of the Hummingbirds. Always good to see. Margaret

alp said...

Magnífico reportaje...un abrazo desde Murcia

Betsy said...

Sweet little hummingbirds. You have very nice pictures posted and a delight to see.

Elaine said...

Love those hummers! Which we had some here.

caite said...

another big thumbs up for the hummingbirds!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Beautiful hummers, and very interesting shot of the hummingbird moth. I have seen them up north but so far not down here in Florida.

Celeste said...

Oh my goodness Goldie Girl looks so happy with her new summer haircut, what a sweetie!
AMAZING Hawk Moth photo, you must have spent hours to get that shot!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...