Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Little Blue Heron

I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

Wednesday, June 18, 2013

 For this week's Wild Bird I am featuring the Little Blue Heron. It is one of my favorite herons that we see here in the USA. I am showing both the adults and the juvenile.

 It always surprised me that the juvenile Little Blue Heron is white and looks more like an Egret.  The juvenile is all white, except for dark wings tips and have dull greenish legs. The juveniles also have a olive-gray bill.

 The photo above has one juvenile Little Blue Heron mixed in the the adult Little Blue Herons.

The adult Little Blue Heron has a bi-colored bill, a deep blue body with a reddish head and neck. The Little Blue Heron and the Snowy Egret are both about 24 inches tall compared to the taller Great Egret which is 38 inches tall.

Reflection of a  Little Blue Heron.

This shot shows just how tall the Great Egret is compared to the smaller Little Blue Herons. I hope you enjoyed my Wild Bird post and the lovely Herons.

Thanks for stopping by and for leaving your nice comments. I always appreciate your visits.

Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.

Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday and thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.
I wish everyone a happy week ahead and Happy Birding!


TexWisGirl said...

i would LOVE to see a little blue!!!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I really like the bill! Such a unique color.

MandaBurms FarmStay for Cats. said...

Eileen stunning photos - I always love you shots.

Bob Bushell said...

Oh wow, that's a special Heron, well photographed.

FAB said...

Glorious images Eileen. I love watching Egrets and Herons.

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!Great post!!Herons are very beautiful birds!!Exellent shots!!!I love the herons reflaction!!Have a lovely week!!Hugs!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

was that rain droplets in the water in the 3rd shot or just a water splash from the birds fishing around? such pretty birds. ( :

Ailime said...

Hello Eileen, amazing photos! Thanks to share us.Hugs Ailime

George said...

I really like your photos of the Little Blue Heron. The reflections are great as well.

mick said...

Great photos of all the birds and very interesting that the juvenile is white.

Hootin Anni said...

Fantastic images ---The little blue herons here in our area are always such a far distance from the boardwalks. Love what you managed to capture.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Very good .. Gorgeous images of Herons..

diane b said...

That is an interesting post. I didn't know the juvenile was white and the egret is so much bigger. Great post and photos especially the reflection.

Unknown said...

They are beauties!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

HansHB said...

Great photos!

Karen said...

Oh what great shots! Those herons are a gorgeous colour!

Carletta said...

Hi Eileen,
Such lovely shots! Wonderful bird and water scenes!

Carver said...

What a treat to get to see the juvenile herons. Great shots.

The Sage Butterfly said...

I have seen these but have never been able to capture them. They are beautiful, and I love these shots.

Merlesworld said...

I like your blog, the pictures are great, birds are always good to check out they have a feel of freedom that I find uplifting.

Kathie Brown said...

Wonderful photos and information Eileen! I love seeing the contrast between the Little Blue Herons and the taller Great Egrets! Thanks for all your visits to my blog and all the kind comments you leave!

Saun said...

I learned something today I didn't realize they are white. Nice shots happy shooting.

Montanagirl said...

I too, would love to see a Little Blue Heron. I've only seen the Great Blues. Your photos are wonderful.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Amazing photos Eileen, that have reminded me that on Thursday when we had the storms I was on my way home and standing in the MIDDLE of my road was a Great Blue Heron--I guess it was lost, because it wasn't hitchhiking! :-) It was one of those moments when I wished I'd had my camera, it just looked really out of place and it was!

Carole M. said...

thanks for the information Eileen; I'd have looked out there and seen an egret with herons for sure. I love the adult plumage; great photos

Andrea said...

Hi Eileen, the white color of the juveniles seem so very far from the blue adults, i wonder at what point they suddenly change hue. Maybe they molt and suddenly the blue emerge. Or maybe there is gradual change, which is unusual.

Debbie said...

So exciting, you got some really amazing images!!

Anonymous said...

Great shots, Eileen. I've never seen a Little Blue Heron.

NatureFootstep said...

cool, I did not know the juvie was white. Interesting! It is great to see tehm all together in the last shot.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photo, Eileen! I especially like the last photo.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love herons! Gow odd that the juvenile is white, you would expect it to be a much less conspicuous colour!

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures of the Herons.
Kind regards, Irma

i stora drag said...

Yes, I enjoyed your lovely photos of the blue heron! Thanks for your explaining about the colours and the last photo was great, where you show the size of them!
Greetings Pia

Lynne said...

I liked the . . . "I am looking at you - you looking at me?" reflection photo. And of course . . . The Little Blue Heron would be a treat for me to see!

Leora said...

"juvenile Little Blue Heron is white and looks more like an Egret. " - ah, that explains why I get them confused. Great pictures.

caite said...

great information!
I love egrets and herons all.

Jennifer said...

Wonderful photos! I would never have connected those juveniles with those adults. What a surprise that the young ones are snowy white! Thanks for sharing!

Arija said...

I always like comparative shots that really show you the scale of a bird. Lovely captures.

DeniseinVA said...

Good morning Eileen, I haven't taken any bird photos this week but I love yours. That little Blue Heron is new to me.

Gail Dixon said...

Great captures! I once saw the juvies and adults together in a grove of trees and thought they were fighting. Later I learned it was the parents feeding their young. So interesting!

Noushka said...

Indeed this bird is a beauty, and the Egret looks like a giant!
We don't have the Little blue heron where I live, a pity!
Great shots, Eileen!

Sharon Wagner said...

Nice Heron shots and info to boot.

Unknown said...

Excellent photos of these beautiful birds! It's interesting that the young bird is white.

ZielonaMila said...

Wonderful photographs, wonderful views, nature are wonderful:) Greetings

inge said...

I love the blue herons reflection in the water

Maude Lynn said...

The Little Blue Herons are just gorgeous!

grammie g said...

HI Eileen...Oh my goodness the reflection shot is just fabulous !!
Herons of all sizes just wonderful photo's!!

Anonymous said...

Great captures Eileen. It took me awhile before I knew that little blues started life all white.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Great minds... I swear, I had not seen your post on the Little Blues before I made that remark on my blog earlier today. I really love your post on these pretty/handsome birds. I have not yet seen any juveniles but likely will some day soon around here. Have a wonderful Thursday tomorrow!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eilleen,
Beautiful blue herons and loved the reflection as well♡♡♡ 
When I was heading to my father's care center, there is a little creek. I sometimes find white one, but it always go away or moving around p;)
Love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Elaine said...

Love that first shot!! Amazing that the juveniles are such a different color.

Brian King said...

That's awesome! I'm jealous. We don't have that one here.

Neil said...

Beautiful series on the heron.

Rambling Woods said...

You get great photos Eileen..... Michelle

Maria said...

Your shots are very good, I was not able to shoot a juvenile blue heron.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...