Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Backyard birds

I am linking up with World Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

This week I am showing a few of my yard birds. I have been watching the Carolina Chickadees go in and out of one of my bluebird houses.

This Carolina Chickadee enjoys my feeder with sunflower seeds.

A White Breasted Nuthatch outside my window.

The Black Vultures found a carcass of a deer around the corner from my house. Yesterday, I drove by there had to be over a hundred Black Vultures on the ground, on the deer and in the trees. One of my blogger friends asked why I see these Vultures hanging around so much. I think they like my neighborhood because of the deer carcass and the woods for roosting. During the hunting season, the hunters were taking what they wanted and leaving behind the rest of the deer. So that would leave plenty of food for both the Turkey and Black Vultures.

I hope you enjoyed my post and I want to thank you for stopping by and your wonderful comments.

To see more beautiful birds please visit Springman's World Bird Wednesday   and for more nature scenes please visit Michelle's  Nature Notes.  Thanks to Springman for hosting World Bird Wednesday and to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.


TexWisGirl said...

love that horde of a clean-up crew!

Anonymous said...

Chickadees are cool. We just get the Chestnut-backed Chickadee which I ought to make an attempt to get some pictures of. Vultures are unappreciated for what they do. I think they are neat birds. I like your black variety. We just have the Turkey Vulture only.

Icy BC said...

I love your bird feeders, and they looked very sturdy. My feeders are all torn apart by squirrels.

Beautiful birds you've captured!

Rohrerbot said...

I did enjoy your post:) Love those little guys flying around the bird houses. I think vultures are incredibly cool birds...it's nice the hunters left something behind for them:) I enjoy watching the fly around an area. Hope you have a good rest of the day! Chris

theconstantwalker said...

I put up a Nest Box a bit late last year... fingers crossed it gets a resident family this year.

A lovely post to read...

FAB said...

Always great to see what pops up in your yard Eileen. We are hoping to see some evidence of nesting here soon with the warmer weather around the corner.

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen...I love the chickadee on the birdhouse..they are so cute when they go house hunting!!
I also like that round feeder! I just saw one on another post..I have never seen them before!! Hmmm something to look into! : }
The Black Vultures..wow..quite a crew there..some good pickings huh!!
Great shots...

EG CameraGirl said...

Cute nuthatch. Usually I see the red-breasted ones here. I wonder what the differences between a Carolina chickadee and a black-capped chickadee. I guess I need to look tat up! :)

Unknown said...

Another great selection!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

mick said...

Great photos - the Chickadees are so cute.

Linda said...

I love your closeups of the birds on your feeders! I am trying to figure out how to set up a critter camera for mine - I am putting the bird feeders back up. I have missed my birds!

Dan Huber said...

Wonderful photos Eileen. The black vultures are something to see, a rarity here in CT.

caite said...

I have never seen a vulture close up...scary looking but they serve a purpose.

Gillian Olson said...

Love the chickadees and the nuthatch, the vultures, not so much.

ShySongbird said...

Your garden is always so busy with birds, Eileen. I would love to see a Nuthatch at my feeders.

It looks so odd to my English eye to see Vultures like that, very striking looking birds!

I also enjoyed your visit to the reservoir and all the photos especially your lovely Goldie Girl of course, what a sweet face she has :-)

Anonymous said...

Now we know the rest of the story...of why the Vultures like hanging out at your house! Love your little Chickadees.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That many vultures? Wow. I think they're fascinating -- just doing their job and all that -- but I've never ever seen quite that many at once ...

I adore chickadees.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Eileen, Those Vultures had a great dinner, didn't they???? ha (Poor deer!)

Our Chickadees fought with the Bluebirds last year over the Bluebird House.. The bluebirds won...


Carletta said...

Lovely little backyard birds Eileen!
I actually have bluebirds in their house already I noticed yesterday.
I've never seen a black vulture. They are a little prettier than our turkey vultures but that many at once and all black looks a little ominous. :)

Marina said...

Beautiful photos, and lovely birds. I can never get tiered to watch them!

Diane Writes said...

I enjoyed it Eileen! And your bird's house is unique and beautiful, I love it

rainfield61 said...

What a feeder can offer to all these feathered friends.

SquirrelQueen said...

I really like that round feeder, looks like the Carolina Chickadee does too.

Your header photo is gorgeous, I love the perspective.

Karin M. said...

The little bird is so sweet, very nice photos ...
Greetings Karin

Libby said...

Hi Eileen- Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier. These are great shots of the birds! I appreciate the fact that you got a shot of the vultures too. I think that they are interesting, and they certainly have a vital role. Nice post!

Bob Bushell said...

Your garden is always so busy with birds, you keep them well, as a diet, they get plenty of seeds and nuts. As for the hunters, well...............

NatureFootstep said...

I love the chickadees. Such lovely birds. The vulture is not lovely, but powerful. :)

Blair said...

Eileen, You do such a great job with your blog. I so enjoy my visits here. Thank you for sharing what you do.

Blair (Chemung, NY)

Leora said...

Love your second shot of the chickadee. A nice composition that really highlights the fine bird. Not sure what to make of the vultures.

diane b said...

Great photographs of your backyard birds. They are all so sweet.

Linda said...

lovely photos, what a sight it must of been to see all those vultures

Cuby said...

How interesting this post is. Thanks.

Dianne said...

the little birds are so sweet :)

any time I see vultures I always hope they're swooping down on a hunter, and not a dead deer

CameraCruise said...

I always enjoy your posts.
Beautiful photos and birds.
Love your bird house and feeders.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day.

Carver said...

I love the shots of your back yard birds and the vultures look like an efficient pack.

Phil Slade said...

I can't believe you have so many Black Vultures "just around the corner" - that must be great to pop out to the store and call in to watch a few vultures.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Delightful shots of the birds, as usual, Eileen. But I was most impressed by the last photo of the black vultures. Most people think they are creepy, but they are important recyclers of nutrients and essential for nature's cycle.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Thanks for showing the Black Vultures. I have only seen Turkey Vultures that I am aware of. I love the tiny Carolina Chickadees! Have a super great day tomorrow!

Larry said...

I love your yard birds Eileen! That Carolina Chickadee should be done nesting by the time the Bluebirds get there eh? And the Black Turkey Vultures are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love the Chickadees! I built them a couple of new houses this winter, but haven't seen any activity there yet.

AVCr8teur said...

I have never seen so many vultures in one place and not flying around. You were at the right place and right time. Thoroughly enjoying your bird photos as usual!

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of your sweet little yard birds. What a contrast to the last photo! Of course, those big guys do an important cleanup job.

betchai said...

i haven't seen purely black vultures, i always see them with red head here, and that's a lot of them in one pic. the chickadee images are very joyful.

me ann my camera said...

The Nuthatch and Chickadee ( we only have the Black-capped chickadee here though, not the Carolina one) are both favourite little birds of mine. Yesterday we experienced winter storm of freezing rain and snow which will make i difficult today for the little birds to feed. W don't have Black vultures here and only in the last few years has the turkey vulture become a rather common sighting.
Have a great day! Ann

joo said...

Great variety of birds Eileen, but the first photo is my favourite today:)

Celeste said...

That is a great photo of the vultures, they look like a bunch of business men having a meeting (and gossiping about something highly inappropriate!) :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

that's a lot of vultures!

the chickadee and nuthatch are so cute!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...