Thursday, July 3, 2014

Around the yard_June 29

Linking up with Skywatch Friday  and Good Fences

I wish everyone in the USA  a very Happy 4th of July!

 Since most of my outings are on the weekend I am sharing some various scenes. One is on the way to my son's place and from my son's backyard,  my moon shot from my deck & yard and hubby is sharing his sunset shot at our lake. It is a hodge podge of photos for Tex's Good Fences and for Skywatch Friday!

 We pass this farm and barn every time we visit my sister and now when we visit my son's new place..I have always loved this barn.. So, I just had to pull over and get a shot. It is perfect also for Tex's Good Fences..

A closer look at my favorite barn, a cute horse and donkey..

The fence scene in my son's backyard with his pretty white dogwood..The previous owner was a older lady that loved to garden.. I hope my son takes care of all her pretty plants..

 I am pretty sure that this is a Great-Crested Flycatcher in my weeping cherry tree. I can only say that because of the sounds I was hearing from this bird.  The Flycatcher can be tricky to me.

 The crescent moon taken on the evening of June 30, 2014

And this is hubby favorite place to watch the sunset at our lake..A pretty sky and a beautiful reflection. Hubby is becoming a great photographer.. 

I hope you enjoyed my post and photos from our weekend walk..
To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and check more fence shots at Tex's Good Fences

Thanks to Tex @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences and to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday!   I wish everyone a safe and happy long weekend.


Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos, the sunset is so beautiful and the flycatcher is a sweet looking bird

Noushka said...

Hello Eileen,
Lovely post!
The dogwood tree is gorgeous and reminds me of the one we had in South Africa we used to call the "butterfly tree"!
Don't the flowers look like butterflies perched at the tip of the branches?!
Wonderful soothing sunset too!
Your son is lucky to live in this beautful area!
Keep well!

Carole M. said...

beaut' photos every one Eileen. I enjoyed the barn location very much; the beautiful dogwood in your son's garden, your hubby's sunset photograph; well done all.

orchid0324 said...

Oh, wonderful series of pictures, dear Eileen. Peaceful barn in the great nature and the fence of your son's backyard with pretty white dogwood♡♡♡ GORGEOUS moon and yes, your husband's reflection shot of the sunset is wonderful♬♬♬

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Sue said...

That is one pretty farm--love the barn, it caught my eye right away.

Have a good weekend, Eileen. We're supposed to have PERFECT weather. Hopefully the mosquitoes will be to busy grilling out and entertaining friends to notice me out in the garden-LOL!

Sonja said...

You do live in a great spot, Eileen, even when it snows! I hope your son looks after the garden too.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

The fence both from the farm and your son"s are perfect for today! The sunset is my favorite lace though!...:)JP

Cranberry Morning said...

What a nice selection of images! That flowering dogwood against the deep red fence is beautiful!

Roan said...

That is a beautiful farm. Beautiful crescent moon, and wow on the sunset!

EG CameraGirl said...

All lovely shots, Eileen! Love the farm with it's many fences!

TexWisGirl said...

congrats to your son! lovely yard! just a beautiful horse farm! wow! thanks for linking that! enjoy your holiday, too!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Eileen. I can see why you 'like the barn and it's surrounding area. Love you son's. Garden and flowers and also the bird. Yes hubby is good at taking sunsets.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the 2nd fence image...and that sky shot is absolutely breathtaking!!!

Have a safe, happy 4th Eileen

21 Wits said...

A most lovely place!

Lynne said...

Gorgeous Eileen!
Happy 4th of July . . .

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, I love the barn and fences. Love the pretty dogwood and fence alongside is pretty neat too. And of course, your moonshots and hubby's sunsets over the lake is beautiful too. Happy 4th July to you for tomorrow. Jo

CJ said...

Love your barn photos with those great fences. It took us a month to put up about 20 feet of fence. (We didn't work on it every day.)
I can't imagine how much time it took to put up all of that fencing.

Thanks for stopping by to view my "Good Fences" post.

CJ said...

Love your barn photos with those great fences. It took us a month to put up about 20 feet of fence. (We didn't work on it every day.)
I can't imagine how much time it took to put up all of that fencing.

Thanks for stopping by to view my "Good Fences" post.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I'm so glad photography has taught me to appreciate little rectangles of gorgeous those you've arrayed here. :)

grammie g said...

Hi Elaine... Oh that's a gorgeous shot of the crescent moon !!
Love the nice barn set up and the fences, very neat looking place!!


Debbie said...

what a GREAT collection of images!!

pretty fences, an awesome sunset and i love the cresent moon!!

have a nice, long weekend!!!

Ruth Kelly said...

Your lake shot is spectacular!

Breathtaking said...

A good hodge podge Eileen!:) Love that huge cresent moon shot,the farm and the beautiful Dogwood.Last but not least your hubbie's sunset is superb, what a gorgeous place.

Lynn said...

what a super moon shot and fabulous sunset. When I see those endless miles of fence I can't help think of the upkeep, it is probably endless.

Irma said...

Beautiful farm, Eileen.
I love the moon, and the sunset is amazing.

Karen said...

Beautiful pictures. Love the sunset especially...just gorgeous.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen! I love the fence on that pretty farm, the moon shot is fabulous and so is your husband's shot of the sunset!

Linda W. said...

A nice collection of photos! Love the red barn. Your moon shot is great. And the sunset is divine.

Nancy J said...

Dogwood, one of my friend's favourites down here, and the sunset, beautiful reflection. Cheers,Jean.

Small City Scenes said...

Excellent post . I too love that brn and the neat fences. I hope your son is a good gardener. the place looks lovely. Great moon shot and I love the reflection and colors. MB

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
Great post!!What a lovely farm!Beautiful view!!Great shots of the farm the moon and your hubby's sunset!!What an amazing reflection!!
Happy 4th of July!!Hugs!!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hi Eileen! Your photos are beautiful - what a gorgeous farm - I love all the beautiful fences and the sweet barn set on the sloping hill. It is so nice to have your sister and son within driving distance. The moon shot and your hubby's lake scene are spectacular! Hope you have a wonderful 4th! xo Karen

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful skies and 'heavenly' captures!! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty, Eileen!! Happy 4th of July! Have a great weekend!!

Ela said...

I love all your photos! You showed so beautiful place !

My name is Riet said...

HI Eileen. That moonshot is so super special. Beautiful done also your other shots. Happy weekend

yonca said...

l love sunset pics and your husband's shot is gorgeous,Eileen! Happy 4th of July to you and your family! Hugs!!

Pat said...

The barn scene is lovely.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, Just stopping by to say "Happy 4th of July".... Hope you have an incredible weekend whether you are traveling, with family or friends --or like us, just enjoying being home! We hope to grill a couple of steaks tomorrow. Our weather here is awesome right now...God Bless American --and God Bless YOU.

Great photos.. I too love that barn... WOW--gorgeous.

I also love the moon photo and the sunset... WOW!!


George said...

This post may contain a hodge podge of pictures, but they are all beautiful. I hope you and your family have a happy and safe Fourth of July weekend.

Montanagirl said...

Beautiful post, Eileen! LOVE the barn and fences, and that last photo is fabulous!

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous moon shots and love the landscapes ones also ~ Great for SWF ~ thanks, ^_^

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Connie Smiley said...

Hi Eileen, thanks so much for your ID on the great crested flycatcher! Love those farm scenes.

Carver said...

Beautiful shots. That's a great barn. I love the colorful reflection at the end. Happy 4th tomorrow.

Dianne said...

I agree Eileen... your hubby's sunset shot is lovely .... capturing the moment. hoping you both have a great week-end with lots of photo ops.

Terry and Linda said...

All your photos were stunning! But that sunset...WOW!


Elizabeth Edwards said...

gorgeous sunset. i love the red barn close up & dogwood trees are perfect. aren't they? love their blooms. ( :

Brian King said...

Beautiful farm! And the sunset is gorgeous!

Photo Cache said...

your husband found a perfect spot to watch glorious sunset.

VioletSky said...

Your lake is so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Lovely sky shots Eileen.

Karen said...

A great series! Gorgeous moon shot as always! Happy 4th of July!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What lovely pictures -- beautiful drive, great flowers and the darling bird. And a perfect sunset.

I did a double-take when you said 'our son's place'...I thought, what, isn't he just a teenager?. Then I realized how long I've been visiting you! They do grow up don't they (and thank goodness).

Gail Dixon said...

Your sunset shot left me in awe, as well as the pastoral scene of the barn and fencing. Hope you have a safe and happy 4th!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I like Hubby's sky shot... really beautiful!!

Stephanie said...

I thoroughly enjoyed viewing all your photos on this post.

Indrani said...

Love the variety you have shared today. :)
The sky is absolutely gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Lovely barn and glorious sky shot!

lina@women perspective said...

Wonderful varieties, Eileen.
The moon and sunset over the lake are lovely to see.

Heather said...

Great selection of photos -- love the sunset!

Revrunner said...

I feel myself fortunate just to catch sight of one of these flycatchers. To capture one on camera is even more special.

maryaustria said...

A beautiful yard! All photos are wonderful and the sunset really breathtaking!

Anonymous said...

What a blessing to have an established garden. Love that deep-colored fence.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful series, the bird and the moon, the moon, lovely.

diane b said...

A great collection of photos. The barn is darn perfect.

Ileana said...

Beautiful photos . Love crescent moon. In romanian we call it " Crai nou"! :) Happy 4th of July!

Ileana said...

Beautiful photos . Love crescent moon. In romanian we call it " Crai nou"! :) Happy 4th of July!

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

Wonderful shots, Eileen, the orange feflections are breathtaking. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend.

DeniseinVA said...

I love looking at your photos Eileen. This is a very pretty series. Happy Fourth of July!

Irene said...

I really love this post, great captures, all favorites! Hope your son takes good care of that lovely garden :)

Wish you a great weekend!


This N That said...

Beautiful scenes. love the moon. Happy fourth.

Pamela Gordon said...

I enjoyed all your photos Eileen. The farm with all the fences is beautifully situated and I imagine it looks very green there now that it's summer. The dogwood blooms are beautiful and the sunset on the river is gorgeous. Thanks for visiting me. Have a great weekend. Pamela

chica said...

Um SHOW! Lindo! Tudo de bom,beijos,chica

MadSnapper n Beau said...

awesome sunset and moon shot... that barn is beautiful and for sure a good fence shot... your son has inherited a gorgeous back yard.. Happy 4th of July

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love the appearance of well kept wooden fences and barns.

Sally in WA said...

That is indeed a beautiful farm and a lovely sunset. Hope you have a wonderful Fourth!

don said...

I liked each of your pictures. They are each unique and good examples. Your hubby shot is gorgeous.
Fine post.

Betty Manousos said...

happy 4th of july, eileen!!


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Nice set of beautiful scenes- love the dogwood against that pretty red fence- the bird, the barn..all fabulous.

Marie-Anne said...

Happy 4th of July,dear Eileen!!
So much greenery around your place! You are blessed to live in such a beautiful place!
Enjoy the day!!!

A Colorful World said...

Fantastic photos, Eileen! You have some wonderful views in your neck of the woods, and your photos are great!

Laloofah said...

That is a neat barn! And your son's "adopted" dogwood (as well as the fence behind it!) is lovely. That gorgeous crescent moon shot is my favorite - though your husband's photos are starting to give yours a run for their money! :-) Beautiful sunset..

SandyCarlson said...

These are great. I love the optical illusion of the rippled fence shadows in the grass.

Cloudia said...

Healing lovely country shots, Eileen!

ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= <3

Splendid Little Stars said...

great barn!
Your hubby's moon shot is wonderful!
Oh a fence linky! I used to link up with one, so took lots of fence shots. That person no longer blogs.

Our photos said...

Very nice shots !

Shirley said...

You have an ideal spot to enjoy the day's end. Such a magnificent sunset!!

Poppy said...

Hi Eileen,

Such an AMAZING post for its spectacular photos!! The barn and its surrounding fence, rolling hills and horses could easily be an oil painting! Your son's garden is enchanting; I'm sure he appreciates the work and love that went into it by the previous owner, and your hubby's sunset shots are brilliant!!

Happy weekend!


Helma said...

In the Netherlands we do not know which of independence but I hope you had a very nice holiday :-)

Anonymous said...

oh wow that farm house and acres. I love.

Oh the rest is magnificent takes.

As I wrote. I see a beautiful parrot.

Oh beautiful.

Keep those pictures coming.

thomas said...

A beautiful sunset and reflection,

Suzan said...

Your dogwood is just now coming out??? Your son does have a lovely back yard!! And the sunset is over your lake is lovely!

FilzGarten said...

Lovely and stunning, the almost burning lake!

NatureFootstep said...

a nice looking barn with fences and all.

Pat Tillett said...

Pure country! I would love to see these scenes on a regular basis. Your photos are beautiful...

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...