Monday, July 15, 2013

Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds

I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

My Wild Bird this week is the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. I am seeing a couple in my yard everyday, I believe they were nesting nearby. Lately the male seems to let others take turns at HIS feeders. So I assume it is the female or maybe some juvies?

Above is the female Ruby-throated at one of my feeders. Sorry for the bad photo, it was taking out my dining room window.  I put out three feeders because the male seems to be very stingy when it comes to sharing. I have witnessed what looks like a battle in the air, surprising for these tiny little birds.

I can always find the male hummer sitting in my weeping cherry tree if he is not at one of my feeders. His perch is positioned in such a spot he can watch all the feeders. Later in the summer I will move a feeder around the corner just to make sure other hummers passing thru will get a chance at the feeder.

The male showing off his pretty ruby-throat. It had recently rained so he is looking a bit wet and puffy. I enjoy sitting out on my deck in the evening and have these adorable birds zooming all around my head.

I hope you enjoyed my hummingbird post, I am looking forward to seeing your wild birds.

Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.

Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday and thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.

Thanks for stopping by and for leaving your nice comments. I always appreciate your visits.
I wish everyone a happy week ahead and Happy Birding!


Bas. said...

wat heerlijk om hem zo te zien zitten,wat is hij mooi.

Carole M. said...

beautifully sweet little birds Eileen

Rebecca said...

Cute photos! I love to get a shot of a hummingbird perch on a tree instead of a feeder. They're so busy though, they rarely stop to rest!

Giga said...

Uwielbiam kolibry. Szkoda, że nie fruwają w moim kraju. Pozdrawiam.
I love hummingbirds. I wish I were flying in my country. Yours.

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!!
As i always say,your yard is a bird paradise!!!What a cute little bird!!!Great shots and photos!!I realy enjoyed your post!!
Have a lovely day!

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! Nice captures. Your bird photos are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Tammy said...

Awesome post, Eileen! Hummers are so delightful to watch...I wish I saw them more often! Interesting to hear about their behaviors at the feeder.

Lynne said...

Great photos Eileen . . . would be so enjoyable to be siting with you and experience the Hummers flying around our heads!

FAB said...

Such a super bird to have buzzing around your head.

Carver said...

Wonderful shots of the hummers. I haven't seen any yet this year.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

They are so darling and pretty bird. I should put up a feeder!

Hootin Anni said...

Great hummer photos Eileen.
AND...loved viewing the Nat'l Park images in the post below...the bear I especially liked.

Suzan said...

The hummers are so adorable. I could watch them all day long.

TexWisGirl said...

they are such fierce tiny things! they expend more energy scrapping and defending territory than almost any other species, i think!

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
What a beautiful bird is this.
The last picture is my favorite.
Regards, Irma

Noushka said...

What gorgeous birds Eileen!
Lovely hummingbirds!
A couple of species used to come in our african garden and I saw a few in Nicaragua but it has been ages since I saw any!
Love your previous post too!
The bear is good looking!
Cheers, keep well!

Carole said...

We don't see ruby-throats here, so I love seeing your beautiful post about them.

Joanne Olivieri said...

What fantastic photos, Eileen. These two are so special.

Maria said...

Very nice poses

Debbie said...

ooohhhh Eileen, he is so handsome. How nice of him to pose for you!!

I see them only rarely this year!!

Jo said...

The male Ruby-throated hummingbird is spectacular, Eileen. He looks so much like our sunbirds as he seems bigger than hummingbirds I've seen previously. They are very territorial. I get great pleasure from watching the regular sunbirds at my two feeders outside my office and lounge windows. I hope you're having a great day. Greetings, Jo

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Eileen.... We have them here; however, not too many have visited us so far this year.. Dang!


grammie g said...

H Eileen... Aren't they just the best and vicious little critters ; )
I love when the male shows of his red neck feathers!!
Nice I did enjoy!!

Bob Bushell said...

What are beauty, the Hummingbirds, lovely.

George said...

I enjoyed this hummingbird post very much. Your photos are wonderful, and I especially like the last one with the male showing off his ruby throat.

SandyCarlson said...

These are pure magic!

Saun said...

Great capture love these!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Faboulos photos of the Hummingbirds. So beautiful ! Have a sunny day,too.
Best regards, Synnöve

Marco Luijken said...

Hey Eileen,
Very good shots of these hummingbirds. So nice to see them.
You've photographed them very well!!

Many greetings,

Phil Slade said...

The male hummer is particularly striking Eileen and you took a great shot of it to show the brightly coloured throat patch. How nice to sit out and have them zipping around your head!

Anonymous said...

Your captures of these sweet lil' hummers are awesome Eileen.
I'm a tad jealous- Hummers haven't been in our yard in quite a while.

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely shots of the hummingbirds Eileen. I hope I will get to see these again one day.

Small City Scenes said...

Very nice shots. I like to sit out and watch the Hummers too. We have to hummingbird feeders and for some reason they can be used only one at a time. Even now when all the flowers are out some busy bird is chasing all the others away. MB

Rambling Woods said... sweet...I have several feeders up for the same reason, but am not seeing as many as usual..sad.. Michelle

EG CameraGirl said...

Fun photos, Eileen! I rarely see hummingbirds perched here in my yard. They are always in a hurry to eat and

Julie G. said...

Hummingbirds are such a delight! I never tire at watching their aerial displays. I hope you have the youngsters visiting your feeders soon. Terrific photographs, Eileen!

Pat said...

What beautiful shots! They are really fierce little fighters.

Sharon Wagner said...

I haven't seen one hummingbird this summer.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

The ruby colored throat is so beautiful! What a cute bird!

theconstantwalker said...

Beautiful little birds to see...

Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

How wonderful to have a yard busy with hummingbirds. Beautiful photos!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love your hummingbirds. Thanks for showing us some more of Eileen's magical nature park!

Rohrerbot said...

Lovely shots of these birds. I'm hoping to get to see this bird before they all migrate back to Central America. It looks like you are enjoying the summer:)

Linda said...

That last picture is remarkable! So bright!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Very pretty! I miss my hummers-- I had them in New Mexico but only see a few here in Florida.

Stewart M said...

Wonderful little birds - I'd love to see them for real.

cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Betty Manousos said...

sweet little birds, eileen.
i'd love to see them in person.

fantastic photos as well:)

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...