Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Social Flycatcher & Boat-billed Flycatcher

I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

For my post this week I am sharing two Belize birds..the Social Flycatcher and another Belize lifer the Boat-billed Flycatcher.

The Social Flycatcher at 6.3 to 7inches is the smallest out the three Flycatchers that look similar.. They are the Social Flycatcher, Great Kiskadee and the Boat-billed Flycatcher..  I have some shots of my   Great Kiskadee in Bermuda   to show more comparisons.

 The Social Flycatcher has yellow underparts, crown stripe and a white throat.

The Social Flycatcher has a small stubby bill.


These Social Flycatchers were trying to build a nest inside the umbrellas near the pool.

Going thru my Belize photos I just noticed I have another lifer the Boat-billed Flycatcher. This bird has a heavier and broader bill and is about 9.3 inches compared to the smaller Social Flycatcher which is 7 inches. I am sorry this shot is so fuzzy. It was taken from the lodge's restaurant and the bird was way down on the trees next to the river.. They are known to sit high in a tree to catch bugs..

This is the Great Kiskadee seen during my Bermuda trip.. a large flycatcher at 8.3 to 10 inches. Their wings and tail are brown with some rufous fringes..

As you can see these three flycatchers all look similar in colors, just different bills and sizes..starting on the left is the (4) Boat-billed Flycatcher, (5) Great Kiskadee and on the right is the (6) Social Flycatcher.

 Thanks for stopping by my post and for all the nice comments.

Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.  Thanks to our host Michelle our host Stewart.  Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!


  1. Hi Eileen,
    wonderful photos of this bird. I like the yellow feathers. So lovely !
    Best regards, Synnöve

  2. new ones to me Eileen; lovely to see them on your blog, most impressive

  3. Beautiful pictures, Eileen.
    Picture 1 and 6 are my favorite.

  4. It is amazing Eileen how similar these birds are. great shots so that we can see the difference.

  5. Hello Eileen!!
    Such beautiful and colorful birds!Wonderful pictures!Fantastic shots!!Great captures!!Have a lovely week!Hugs!

  6. i enjoy the umbrella shot. they really take in the best places. smart birdies.

    i see a new link on sunday. glad for you. i will go check it out. ( :

  7. Lovely birds, Eileen.

  8. I love the picture of the two of them under the umbrella canopy :)

  9. i'd have a hard time telling them apart!

  10. Wonderful bird shots. I really like the colors of their feathers.

  11. pretty birds

    They make themselves at home, don't they :)

  12. What a handsome fellow, Eileen!!!!..:)JP

  13. Extraordinary and very pretty birds Eileen. I loved your photos!

    Thank you for leaving such sweet comments on Father-in-law's D-Day trip to Normandy.

  14. Hi Eileen, I love your birds and especially love these three Flycatchers. Much more colorful than ours. Hope you have a great day. Jo

  15. Handsome birds. Cute photos of them in the umbrella.

  16. What a pretty bird! I love his yellow belly. Thanks for sharing more photos from your Belize vacation.

  17. Eileen, I am amazed at all the birds and new lifers you saw on this trip. Amazing shots and beautiful birds.

  18. They all do look alike. Ya gotta know the differences.
    When I first read yellow under parts I read yellow underpants. haha!!

  19. Um pássaro maravilhoso!
    parece um Bem Te Vi, que temos aqui no Brasil.
    Tem um canto muito lindo!
    Conta uma lenda que o canto desse pássaro mostrou onde Jesus Cristo estava, e os soldados o prenderam.
    Adoro estar aqui!


  20. Beautiful shots! I like those yellow bellies.

  21. Wow isn't he pretty!
    Seems like a good place for a nest, until the umbrella goes down! : )

  22. Beautiful little birds!!!!
    Your photos are so perfect!!!
    I always enjoy them a lot!
    Thank you, dear Eileen!

  23. Beautiful photos, Eileen, of BOTH of the Flycatchers... I know how happy you were to find the boat-billed Flycatcher --as a LIFE bird... How exciting...

    Have a great day.

  24. Those are both beautiful birds! That's funny how they weren't shy about trying to build inside the umbrellas!

  25. How pretty these birds are, Eileen♡♡♡ The Social Flycatcher, the Boat-billed Flycatcher and your photos of Great Kiskadee in Bermuda; they all look alike with beautiful colors, aren't they(*^_^*) After knowing you and other friends, I sometimes wonder why (God gave) birds have such GORGEOUS colors and the skill to fly p;)

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  26. lol, they might succed with a nest. :)

  27. That was the same way for me as well Eileen! The Boat-billed was perched on a tree and when I saw it, I thought....this is way too large to be a Social. No rufousy colors on the wings....and that bill! Congrats! In many ways they can be as confusing as our kingbirds here in the West. Size and some minor differences that can be tricky to point out:) I love your shots of the Social Flycatcher. Gorgeous birds!

  28. You need to make a bird photo book... You have so many great photos and info.... Michelle

  29. Another new bird to me, like his coloring.

  30. Thanks for the explanation and comparative photographs Eileen. To get all three like that is marvelous.

  31. They're all very pretty birds. Have a great day, Eileen!

  32. Your knowledge of birds is outstanding. I love the first little flycatcher with his bright yellow underpants.

  33. Hello Eileen,
    Sorry I was not much on the the net recently!
    I went through your recent posts, you are showing us some really interesting birds, flowers and even damselflies!
    I had a ball going through all of it!
    Keep well! :)

  34. Thanks for the side by side photos - this is like a field guide!

  35. I think flycatchers are very hard to identify so you've done a great job of showing us these.

  36. Very interesting....I learned a lot from your photos and great photos today. Y'know by now that the Great Kiskadee is a favorite of mine.

  37. Lovely birds,and great captures, all so similar, but congrats on your ID's, I would have had great difficulty telling them apart.They don't seem shy!

  38. Beautiful birds! I am loving your and your husband's bird and nature shots! Happy Wednesday, Eileen! xo

  39. What brilliant and striking colours! Thanks for all the interesting info, too, Eileen. I always learn something new about my beloved birds here!

    Have a wonderful week!


  40. Those are really beautiful birds - hope no one closes the umbrella! lol

  41. Beautiful birds. They must be pretty used to people to try to nest under the umbrella.

  42. Hi Eileen, Thanks for the virtual look at Belizian birds. I hope to visit that Central American country some time. Have a super good Thurs. tomorrow!

  43. What a gorgeous bird!! They all look so similar, a very pretty bird, captured beautifully!!

  44. The Flycatchers is my favourites, lovely.

  45. Great looking birds - and the Moon in the next post is good as well. I can see why you would enjoy taking pictures of it!

    Trip to the UK was great, but I decided to let the blogging take a back seat while I was there - normal service will resume very soon!

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  46. Love the flycatcher...beautiful photos!

  47. Beautiful birds and great photos of them. Love the coloring...


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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