Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Neighborhood Breeding Birds II

I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

This is my second post on my neighborhood breeding birds, the first post Neighborhood-breeding-birds included the Northern Parula, Scarlet Tanager, Great Crested Flycatcher and the Indigo Bunting.

I have three more birds that are breeding birds in my neighborhood. They are the Pine Warbler, the Ovenbird and the Acadian Flycatcher. I have seen the Pine Warbler visit my yard and feeders many times over the years.

Above the Pine Warbler in my weeping cherry tree. The Pine Warbler is a regular in my yard, here is a post I did back in Jan 2013 that included a Pine Warbler visiting in the winter  Happy-New-Year 2013

This is the male Pine Warbler.

The Pine Warbler has a pretty song.

I have shots showing the front and above a nice shot of the side of the Pine Warbler.

This is one of my previous post that included the Ovenbird Happy Earth day

 The Ovenbird shots were taken on a wet morning, while out walking I could hear the Ovenbird with its loud song off the fireroad. They have a thin black bordered orange crown, which is shown above.

The Acadian Flycatcher is another breeding bird in my neighborhood. They are frequently heard while I am out on my walks on the fireroad. Here is one of my first post on the Acadian flycatcher, tanager walk. 

I hope you enjoyed my Wild Birds this week. I feel lucky to see these wonderful birds in my yard and neighborhood.

Thanks for stopping by and for leaving your nice comments. I always appreciate your visits.
Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday and thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.
I wish everyone a happy week ahead and Happy Birding!


TexWisGirl said...

3 i don't see here! lovely!

sweetbriardreams said...

Your photos are stunning. I love the way you have captured a couple of them singing and can imagine the sounds. Take care. Chel x

EG CameraGirl said...

I have never seen an ovenbird before. I've heard they're quite secretive but you have lovely photos of them!

Lynne said...

I am dreaming of the bird songs as I write this on a very rainy day in Michigan. Love their open mouths . . .

Beth said...

You are very knowledgeable about birds, Eileen. You are fortunate to have so many beauties in your yard and neighborhood to enjoy! Thanks for sharing your photos with us.

Bob Bushell said...

They are so beautiful, love them.

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!
Wonderful pictures!!
I like the photos with the birds singing!!!Wow!!!Great shots!!
Have a lovely week!!Hugs!!

mick said...

Beautiful birds and you are indeed lucky to see and photograph these birds so close to your place.

Unknown said...

Great post and nice call on the flycatcher. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

HansHB said...

Great photo of these cute birds!

Jana Iverson Last said...

Beautiful photos of lovely birds!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Eileen Wonderful capture of these birds especially the ones singing. Margaret

inge said...

Oh you are so lucky Eileen the sound of birds is so calming and therapeutic. You seem to live in a nature wonderland. Have a liovely week.

Brian King said...

Gorgeous shots of the Pine Warbler! I don't believe it's one I've ever seen in person.

Kaya said...

They are beautiful, lovely and so young!!! The last bird is a baby, probably only recently learned how to fly.

These are very beautiful and amazing pictures!!!

Excellent photography of birds!!!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the yellow birdie. what a cutie. ( :

Carole said...

Great birds, and very impressive photos! Thanks for sharing them with the rest of us!

Rohrerbot said...

Several beauties I'd like to see;) Wonderful pics. The Ovenbird is such an interesting bird full of personality. I'm hoping to find this beauty one of these days:)

Debbie said...

Your bird close ups have really become amazing. The one looks just like the song sparrow!!

I don't get pine warblers here, I sure wish I did!!

betchai said...

indeed you are very lucky to have those birds, not only to hear them but also see them, in your neighborhood.

Carver said...

You are such a gifted bird photographer. Wonderful shots.

caite said...

What great shots...love that second one especially!

Rambling Woods said...

Wow... You have a great variety of birds in your area Eileen.... Michelle

Dana said...

What beautiful color on the first one. Lovely shots!

Anonymous said...

I've had pine warblers visit during winter, but the other two I've never seen. Thanks for sharing your bounty of birds!

Carletta said...

The Ovenbird is a new one for me. I've never heard of it. Thanks for sharing it today.
Always admire your bird knowledge. I could have taken the pictures and still be trying to ID them. :)
Wonderful captures Eileen, have a great week!

Charlene N. K. said...

These are awesome shots! I love the colors of the pine warbler.

Neil said...

Beautiful birds so close to home.

Phil Slade said...

They are three beautiful birds to have so close to home Eileeen. Even better to have them singing away and you getting such lovely pictures - the Pine Warbler is especially good. I'll bet those Pine Warblers just melt into the background a lot of the time. Enjoy the rest of your birding week Eileen.

Hootin Anni said...

Love 'em...especially the captures of the birds in song!

Arija said...

I love the shot of the pine warbler's tongue vibrating as he sings.

Sharon Wagner said...

I beg to differ about the naming of the Ovenbird. He would barely be big enough for a toaster oven. And would barely qualify as a cat snack. Hee, hee.

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
Beautiful pictures of the birds.
You have different types in the garden.
Kind regards, Irma

Karen said...

Wonderful captures. The Pine Warbler is so pretty. The Ovenbird sure is cute!

Maria said...

Eileen; I'm liking your bird shots more and more; can you tell me which gear you're using? Whichever it is, it must be with a zoom to give you a lot of versatility?

MyMaracas said...

You caught the warbler warbling - excellent! I've never heard of the ovenbird. Interesting name.

Unknown said...

Lovely birds. The pine warbler is beautiful.

Montanagirl said...

I've seen an Oven Bird only once, when it crashed into our deck door - Survived though. The Pine Warbler is beautiful.

Giga said...

Chciałbym usłyszeć śpiew tych ślicznych ptaków. Bardzo ładne zdjęcia im zrobiłas. Pozdrawiam.
I would like to hear the singing of these cute birds. Very nice pictures of them did. Yours.

DeniseinVA said...

Great series of photos Eileen, love the ones singing. A couple of new ones to me here.

S. Etole said...

Such pretty little birds.

diane b said...

Love the bright yellow pine Warbler. Great shots and so many different birds in your area.

Stewart M said...

I do like the way you can tell that the beak of some of these birds is moving.

I think there are a number of closely related Snake Birds - all in the same genus as far as I know.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

KB said...

Incredible photos!

NatureFootstep said...

the Ovenbird looks very nice. Am not sure I have seen it before.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...