Saturday, July 6, 2013

Around the yard, July 6

I am linking up Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-b-birdin I hope you will join in on the fun and share your critters and birds.

July 6, 2013

These are some of my yardbirds and one breeding bird seen during my local walk in the forest next to my house.

A White Breasted Nuthatch is one of my year round visitors.

Another shot of the White breasted Nuthatch at my suet feeder.

From my fireroad walk, not the best photo but it is the Worm-eating Warbler.  This bird has olive-brown upperparts, light underparts and black and light brown stripes on its head. They can be found breeding on wooded slopes in a deciduous forest. I found this bird on a hilly trail heading down to our lake.

I see lots of these guys/girls in my yard. This squirrel is in heaven pigging out on my birdseed.

The Tufted Titmouse another year round visitor to my yard and feeders. They can be fun when the fledgling are around.

I do not mind these cute chipmunks visiting, they look adorable filling their cheeks with the bird seed.

This week I have some more of my favorite blogs to read and visit. Maybe you might know these bloggers already if not you may enjoy visiting their blogs too.

Debbie, a Jersey girl is so friendly and nice to visit with.... you can visit her here: It's All About Purple.

Diane, is an Aussie blogger. Lately, I have been enjoying her travels to the Australian rainforest. Visit with Diane at Adventure before Dementia

To see some AWESOME bird photography you can visit with Bob at Bird and nature in the Forest of Dean

You can see beautiful flora, cool iguanas and amazing photography if you visit with Maria at Caribbean Biodiversity

Another birder Frank @ the Early Birder from the UK, I enjoy reading his trip reports and seeing his UK birds.

 I wish everyone a happy weekend. Thanks for stopping by and I always appreciate your comments. 

 To see more beautiful photos and cute critters

 please visit:  Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious hosts Misty Dawn of Camera Critters and to Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin.


Carole M. said...

all so sweet; nature's bounty is surely happening your place Eileen.

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures Eileen.
This bird does not occur in the Netherlands.
The squirrel you also beautifully photographed, compliments.
Regards, Irma

DeniseinVA said...

Great post Eileen! I enjoy your backyard visitors and I am also enjoying the blog links. Thank you and have a great weekend.

Lynne said...

I enjoy your Around The Yard visitors . . . Many of your visitors are familiar in our yard as well. Interesting observation though. Last year we were overrun with chipmunks. This year they must be visiting someplace else. Squirrels are fewer too. We changed some of our feeding patterns which may be part of the change. I love your exceptional close ups of the birds and wish I had that capability.

Enjoy the rest of this long holiday weekend.

FAB said...

It's great to see your backyard wildlife Eileen and many thanks for including me in the links.

Hope you are having a glorious wildlife weekend.

Tammy said...

Your backyard is always filled with such wonderful visitors! That chipmunk is surely going to fill his cheeks to fullest! Too cute!

Phil Slade said...

Just super shots of the nuthatch Eilleen, really showing off that slighly upturned bill. Have a great Saturday and an even better Sunday.

Suzan said...

that chipmunk with full cheeks!! We had one get stuck in our bird feeder - couldn't get out because his cheeks were full - had to scare him and he spit out the bird seed and was able to squeeze through the hole on the other side of the feeder!! Greed will get you into trouble!!
Great bird shots too!

Brian Carruthers said...

Reminds me of the Brothers house in Millington NJ, had all the same critters as well as a few Hummingbirds.
Love yer shots !!

magiceye said...

Gorgeous captures all!

Magia da Inês said...

Adoro ver essas imagens de pássaros.
Os esquilos são muito espertos de ir comer o alimento dos pássaros.
°º✿✿ Bom fim de semana!!!
°º✿ Tudo de bom!!!!
º° ✿♥ ♫° ·. Beijinhos do Brasil.

rainfield61 said...

I wish you and these birds a happy weekend.

Sue said...

Ha-I laughed out loud when I saw the chipmunk photo--I don't think he could stuff even one more seed in those cheeks. What a cutie!

TexWisGirl said...

jealous over nuthatch and chipmunk! neither one here. :( actually, i've seen a nuthatch just a few times over many years.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I love seeing all the wildlife around your yard!

Anonymous said...

ok that cuuute lil chipmunk is adorable, but that's a really great shot of the 1st bird, very crisp & clear!

have a great weekend =)

Karen said...

Terrific shots! That chippy is just so darn cute!

Montanagirl said...

Cute photos! You have a nice line-up of visitors to your yard!!

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!
Wow!!!These are amazing pictures and wonderful captures!!Beautiful birds!!!And the squirrel looks so cuteThank you for showing us new blogs!!I love visiting Bobs blog!!!!He's a very best friend like you are to me!!!Have a lovely weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Eileen, your yard is alive with critters of all shapes, sizes and colors- adore them all- the lil' chipmunk made me smile ~:)

theconstantwalker said...

You have some lovely birds Eileen and it's nice to see I am not the only one with squirrel... x

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My... You wouldn't love Chipmunks if you grew flowers.. They dig up our bulbs --mostly Tulips--but most anything they can get. They tunnel through the beds... They are as bad or worse than the squirrels.... Oh Well... Tis nature!!!!

Love your birdie photos... We have the nuthatches and Titmice all year round also.


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Oh the birds are wonderful - many of them we don't see out here in the west, and the chipmunk indeed is cute. Thanks for the links - lots of good reading and viewing there.

George said...

These are great backyard photos. We have all of these critters in our back yard except for the warbler. We make up for that by having plenty of squirrels and chipmunks.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hello Eileen
I've never seen a nuthatch upright before, they and the red-breasted visit my hanging peanut feeder.
Cute critters in your yard along with the birds.

Zizi Santos said...

Lindo post
linda imagem
doce passarinho, eu adoro

Unknown said...

Wonderful birds and critters! Have a great Sunday!

diane b said...

I love the tufted bird and the chipmunk looks like a vacuum cleaner. Thanks for the plug for my blog and thank you for being a regular visitor since I know very little about birds. One day I might be able to photograph some reasonably well enough to share.

Unknown said...

Fun series with the squirrel and chipmunk. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

EG CameraGirl said...

I have yet to see a tufted titmouse! They look so cute.

Anni said...

Great birds...of which we haven't had in OUR yard. And the chipmunk made me giggle Eileen!!

Sweet images.

Misty said...

These are great! Love to look so close-up to nature. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Enjoy your day.

Lea said...

Wonderful wildlife photos!
Have a beautiful day!
Lea's Menagerie

Saun said...

Cute little birds!

katerchen said...

eine ganz tolle Gesellschat die zu dir an die Futterstelle kommt.

Danke für die schönen Bilder

LG vom katerchen zum Sonntag

Kerri Farley said...

LOVE 'em!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely wonderful photography of all the dear gems in nature ~ Love your photos and 'critters'!

Thanks for visiting ~ ^_^

Giga said...

Piękne ptaki masz blisko swojego domu. Wiewiórka też była miłym gościem. Pozdrawiam.
Beautiful birds you are close to your home. Squirrel was also a nice guy. Yours.

Celeste said...

Beautiful Nuthatch shot and how can anyone resist that little Chipmunk? So sweet.

Brian King said...

Fantastic shot of the Nuthatch! The chipmunk made me smile! Cute little thing!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen a chipmunk since I was a teen--my cat came home carrying one by the scruff of the neck as it would a kitten! Love your critters. This past winter was my first at seeing a nuthatch in our yard, a red-breasted one.

Merlesworld said...

You have so many friends to keep you company, they sing too that's a bonus.

Elaine said...

Love your shot of the tufted titmouse!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your yard is a nature center itself! Have never heard of the worm-eating warbler. I love the quizzical look on the titmouse's face. He looks like he wonders what you're doing with that camera!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I love your yard birds! We don't have many here!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eilleen,
I truly loved to all the cute shots♡♡♡
Made me feel warm with your Beautiful pictures, my friend.

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

NatureFootstep said...

great portrait of the nuthatch. ;)

Rohrerbot said...

The Worm-eating Warbler has the most unattractive name and yet it's one of the most beautiful. Lovely shot.....such lovely walks you've been taking.

Maria said...

Very nice variety!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Captivating photos! I love the mischief in that squirrel's eyes.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...