Thursday, July 31, 2014

More from the weekend

Linking up with Skywatch Friday  and Good Fences  and NF Winged

For my Skywatch Friday and Good Fence post I am sharing these shots left from last weekend's visit to the nature center, mostly shots from our ride home and a stop for some corn at the local stand..

It was a white puffy cloud day, no humidity and a gorgeous day for our walk..Hubby and I enjoy our weekend walks, we get plenty of exercise and I get to do some birding..

More pretty skies, this is a scene from our ride home and it is also a scene I pass every day going to and coming home from work.. On the very bottom of this photo is a stone wall, I hope this counts as a fence shot too.

On the way home from work I pass this dead bare tree every day too for years now. I am amazed it is still standing..I think it is a neat tree, I am always checking it out expecting a bird to be sitting at the top..I think it makes a great fence shot for Tex's Good Fence meme. 

During our walk I watched two Eastern Kingbirds battling it out in tree with what I believe is an immature Baltimore Oriole.. The Kingbirds left, so I think that means the Oriole on the left won..

I believe this is an immature Baltimore Oriole or maybe a female?

 The Eastern Kingbird.  The bird on the right was feeding the one on the left, pretty sure it was a juvie.

The Eastern Kingbird, has a black head and white throat and long wings. You can not see it in this photo but the tip of its tail feathers are white..

I hope you enjoyed my post and photos
To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and check more fence shots at Tex's Good Fences
and for anything that has wings check out NF Winged

Thanks to Tex @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences and to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday also thanks to Monica of NF Winged!   I wish everyone a safe and happy long weekend.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Eileen Great wavy fences and in the 2nd shots with the small trees, I love the shadows that they make. Great bird shots also.

NatureFootstep said...

The Kingbird really look royas in their soft colored plumage.

Elephant's Child said...

Oh my. I love the skies, the tree (which would indeed make perfect bird perch) and the birds. Megathanks.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I like how they build the fence to avoid the tree.

Jocee said...

I love the shot of the dead tree and fences. The Kingbird is a very handsome looking bird. :)

Hootin Anni said...

Love the hilly, green countryside with the rolling fences. And of course the birds! Always an added plus.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I actually really like that tree as well. Dead or not, it's beautiful...

orchid0324 said...

Wow, such long wavy or curvy white fence in the wide green area♡♡♡ And impressive tree! And two birds "battling it out"; How exciting to see the scene♬♬♬
Beautiful Eastern Kingbird picture, Eileen.

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

TexWisGirl said...

the kingbirds are beautiful. love the ribbony fences! thanks, eileen!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what a gorgeous day!! such a pretty view. love the puffy clouds. awesome!! ( :

Anonymous said...

I love the fence. The dead tree would be perfect for Halloween!

DeniseinVA said...

Great fence post Eileen and always love those birds. Have a great day!

Lynne said...

The Winding White was perfect for Good Fences today . . . I really liked the centered tree too . . .

Helma said...

Beautiful nature photos Eileen and your views are the beautiful green even as soothing :-) Along with the birds a beautiful whole. Already a very nice weekend.

EG CameraGirl said...

Pretty fence lines! Eastern Kingbirds are among my favourites.

Minoru Saito said...

Hi,Eileen. Nice captures. I like both the first and last photos. No humidity weather is very cool for us. Thanks for sharing.

bj said...

ahhh...gorgeous photos. That last fence has some pretty sexy curves. lol...
Have a great day.

Irma said...

Beautiful surroundings and scenery for a walk, Eileen.
The Eastern Kingbird is a beautiful bird.

Karen said...

Love the white against green fencing and how it undulates. There's something so crisp and summery about these kinds of fences. Really like the shot of the grove of trees. Very lovely, one and all.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

enjoyed your shots

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!Great post!
I like the white fences the beautiful shots of the birds,the amazing countrysides and the skies photos!!Hope you have a happy day!Hugs!

21 Wits said...

Oh my tweet, tweet so very sweet, as are the ways folks put up their fences! Great way to work with what they want. Very nice locations.

Pat said...

The winding white fence looks beautiful in the lush green days of summer.

Anonymous said...

I like the flowing lines of the fences around the old dead tree. Thank you for visiting my Abe Lincoln fence.

Anonymous said...

Lovely fences - makes me think of the ones in Kentucky. :) I'm a fan of stone walls, too. Beautiful Kingbird. I love it's white white throat and belly.


Nancy J said...

Lovely lonely tree, that is what makes a photo so special, Lovely birds as always. and a fence, the white one is echoed with the clouds, super.. Cheers, Jean.

MitchyLR said...

Hi Eileen !! Loved all your bird shots. That last shot, of the Eastern Kingbird, is particularly good!!

Debbie said...

I really do love those white puffy cloud skies, with pretty fences to match!!

You visit some really amazing nature spots that I know I would really enjoy!!

Karen said...

Great shots! I love puffy cloud days!

Unknown said...

I like the old dead tree and the birds are very pretty. Take care!

Rohrerbot said...

Finally got to see the Eastern Kingbird in Maine. What a beautiful bird! You have so many great birding spots around you. Happy birding!

HappyK said...

You got the sky and fence all in one picture. : )

Gail Dixon said...

Lovely photos! I saw an Eastern Kingbird yesterday, but my shots did not come out very good. You got a great one of him posing on the post.

I will link up to your Critter meme tomorrow! Thanks so much for hosting.

George said...

You got some wonderful pictures on this walk and drive. I really like your fence photos. The dead tree photo especially reminds me of the horse farms around Lexington, Kentucky.

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful summery skies, beautiful trees, lovely birds, great fences and terrific captures as always, Eileen! I love your birds, too! A wonderful stroll through your world!! Thank you!! Have a great weekend!

Our photos said...

Wow, that dead tree ! Very nice !

Roan said...

Love the fences and the birds, nice!

sunshine said...

Wonderful captures and a great landscape.

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful sky shots for SWF and also lovely others shots ~ just wonderful! ~ thanks,

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

ellen b. said...

Beautiful photos of these great scenes, Eileen. Love the birds, too.
Thanks for visiting my good fences post. Have a great weekend!

Kay said...

I love all of the greenery. We are in a 3 to 5 year drought here in SoCal so everything is dry and brown here.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What n awesome view...tree, fence, just beautiful!!! The birds are so happy enjoying their natural habitat!...:)JP

Photo Cache said...

this place is so beautiful. all the greens are so soothing.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great set of photos, Eileen. I love pretty skies like that with puffy clouds...

George and I both are attracted to DEAD trees... Love your photo.

Hubby saw a hawk get one of our Backyard Birds this morning... Not sure it was a Mourning Dove --but we have a bunch of them around here this summer... Sad!


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great shots and informative also. I love the shot of the old tree with the wooden fence.

Betsy Brock said...

Charming fence...cute birds and a gorgeous sky! Wow!

Stephanie said...

You got the best of both worlds with the sky and fence shots, great ones and interesting bird shots!

Susan said...

Pretty countryside and fences. I like the wavy fence with the dead tree and the last photo of the Kingbird. Have a great weekend ahead!

Anonymous said...

Nice views. I like what can be seen of the stone wall.

Linda said...

Nice group of photos! Love the kingbird.

A Colorful World said...

Great shots for all three memes! It is just so beautiful there!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful puffy-cloud sky and fence shots! Have a great weekend, Eileen!

Bob Bushell said...

Great fences and superb Kingbirds.

Breathtaking said...

Hi Eileen!:) Lots of fab photos, love those wavy fences, and the Eastern Kingbird is such a sleek looking guy,and it's a fantastic shot.

Irene said...

Lovely shots ... as always! Great fences and gorgeous clouds above!

Wish you a great weekend!

Hug from Irene

AmitAag said...

Great pics! Lovely skies!
Am here from SWF.

SandyCarlson said...

The dead tree seems to hold a place of honor amid the fences!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I have a spot with a trio of old dead Pines that are similar to that tree in your photo here today. That place here used to have a colony of Red-headed Woodpeckers. Have not seen any Red-headed Woodpeckers at all this season here at that spot and only heard one early this past Spring in my neighborhood. Oh! Have a super good weekend!

Betty Manousos said...

hi eileen, i totally enjoyed your post and photos. simply gorgeous as usual.

i linked to you today!

This N That said...

Beautiful pictures Eileen. Even the dead tree has some beauty. Pretty countryside.
Have a good weekend.

maryaustria said...

A wonderful series of photos! The sky is gorgeous and all these beautiful birds...
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots -love that blue sky.

inge said...

The tree photo is stunning

Carver said...

Great shots. I love the sky and white fence. All the shots are appealing but that one was my favorite.

magiceye said...

Love your captures!!

Brian King said...

Beautiful fences and great shots of the Kingbirds!

Debby Ray said...

I love the third fence pic the most...winding white fences are so cool and the dead tree in the middle adds so much interest. The bird at the end looks deep in conversation with!

thomas said...

Pretty sky for birding.

Maria said...

I like the landscapes here.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...