I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes
I am sharing another Belize bird..the Bare-throated Tiger Heron.. It was not a lifer, I saw this bird for the first time in Costa Rica. This bird during a birding trip on the Sittee River near Hopkins, Belize..It was a little difficult taking bird photos from a moving boat..even though once in awhile we stopped..
The Bare-throated Tiger Heron has a naked yellow throat, the adult has a black crown, dark greyish-olive legs and a grey face.

Their underparts are a dull cinnamon brown. A large species, they are 31 inches in length and weighs 42 oz..
The Bare-throated Tiger Heron can be found from Mexico to Northwestern Colombia.
They can be found around fresh water and mangrove habitats..on river and lake banks.
As we watched for birds along the river we spotted a few of the Bare-throated Tiger Herons in various spots along the river..I hope you enjoyed seeing the Bare-throated Tiger Heron..
Thanks for stopping by my post and for all the nice comments.
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Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's Nature Notes. Thanks to our host Michelle our host Stewart. Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!
I am sharing another Belize bird..the Bare-throated Tiger Heron.. It was not a lifer, I saw this bird for the first time in Costa Rica. This bird during a birding trip on the Sittee River near Hopkins, Belize..It was a little difficult taking bird photos from a moving boat..even though once in awhile we stopped..
The Bare-throated Tiger Heron has a naked yellow throat, the adult has a black crown, dark greyish-olive legs and a grey face.

Their underparts are a dull cinnamon brown. A large species, they are 31 inches in length and weighs 42 oz..
The Bare-throated Tiger Heron can be found from Mexico to Northwestern Colombia.
They can be found around fresh water and mangrove habitats..on river and lake banks.
As we watched for birds along the river we spotted a few of the Bare-throated Tiger Herons in various spots along the river..I hope you enjoyed seeing the Bare-throated Tiger Heron..
Thanks for stopping by my post and for all the nice comments.
Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's Nature Notes. Thanks to our host Michelle our host Stewart. Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!
These birds are rarely seen in the rest of the world, it is my opinion.
Wow, you got him/her, Bare-throated Tiger Heron, so well Eileen, beautiful photos.
Very interesting Bare throated - Tiger Heron . . . It must be exciting to happen upon one so rare. I liked their speckled like camouflage look . . . with a peek of their yellowish throat . . .
What a find, Eileen! A great disguise for it's habitat...:)JP
Sempre lindas! bjs, tudo de bom,chica
Very nice bird! I never seen a Bare throated - Tiger Heron
Eileen, thanks for sharing another new species for me.
Have a good week.
What a unique bird Bare-throated Tiger Heron is, Eileen. I DO agree that it sure look like having great camouflage color and I like its yellow sharp face with long beak♡♡♡
I hope you are having a wonderful week.
Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*
I never heard of that one Eileen. It's a very smart and unusual looking heron species. I think you did so well if you got those excellent pictures from a moving boat.
cool herons
look like they're wearing a hawk's pelt :)
Kudos to you for getting these photographs.
Stunning bird, and one that I've never heard of before! Thanks!
Striking plumage capture and interesting information about this bird. Thanks for visiting my blog while I was away!
just a neat beauty!
Hi Eileen,
Beautiful pictures of this rare Bare-throated Tiger Heron.
The color and comouflage is really fantastic.
Great shots of this handsome bird!
He's a very pretty bird! Great find, Eileen!
What an interesting looking bird! Thanks for sharing your photos.
Hi Eileen,
marvelous photos of this Tiger heron. I´ve never seen them before. Gorgeous !
Best regards, Synnöve
I bet that one was hard to spot!
Great shots
Have a good day, Eileen!
Remarkable photos! Love the yellow beak.
Hello Eillen!!
Great shots of the Bare-throated Tiger Heron!!What a beautiful bird!!How lucky you are to see it!!
Have a happy week!!
How wonderful to see this Bare-thoated Tiger Heron in it's own envirament, and great captures too.
His compact stance reminds me so much of the green heron except for the feathering. Beautiful markings and colors. Fab photos, Eileen!
What interesting coloring that earned the bird its name. Cool bird Eileen.. Michelle
He is sure an interesting looking bird.
That heron has lovely markings on its plumage. that certainly was anther good find even it was not a lifer.
What a fantastic bird, and amazing pictures you got too.
I can see how they got their name. Nice find, Eileen.
Wow, i have never seen such a bird !
fabulous to see these interesting birds Eileen; a great photo opportunity being in the boat and looking from the water-side to the shoreline
You must have had a blast finding all these new and different birds!! Interesting trees and shrubbery, too.
He is a real beauty Eileen, great photos! I hope I get to see such a bird one day.
Their plumage is so intricately patterned and their progress so stately much of the time, I enjoyed them in Costa Rica, and seeing them again from your trip to Belize.
Just when I thought I had heard of all the heron species...that's awesome! Great looking heron!
Fantastic bird! You got some nice shots, Eileen.
i love all that yello. what a cool throat. didn't think i would ever say that??! ha. ha!! but i guess you never know. ( :
That bird is GORGEOUS! I would love to see it!
Wow---what a beauty! AND--that's another bird I have never seen --nor even heard of!!!! Thanks so much for sharing.
Beautifully photographed!
Lucky you! The photos are wonderful.
Amazing! Never seen them in my part of the world.
Such a stunning bird! Lovely photos, Eileen. I've never seen Bare-throated Tiger Heron before.
Thanks for sharing
hi Eileen, moving boat or not these are stunning photos. I'm certainly enjoying seeing these birds here, I'm sure I will never see them live in their natural habitat. How exciting and what a rare find.
Amazing.............thank you for sharing your travels.
awesome snaps eileen, you continue to see the most unusual birds, lucky ME!!!
these images are really beautiful, you must have a pretty steady hand!!!
Seems like Belize is a bird lover's paradise for sure :)
A great find Eileen, and super photos of this heron. I love herons of all kinds and hope to see this one some day. I am guessing that the striped bird is a juvenile? Is that correct?
Hi Eileen, I have never seen one before. Thanks for sharing your great photographs of this handsome wading bird! I hope to spot one in person some day. Have a fine day today!
great find, eileen!
i so enjoyed your photos. simply gorgeous!
big hugs!
Nice work Eileen! You got a great shot of the bird in that first pic! I have only seen this bird a couple times and one danced for us on the beach in Panama...it was a juvenile so I never got to see the beautiful adult plumage. Those boat treks can be quite frustrating because as birders, it would be nice to just be able to observe:)
....closer that is:)
Hello Eileen,
Very good shots of this Tiger heron.
So special because I have never seen thet heron before. What a beauty!!
Best regards,
What an interesting bird! I'm so glad you're sharing all your finds from Belize.
Wow, how cool to see a tiger heron! awesome stuff!
A very pretty bird, one that's new to me. Nice work!
I too saw the Bare-throated Tiger Heron in Costa Rica. :)
What great shots! A first for me.
A great beautiful heron. These heron I've never seen. I did not even know it still existed! What I learn so many beautiful birds know thanks to your blog :-)
The hummingbird is stunning!
I stopped to see if you had any fences posted but got sidetracked by your photos of the tiger heron ---never even heard of one before. Interesting.
Simply gorgeous! I love your new header too!
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