Saturday, July 19, 2014

Saturday's Critters #33

Saturday's Critters #33

Happy weekend and welcome to Saturday's Critters!  I always look forward to seeing everyone's cute critters.. Ok, it's time to share your critters.

 Before we left for our weekend walk I took some shots of our yardbirds.  Above is one of many of the Carolina Chickadees I see in the yard.

 The Ruby-throated Hummingbird sits on guard watching over his feeders.

 Ebony Jewelwing, the male has a metallic blue-green lives near wooded streams and rivers..

One of several Great Blue Herons we saw during our George's Creek walk. Every time we walked near this Heron, it would fly further up stream. Till finally, it landed in a tree and we kept on walking along the George's Creek Trail. 

I hope your enjoyed my birds and the pretty Ebony Jewelwing.. I did not keep a list of birds..... but we saw and heard a lot of birds along the George's Creek trail..Seeing two Belted Kingfishers together and a few Wood Ducks were a treat. Another great weekend walk..

 Thank you for linking up to the critter party. I appreciate the visits, comments and the support of my blogging friends................... Have a happy weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Please visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin. Also, sharing with Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting.


orchid0324 said...

Oh, your Critters are always fabulous, Eileen♡♡♡  Carolina Chickadees, Hummingbird, not fair I haven't been able to watch p;) I checked about Ebony Jewelwing and found it's among the damselfly; how interesting to have metallic blue-green bod (^_^)v

I hope you will have a wonderful weekend. 
Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Jo said...

OMW Eileen, I loved the chickadee and hummingbird photos as I scrolled down your post. Then my heart almost stopped when I saw that STUNNING Ebony Jewelring! WOW . It is beautiful and you captured it so well. You made my day by sharing these beautiful images, thanks! Have a great Saturday. Jo

NatureFootstep said...

great to see the Ebony Jewelwing. It has not appeared here yet. Onty the banded one.

Thanks for hosting!

SquirrelQueen said...

Fabulous photos Eileen!
The detail is amazing on the Ruby Throated Hummingbird. And I love the Ebony Jewelwing.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a wonderful walk you had and fantastic birds you saw and my favorite bird is the beautiful Hummingbird. Have a wonderful weekend.

Elaine said...

Love your hummingbird and the Jewelwing!

from Madrid said...

I love very much your birds, they are marvellous.


Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful images Eileen.

Phil Slade said...

Good Morning Eileen. I've enjoyed your weekend walk and looking at those beautiful photos. I especially like the Great Blue Heron, so statuesque on those bare branches.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and thanks for the party today.

Sonja said...

That Ebony Jewelwing is striking. I saw Black-capped Chickadees in Seattle and thought they were lovely, but your Carolina one is appealing too.

rainfield61 said...

I have found a license to join you.

Happy weekend.

FAB said...

Another fabulous selection Eileen and you definitely caught the eye of the Hummer. The Ebony Jewelwing is gorgeous and so much like our Beautiful Demoiselle.

DeniseinVA said...

I always look forward to seeing your photos Eileen, these are fantastic as always. Happy day to you :)

Icy BC said...

Your critters are always a treat to see! The Ebony Jewelwing is gorgeous.

Memaria said...

Beautiful post and critters as always!
Have a great weekend!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm a big fan of chickadees, Eileen. They are such cute little birds. Your selection of critters is great this week.

Infoholic Research said...

Wow! Great pictures. I like that bird.

Hootin Anni said...

That Jewelwing is awesome...Never in my life have I seen such a beauty!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the hummingbird. so cute. enjoy your link up & have a great & awesome weekend. take care. ( :

Anonymous said...

Happy Saturday Eileen. I love your pics but the hummer is my favorite. Have a wonderful day.

sandyland said...

so many fascinating birds today

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Sweet critter shares Eileen and thank you for doing this. I am new here and need to get your meme on my share ;)

Ileana said...

Beautiful! :) I'm jealous! I have not found birds so beautiful to photograph them!

TexWisGirl said...

love the jewelwing and the cute little ruby-throat! great shots thanks for hosting, eileen!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

the chickadee is soo cute. Wish we had more of them down my way.

love the macro of the...sorry, i'll just call it a dragonfly :)

Debbie said...

the hummer is outstanding, mine have been missing in action!!

and that black "bug"...i have no idea but i liked it!!

have a wonderful weekend eileen, we are suppose to be blessed with very cool temperatures!!!

Lynne said...

The Mr Ebony . . . was handsome indeed . . .

Unknown said...

I love the hummingbird and the jewelwing. Have a wonderful weekend!

Brian King said...

Very envious of your hummer! We have yet to see the first one. Nice shot of the little chickadee! The heron is one of my favorites, of course!

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images of your lovely birds Eileen... I am so jealous seeing your Hummingbirds as we have nothing like them over here.
Have a great week.

Cranberry Morning said...

I rarely catch a hummingbird sitting still. What a great photo! Thanks for hosting our critters.

Unknown said...

These are all beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing them.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Fantastic photos of all these critters. I have linking my post from Wednesday with some birds.
Best regards, Synnöve

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely shots of nature's critters ~ Beautiful ~ thanks,

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

lina@a happy family said...

Wonderful bird shots, Eileen but I most love the jewelwing. First time seeing it.

Pat said...

Great shots. The Ebony Jewelwing is beautiful.

Jutta.K. said...

Großartige Tierfotos, Respekt !
Man kann so viele schöne Details erkennen, sehr excellent

Black Jack's Carol said...

Thanks so much for hosting, Eileen! I love all your beautifully photographed birds, but that Ebony Jewelwing is absolutely stunning!

Breathtaking said...

Beautiful nature shots Eileen! Your Chicadees are like our Coaltits, and your Jewelwing like our Beauiful Demoiselles, but we have nothing to compare with your Hummers.Just wonderful!:)

Pat Tillett said...

Very nice photos! Those hummingbirds are so territorial. They are constantly battling for turf in our back yard.

Stephanie said...

Lots of wonderful critter shots!

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
Love your hummingbird and the Jewelwing!Great shots and captures!Have a lovely weekend!

Gail Dixon said...

Wow on the ebony jewelwing! And the hummer. Thank you so much for hosting. Have a great weekend.

Al said...

You definitely have some cute birds there!

Meggie said...

Thanks for hosting Saturday's Critters.

Ela said...

Eileen, as always your photos are so wonderful ! I love to watch your birds !
Have a nice weekend :)

Magia da Inês said...

Muito lindo mesmo!!!!
Bom fim de semana!

Adam Jones said...

Wow! That Ebony Jewelwing is amazing.

Our photos said...

Very nice. I love the humming bird !

Gemma Wiseman said...

Gorgeous variety of characters in your post. My favourite must be the Ebony Jewelwing. An incredible colour and so handsome.

Carole M. said...

I enjoyed each of your beautiful images Eileen

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have not seen the ebony before. he is beautiful.. i never get tired of looking at the Herons

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Eileen, your photos are soooooo awesome!...:)JP

Anni said...

Thanks for linking up this weekend Eileen!!

Irma said...

Beautiful series of photos, Eileen.
I love the second picture, which is truly sublime.

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos, the ebony jewelwing is amazing

Maria said...

As usual, they are all very good, I love the hummingbird

A Colorful World said...

Beautiful photos! Great critters.

Rohrerbot said...

I hope to see this Carolina Chickadee someday:) It sure does look slightly different from the others I've seen. Beautiful flowers all around you! And birds make them better:) Happy birding!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...