Sunday, July 21, 2013

Birds, Blooms and Butterflies

  I am linking up with Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday .

July 21, 2013

Even though it is still hot this weekend I was able to sit out on my deck and enjoy the birds, butterflies and blooms. The Great Blue Herons have been really noisy lately, they are growing bigger and sound even louder. From my deck I can see them flapping their wings even though all the trees block my view of their nest.

It was neat this weekend sitting out on my deck and watching an eagle fly over my yard.

This Sulfur and the Tiger Swallowtail seem to prefer the Purple Coneflowers over the butterfly bushes.

The Goldfinches add some bright color to my yard, the males are such a bright and pretty yellow.

A pretty male American Goldfinch.

I have been enjoying the butterflies around the Fritallaries seem to be one of the common butterflies in my yard.

The Tiger Swallowtail butterfly

A Carolina Wren, I have a family of these cute birds hopping and singing around my yard. As always, I hope you enjoy my post and thanks for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

Join in on the fun and for more wonderful photos please visit  Mosaic Monday and more
 from  Our World Tuesday

 Thanks to our host: Mary our host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  I wish everyone a happy week!


  1. Wow! beautiful birds and butterflies.

  2. Gorgeous photos, Eileen! I cannot fathom getting such shots of nature in action. Absolutely love all the detail of those close ups!


  3. your butterfly shots on the flowers are lovely! love your bright goldfinch!

  4. Wow Eileen, such beautiful photo's. The colors of the birds and an eagle flying over tour head. How speciAl i.s ttat

  5. Eileen, your shots of the butterflies are so amazing. Your butterflies are more beautiful than the ones we have here, well around my way anyway. How special to see an eagle overhead. xx

  6. My favorite things.... birds and butterflies :) Beautiful post Eileen!!

  7. I'm glad you were able to enjoy your deck and capture all this beauty to share with us. It's really neat that you can see eagles flying over your deck. The portrait of the male American Goldfinch is gorgeous.

  8. Wonderful photos, Eileen. I especially love that little Carolina Wren. We have some families of them around our house also. They love to be close to houses I think.. They'd love to nest in our garage --IF we'd let them... ha


  9. I am always happy to see your birds, blooms and butterflies. Nice photos Eileen . . .

  10. I loved seeing your wildlife. Lovely captures of such pretty and colorful nature.

  11. More beauties.
    I've noticed quite a lot of different birds here at the new house. I will be putting up a feeder one day soon and hope to get some pictures.

  12. Beautiful nature photo mosaics ~ Gorgeous! ~ happy week to you ^_^

  13. Gorgeous photos! It so hard to get good shots of nature, yours are amazing. Thanks for your sweet visit and comments.

  14. What a cutie the Carolina Wren is and that finch is fabulous. That's my favorite mosaic where his colors are so featured.

  15. What beautiful photos! I love the yellow... so cheerful. hope you have a good week.

  16. Superb photos! The butterflies are gorgeous. Here in Texas, at least where I live in Texas, the butterflies won't stay still long enough to get a picture. You've captured it all so wonderfully.


  17. Gorgeous shot of the Swallowtail and a wonderful mosaic of the Fritallaries!

  18. Beautiful captures! Gorgeous goldfinches and swallowtails!

  19. Lovely shots of the birds, blooms and butterflys! These are some of my favorite things, too. The goldfinch is just beautiful!

  20. It is nice that you can see so many beautiful scenes of nature from your own deck, Eileen. Watching an eagle fly over head must be such a thrill! I keep looking for ones here but haven't seen any as yet although my daughter has.

  21. Nature always amaze by its wonder, the beautiful spots and the amazing creatures makes the earth complete. =)

    I love the photos, the details, the colors, everything is awesome. Two thumbs up! #Columbiariverguideservice

  22. Gorgeous natüre photos as always, Eileen..thanks for sharing!

  23. Hello Eileen!
    How great to able to watch all this wildlife in your garden!
    The Swallowtail is slightly different from ours, it is gorgeous!
    The Carolina wren is a magnificent little bird, also different from those we have!
    Cheers, well done! :)

  24. HI Eileen Wonderful selection of birds and blooms. My favorite is the Goldfinch. So beautiful. Margaret

  25. Beautiful shots, my fave is the Fritallaries, fantastic.

  26. Hi Eileen,
    The pictures of butterflies are so great.
    The butterflies that you photograph, here you can see them only in a butterfly garden.

  27. Eileen, how do you get such amazing close ups of the butterflies & birds?
    They are stunning. What a talented photographer you are!

  28. Beautiful pictures, the pictures of nature give us a lot of fun :) Regards

  29. Hallo Eileen!!!
    Beautiful shots and pictures!!!
    Amazing birds and butterflies in your yard!!And lucky you,seeing an eagle!I realy enjoyed your wonderful post!!Thank you for sharing!!
    Have a happy new week!!Hugs!

  30. Wow, Eileen, your butterfly and bird photos, are as always, brilliant! Hope you're having a great day. Jo

  31. Your yard is just marvelous! So many pretty species of butterflies ~especially the Tiger Swallowtail! Hope you have a great week!

  32. Wow..I love your garden! Beautiful butterflies, birds and bloom, indeed!

  33. Very beautiful photos ;) Amazing birds :)

    I follow you beautiful blog. I hope you will follow me back and I will wait for you in my blog

  34. Magnificent Fritillaries and Swallowtails, Eileen! Swallowtails are SO rare here, though making a small come-back.

  35. Hi Eileen,

    Your mosaics are gorgeous! I just love the photos of your Goldfinch and those butterflies.

  36. Lovely images from your yard Eileen.

  37. Wow!! A little paradise!! Great shots!! I loved them all!!
    Have a happy new week!!

  38. wundervolle Foto`s!
    Liebe Grüße,*Manja*

  39. Lovely photos, your male goldfinch is so handsome!

  40. Lots of nature shots. They are superb. It must have been very neat sitting at home and watching an eagle.

  41. Hi Eileen, Your lovely pictures of the Goldfinches made me think that I have not seen any Goldfinches here in my neighborhood in FL yet. Who knows - maybe some will migrate South for the Winter here. Have a great Tues. tomorrow!

  42. WoW Eileen, these are really gorgeous pictures!! It's still too hot here to sit outside and enjoy it, during the day, but the temps are a lot better!!

    Great shot of the goldfinch!!

  43. Wonderful photos! The butterflies are so beautiful! Great!

  44. Oh Eileen, what an amazing selection of photos. Just gorgeous! Always look forward to what you have to share and I always leave smiling, thank you. Have a great week!

  45. It is wonderful that if you choose not to wander off you can see beautiful wildlife right in your own backyard. Valerie

  46. Beautiful selection of birds and butterflies you have.

  47. Eileen what a glorious garden you must have! Even in the heat of summer there is still colour and life. Thank you for taking me there on this cold dreary day in Western Australia.
    Have a wonderful week.

  48. I do love the colorful birds and butterflies and flowers! Such wonderful captures as always! Thanks for sharing the beauty! Have lovely week!

  49. Wonderful shots of the goldfinch Eileen! Your yard is so inspiring!

  50. Nice pictures! I love these collages, the butterfly is my favorite ...!

  51. All beautiful - but the sky photos and the goldfinches are my favorites.

  52. Beautiful butterflies! The goldfinches are living up to their name! Love the bright yellow!

    I'm back to my normal routine after being on vacation.

  53. Your butterfly pictures are amazing, they pose for you, they fflee from me! Glad you got outside even in that awful heat.

  54. What pretty butterflies and a lovely goldfinch! Enjoy your week.

  55. Love the birds, butterflies and blooms. The Gold Finch id=s a brilliant colour.

  56. Imagine just sitting there surrounded by all that wonderful wildlife. Lucky you.

  57. no butterfly this year. I dont know why. I even have wild milk weed for the Monarchs, We have one whte one who comes every day but thats it. Loads last year and none the year before. I dont understand
    Yours are pretty

  58. Great butterfly shots!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  59. Very nice of your gold finches!! I put out thistle in trying to attract them - but only once In a great while will I see mine.

  60. Beautiful post with a great picture of the Goldfinch!

  61. Dearest Eileen,
    Wow, how gorgeous your pictures and the nature you have♡♡♡
    Especially loved the shot of 'The Tiger Swallowtail butterfly' with the Purple Coneflowers♬♬♬ So sweet looking(*^_^*)

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  62. Beautiful pictures as always, I like your multi image arrangements, I haven't learnt that trick yet :(
    How amazing to be able to sit and watch Eagles from your deck!

  63. Oh, that summerfeeling! Thank you for sharing :)

  64. Wonderful images, fantastic observations:) Greetings


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! " I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that ...