Sunday, July 20, 2014

Birds, Blooms & more

  I am linking up with Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday 

I am sharing some images from my yard and more from our walk at George's Creek.

Some pretty lilies in our yard, blooming waterlily, blueberries and a sunflower..

I love this color, they are beautiful lilies.

My pretty Bluebird, hanging around making sure Momma is safe in the house with the babies.

I am not sure what this flower is called but we saw during our walk along George's Creek.. It is nice to take our walks along this trail and see different wildflowers blooming at different times.

A pretty flower,  a lumberjack at work, more pretties and the turkey feathers..

The juvie Titmouse can be pretty persistent with their..feed me..feed me..

I hope you enjoyed my birds and blooms..Thanks for stopping by and for the comments.

Join in on the fun and for more wonderful photos please visit  Mosaic Monday and more
 from  Our World Tuesday

 Thanks to our host: Mary our host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  I wish everyone a happy week ahead!


TexWisGirl said...

a lovely color collection!

from Madrid said...

Marvellous shots of birds !


rainfield61 said...

You got mushrooms!!!!

Debbie said... never have to leave your yard to have the very best that nature provides.

your daylilies are a really beautiful color!!!

Louisette said...

Wonderfull shots and bird.

A wondering star said...

Awesome serie Love your post!

Eva Jorunn

magiceye said...

Superb captures as always!!!

Sue said...

Gorgeous photos, Eileen! I've often wondered what lilies look like with the flowers intact. My deer don't let me see mine-LOL!
Hope you're having a good day. It's going to get HOT here tomorrow, so we have just come in from a long bike ride.
Enjoy the day

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
What a great post!!I like the bluebird shot!So pretty lilies in your yard!!Summer blooming!Gorgeous pictures!!Have a happy week!Hugs!

Ingrid said...

Your yard pictures and from your walk are very beautiful !

ulla laiho said...

So beautiful pictures from your garden and your walk in George's Creek. The color of your lilies is wonderful.

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous selection of shots!

Brian King said...

Beautiful flowers! Love the titmouse! We had some youngsters hanging around a few weeks ago. They were quite noisy! :-)

Nancy J said...

Lovely birds, super photos, and your day lily, stunning colour. Cheers,Jean.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful flowers and birds.

sweetbriardreams said...

You have captured these so perfectly Eileen. The birds in my garden are a little hyper and my camera is just picking them up well enough. Have a wonderful week x

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Both birds and flowers are lovely Eileen.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Beautiful photos! I should have looked at this post before I tried to make a sunflower out of felt. I have rounded petals...oh my! heehee! Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs, Diane

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

I love that don't-know-what-it-is flower! :)

Pat said...

BEautiful I love the color of the lily too!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

very nice shots


Our photos said...

Very nice. I love the lilies. What a beautiful color !

Cloudia said...

What Heaven you share, E!

ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= <3

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Nice colors.. Beautiful pics.. Cheers!!!.. :-)))

Sonja said...

That certainly is a pretty red flower. I like the day lilies too, and have several different colours in my garden.

Maria said...

My goodness they are lovely, Eileen!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Great snaps of the flowers. Titmice are darling little birds! Have a wonderful coming week!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Indeed, pretty birds and blooms. My daylilies are finally showing off too and I've seen a couple of juvenile orioles waiting on the deck railing for dad to bring them grape jelly from the feeder. Every time they tried to get it themselves, he made them go back to the railing. :-)

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed your beautiful birds and blooms Eileen, thank you for taking us along on your walk and thank you for stopping by :).

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Loved your Birds and Blooms, Eileen. That dark lily is gorgeous. I've never seen that one before... AND--Love that waterlily. We'll go to Biltmore soon to see their waterlilies which are so pretty this time of year.

Our Bluebirds are on their 2nd family too.. Busy little birds.


podso said...

Beautiful photos of a beautiful walk. It's nice you can fit in your walks with working full time. The unknown flower is such a beautiful color.

Roan said...

Those lilies are gorgeous! Cute titmouse!

Stephanie said...

A very lovely assortment of images!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love those lilies! I will have to look into growing more lilies in my garden next year --the deer son't seem to bother them.

You asked if the ride up Mt. Evans was scary--it wasn't too bad as there are a lot of switchbacks so the ascent and decent are slow--the road does get very narrow at times and there is no guard rail. It is the highest paved road in the US!

Kathie Brown said...

Lots of pretty things to see in the woods! Thanks for taking us along!

Life Images by Jill said...

wonderful pics Eileen. Spring is such a wonderful time of year. I have enjoyed your wildflower pics - my post today is about wildflowers too. So different wildflowers to yours. Have a wonderful week.

Breathtaking said...

Lovely pictures of all the flowers Eileen, the red lilies in particular.Love the Bluebird picture, and the Titmouse is such a sweet image.Turky Feathers made me smile, never heard mushrooms called that before.:)
Have a great week!:)

Little Wandering Wren said...

I'm loving your birds and blooms!!
Wishing you a happy week.
Wren x

orchid0324 said...

Beautiful flowers form your garden, Eileen. What a collection of them you have and walking your garden must be really relaxing as well♡♡♡ I LOVE the color of the Lilly and the pinkish one you found is also wonderful. The face of the young Titmouse made me smile(*^_^*)

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Luckaa said...

The nature is so charming.

Irma said...

Beautiful photos of the flowers and the birds, Eileen.
I love the Lily, what a beautiful color.

Elaine said...

Nice collection of photos. I just love your bluebird, and that lily is gorgeous.

Poppy said...

What a gorgeous, deep shade in your lilies, Eileen! And those wildflowers are very pretty, too. Of course, your winged friends add that extra whimsy to all your photos! Have a lovely week!


Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

I always really enjoy your birds and blooms Eileen and the walks you take us on to see them.
Your birds seem to be much more tame than ours, who hide shyly in the bush... apart from the sparrows of course!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

We have the same taste in lilies, Eileen and mine are blooming now too! Looks like another great walk!!!...:)JP

Elizabeth Edwards said...

those blooms are amazing!! love the lilies. what a deep dark color. wow wee!! ( :

i had to go & re-read that part about the unknown flower - at 1st thought you were saying the name was "George's Creek" & i was thinking now different? it is so precious. all bowing like that. i wonder??!

Phil Slade said...

You have pictured some lovely flowers and birds Eileen. The lilies have such unusual shades of purple.

I hope you have a wonderful week.

My name is Riet said...

What a lovely colorful series of photo's Eileen. Love them all.Have a nice week

Marit said...

Lovely flowers, birds and pictures, summer is wonderful.

DeniseinVA said...

I love the deep, rich color of your lilies Eileen and that lovely flower you found along George's Creek,plus the other flowers and sweet bird shots too. So many pretty sights, lovely walk you took us on, thank you :)

Gail Dixon said...

I enjoyed this series very much. The waterlily is spectacular, as is the deep burgundy of that lily.

A Colorful World said...

Wonderfully beautiful lilies! Such lovely photos!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful, colorful flowers and delightful birds!! A visit to your blog is always a bright spot in my week, Eileen!! Thanks for sharing the beauty! Have a wonderful week!

mick said...

Beautiful flowers. The dark red color of the lilies in the first photos is really magnificent. I also especially like the Bluebird sitting up on the tree against the blue of the sky.

Fun60 said...

The colour of that lily is so unusual and beautiful. lots of interesting birds and blooms.

carol l mckenna said...

Birds, blooms and love the Titmouse ~ Great shots and colors for OWT ~ thanks, ^_^

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Barb said...

Timber! That was an eager beaver. Love your lilies - that color is stunning.

Jenn Jilks said...

Could your flower be columbine? Just popped in my head for no real reason!
I loathe travel, so happy to travel with you!!!!!

chica said...

Lindos demais!ADOREI! Ótima semana! bjs praianos, chica

Icy BC said...

Beautiful flowers, birds, a pretty world indeed!

HappyK said...

Love those beautiful flowers!!

Carver said...

Beautiful blooms and great shots of the flowers.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots of blooms and birds.

Susan said...

What a refreshing walk- love the Bluebird and Tit, and the lilies are beautiful!

Indrani said...

Such lovely colorful flowers! You always have a lovely collection to present!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Very nice images of the beautiful flowers and sweet birds! Looks like a wonderful place to walk! xo Karen

Mary Howell Cromer said...

How lovely your garden is with such beauty and birds ;)

Laura said...

gorgeous blossoms Eileen… I do hope you will share with I Heart Macro:-)

Lynne said...

Wonderful pictures . . . I liked the Titmouse chirping for more

Lew said...

Some great shots of the birds and blooms! The dark lilies are gorgeous.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...