Sunday, July 13, 2014

Hashawha Nature Center

  I am linking up with Wild & WonderfulMosaic Monday  & Our World Tuesday 

These are some of the scenes we saw during last weekend's walk at the local Hashawha Nature Center.  This park is one of our favorites for the birds and wildlife and for the hiking trails..

For my first entry for Blogger's Sunday Walk , I am sharing part of the wooded trail, a scene during our hike at the nature center. July 13 is the first of Blogger's Sunday walk. The next walk will be October 26, 2014.  I hope you can join on and walk..

 This park is known for seeing the Baltimore Orioles in the summer. These are some juvenile or possibly the female Baltimore Orioles..

 Bee Balm is one of my favorite plants. It is great for attracting the hummingbirds.

 The butterflies seem to be attracted to all the muddy spots on the trail..

 More birds seen at the nature center: Mallards, Red tailed Hawks in the raptor center, Barn Swallows, Kingfisher and Downy woodpecker.

I like the reflection of these berries in the pond, the hiking trail, another pond, tiger daylily, roses.

Another scene for my Blogger's Sunday walk post...the lily pads are thick on this section of the lake..

The larger lake is filled with lily pads and dragonflies.. It was a pretty day for a hike, cool temps and beautiful sunny skies.  I am always happy to see you visit my post and photos. Thanks for stopping by and for the comments.

Join in on the fun and for more wonderful photos please visit Blogger's Sunday Walk and  Mosaic Monday and more from  Our World Tuesday

 Thanks to all the host @ Wild & Wonderful and  Mary our host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  I wish everyone a happy week ahead!


Magia da Inês said...

Fotos lindas que realçam a harmonia existente na natureza.

Bom domingo! Boa semana!


Vilt og vakkert said...


I love the dragonflies...
I have no links for BSW, but paste your URL in the comment window, and I make a selected post when I come home from holiday next week.
Hope it is OK!
Glad you joined BSW ;:OD)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The name of this place reminds me of the Indian names used so much here in Florida. LOVE your banner at the top of your blog! It's so bright and beautiful! Enjoy your afternoon my friend! Hugs!

podso said...

You too visit beautiful spots and have such a good eye with your camera. It looks like a wonderful place to walk.

Brian King said...

That's a beautiful place! Great for photographs!

Anonymous said...

What a nice place to walk. Love the photos you have shared. Have a nice week.

Celeste said...

My goodness look at all those beautiful dragonflies. It looks as though you had a lovely walk Eileen.

Our photos said...

That's a nice place. A lot to see !

from Madrid said...

Through these roads one never get tired of walking.


Beth said...

Lovely photos! I love the flowers and the birds and the dragonflies!

Lynne said...

Looks like a wonderful place for a hike . . .
Wonder why the butterflies hover around the mud?

Bob Bushell said...

Just a beauty, the place that you were in, was an ideal. Thanks Eileen.

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful blooms and butterflies. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a wonderful place for your hike and photography talents, Eileen!...:)JP

Poppy said...


You always manage to take us on such beautiful walks with you and today is no exception! What a gorgeous landscape this is; love the berries' reflection in the water - pure inspiration for any artist! The birds and butterflies are a bonus!

Have a nice week!


Lmkazmierczak said...

Enjoyed your presentation...I too am participating in the Bloggers Summer Walk and hope you can visit me...I left my link in the comment section of our host. Happy summer♪

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Like others, I enjoy your sharing your walks.
I have a crazy little chipmonk that has been running around my courtyard all afternoon and I can't get one decent pic. LOL
Have a great week.

Stephanie said...

Lovely place you visited. Love the Dragon fly and Butterflies! Beautiful scenery.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

i'm on my way to hike with you.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

A beautiful place for a walk with lots of critters.
I'm always inquisitive about names - was there a sign there saying where the name 'Hashawha' came from?

Sonja said...

What a lovely walk, Eileen. The one with the section of boardwalk takes me back to Norway where I lived for 18 months when I was much younger - we just don't have that same green lushness here in quite the same way.

betty-NZ said...

These are some great shares from your walk. What lovely creatures and scenery!

Linda W. said...

Nice place for a walk. Looks like you saw all kinds of interesting things.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love all the shade you have along your walk and all the wonderful flowers, birds and creatures that you see!

Kerry said...

I miss Baltimore Orioles. We don't have them here in OR, and I used to love them growing up in Wis. Those nests of theirs, and their song.:)

Liz said...

What a wonderful place for a walk. There is so much of nature's beauty to take in and enjoy!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

HI Eileen! I can understand why it would be a favorite place to visit. It's a lovely place in any weather, no doubt!

Cloudia said...

You brought back treasures!

ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= <3

Suzan said...

What a beautiful walk Eileen!! I'm with you - love that Bee Balm!! I've never grown it, but wish I could. I know it must have a lot of sun and most of our space is in the shade with lots of trees!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Beautiful spot. Lots of birds, too. I sure like the Orioles. Have a fine coming week!

Maude Lynn said...

Beautiful pictures! What a lovely place!

bj said...

I love your pretty photos...
xoxo bj

Rajesh said...

Beautiful place with such lovely birds.

DIMI said...

Good morning Eileen!
What a lovely park!!Such a beauty!!Beautiful plants and so preety critters to see!!Great shots and wonderful images!Thank you for sharing!!Hugs!

A wondering star said...

You got some gorgeous pictures of the surroundings Hashawha Nature Center! Baltimore Orioles with tropical bright fiery orange color is so gorgeous!
Beautiful butterflies too!
Thank you for sharing it with us!

Eva Jorunn

Vilt og vakkert said...

I have made the summary post. Not many walked yesterday. Hope more join us in October!
Please, spread challenge....
Have a nice week ;:OD)

Vilt og vakkert said...


I have made the summary post. Few bloggers walked yesterday. Glad you did!
Please, spread the challenge!
Next BSW will take place October 26 th.
Have a nice week ;:OD)
I made a mistake, included the URL-link for the summary post, so you missed the first comment from me. You find it....

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures and collages, Eileen.
I wish you a good new week.

DeniseinVA said...

A wonderful walk Eileen. Beautiful photos as always. I was very interested in the Baltimore Oriole color for the juvenile/female. Happy day to you :)

orchid0324 said...

OMG!!! If this Hashawha Nature Center located close to my house, I'll be more healthier and will be able have a wonderful walk (with you)♡♡♡ Beautiful Baltimore Orioles, Bee Balm, butterflies and dragonflies♡♡♡ My husband was was REALLY attracted with these dragonflies, as we can only have common ones p;)

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Sharon Wagner said...

So much nature! I love seeing all the dragonflies at this time of year.

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful place to hike! So much to see and enjoy. I LOVE all the dragonfly photos.

Phil Slade said...

Lovely sunny shots Eileen. It looks like a lovely spot for a wildlife walk and I'm mightily impressed with your dragonfly photos and how you made them keep still while clicking away. Have a great week.

Breathtaking said...

This is a lovely place Eileen, with so many beautiful flowers, and creatures to see and appreciate. Strange seeing the butterflies in the mud,... perhaps it was cooler there! Excellent shots!:)

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

How pretty it is there and your photos as always capture everything beautifully! :)

Memaria said...

I think that dragonflies are fairies!!
I enjoyed your post and all your photos!
Have a great week!

Sylvia K said...

What wonderful captures, Eileen!! I love them all and what a great place to spend time!! Thanks so much for sharing the fun and the beauty!!

mick said...

It looks like a very beautiful place for a walk and very well-maintained too. I especially like the Orioles.

carol l mckenna said...

What a beautiful place and wonderful photography of so many of nature's gems for OWT ~ thanks, ^_^

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Adam Jones said...

Lovely images. Especially like the butterflies.

Villrose said...

Nice photos from an adventurous place!

Icy BC said...

So glad to see your walk turned into such a fruitful one with so many different things to see. Beautiful photos, Eileen!

Huldra said...

Wow.. What a beautiful place, and so much to capture on the way. Thank you for sharing. I would love to join you at this trail irl. If only I could.. :D

Photo Cache said...

nature's best at this park. i really like the orioles. i didn't realize they are yellow; you know i'm just going by the uni colors of the baseball team so i know orioles are orange, right?

Al said...

A beautiful place, I can see why it's a favorite. Lovely, green photos!

Carver said...

Wonderful place to walk and explore. Great shots of the dragonflies and birds.

Cynthia said...

What a nice place to hike. I'm intrigued by the wings of the brownish butterfly in the upper right of the collage. They are an interesting shape.

Debbie said...

The blooms are so pretty and the butterflies are beautiful!! An awesome collection of images from your walk!!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What a great place for a walk.

Anonymous said...

How very idyllic! Lovely shots.

Birgitta said...

Wonderful photo series!

Fun60 said...

Those orioles are a sight worth seeing. Such colourful birds as well as all the other wonderful sights on your walk. Have a good week.

HappyK said...

Oh that's bee balm. I see that along the sides of the road here but didn't know what it was. So very pretty.

Black Jack's Carol said...

Is it just me or are you more than a bit fortunate with your finds? You have some wonderful shots here of species I would be ecstatic to discover :) That Baltimore Oriole is just gorgeous!

NatureFootstep said...

I would not have mind to accompany you. :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

thank you for answering my my questions about the red blooms. we were out this weekend in the Smokey Mtns. just got back from them last night. just a 3 day quick trip. & saw folks taking those red blooms every where. & i thought they were gorgeous too. took several shots of them. bee balm. i will have to look that up to see more info. we heard hummingbirds buzzing every where. they are such fast creatures.

what a fun post. love the wooden walkway. great hike i bet. ( :

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Marvelous photos of the nature around you. So beautiful is each of them !
Best regards, Synnöve

Rohrerbot said...

Thanks for being our guide:) I know this is a place you go often, but each time you have a different set of photos. I like the idea behind it and it makes sense. Each of us has a spot we regularly visit. Happy birding! Migration is happening already!!!

Elaine said...

Beautiful place and beautiful photos! Love your collages!

Unknown said...

Beautiful place! I love the butterflies and the dragonflies.

Helma said...

What nicely done with these different pictures. Butterflies, dragonflies, prachgie yellow bird, ducks, flowers and nature itself. Just beautiful :-)

xboy said...

My in-laws lived on Stone Rd, a couple of miles from Hashawha. I went down there often, even before it was fully developed. A lovely place. More people from Carroll Co should visit.

Maria said...

What a beautiful place! I've seen Bee Balm in Florida too!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...