Friday, March 23, 2012

Camera Critters and the Hero Dog Awards

I am linking up with Camera Critters

I was asked by Tonya of the American Humane Association if I would share the news about the Hero Dogs Awards and information about nominating a Hero dog.  Being a dog lover and for such a worthy cause I wanted to include some of the press release on the Hero Dog Awards. Maybe some of my readers knows a Hero dog.  There is not much time left for nominations so if you know of a Hero dog this is your chance to show off your Hero. 

Above is my hero Goldie Girl, always taking care of her Daddy while they are out on a walk. She even knows her way home in the dark. Good girl, Goldie Girl.

Check out their link

Win a trip to Hollywood, honor your dog on national TV, and help win $15,000 for a worthy cause

WASHINGTON, D.C. – For thousands of years, dogs have protected us, comforted us, and given us their unconditional love.  Now you can repay the favor, win a trip to Hollywood, and help worthy charities share $50,000 in critically needed funds – just by clicking on and nominating your capital canine in the 2012 “American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards™.”

Presented by the Lois Pope LIFE Foundation and broadcast nationwide on Hallmark Channel, the American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards are produced by Emmy® award winning MRB Productions and seek to identify and recognize America’s Hero Dogs – often ordinary dogs who do extraordinary things, whether it’s saving lives, lending a comforting paw when you're sick, or just welcoming you home at the end of a hard day.

“Americans love a hero, and this year’s inaugural Hero Dog Awards proved that’s true for the four-legged kind as well,” said Robin Ganzert, President and CEO of American Humane Association. “The overwhelming outpouring of support for the 2011 Hero Dog Awards instantly transformed this event from a great idea, into a campaign and program that was nationally embraced. Everyone has a hero dog in his or her life, and we want to hear about yours!”

“In a very short period of time, the Hero Dog Awards has established itself as the ultimate celebration of dogs and the remarkable things they do to make people’s lives better.  This annual initiative recognizes these tremendous animals through their stories of loyalty, bravery, commitment, and unconditional love,” says Bill Abbott, CEO and President, Crown Media Family Networks.  “As we open nominations for next year, we look forward to hearing and sharing more of these accounts, which are important reminders of how integral the human-dog partnership is to the enrichment of so many lives. I actively encourage dog lovers and everyone who has a four-legged hero to visit and nominate your dog or share in the inspirational stories of others.”
Dogs may be nominated in eight categories: Law Enforcement & Arson Dogs; Service Dogs; Therapy Dogs; Military Dogs; Guide Dogs; Search and Rescue Dogs; Hearing Dogs; and Emerging Hero Dogs (the category for pets). Finalists in each of the eight categories will be selected by the public from the pool of contestants, and flown to Hollywood with two of their human friends to the American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards™ gala at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, California on October 6, 2012.  There they will walk the red carpet, attend the show which will be broadcast on the Hallmark Channel, and will be recognized in a video tribute at the black-tie gala where the winning American Hero Dog will be announced.  Each of the eight finalists will win $5,000 for their chosen charity selected from the contest’s list of 45 charity partners. The top winner will win an additional $10,000 for their charity partner.

Nominations close on March 26, 2012, and voting by the general public will begin on April 1, 2012.

Finalists in each category will be judged by a blue-ribbon panel consisting of both celebrities and animal experts, to determine the winning American Hero Dog. This year’s judges include Whoopi Goldberg, Candy Spelling, CBS’ Debbye Turner Bell, “America’s Veterinarian” Dr. Marty Becker, actresses Kristin Bauer Van Straten, Megyn Price, Edie McClurg, and Christie Brooke, Prince Lorenzo Borghese and many other notable names. 

God Bless our Soldiers and the Hero Dog, If you have the time this video is very touching. 

 I  think it is amazing how special and loyal dogs really can be, they all deserve a big { hug }.

Complete rules and entry information can be obtained by visiting

And since this is my critter post and it is usually about birds I have a White Throat Sparrow at my pond below.

 The sun was setting but I think I got just enough light to show off this pretty White-Throated Sparrow. The sun is shining on the pretty yellow lores on this sparrow above.

  Above is a Song Sparrow singing happily now that it is officially Spring. If I could sing... I would be happily singing that Spring is here too....But, believe me no one wants to hear my singing.

I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog and critter post.  I know it is a long read but I wanted to show my support for the Hero dogs.  To see more wonderful critters please visit Camera Critters .  Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting and thanks as always for your wonderful comments and visits.  I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend.


Anonymous said...

Goldie Girl is beautiful! The little Song Sparrow seems very happy that Spring is finally here. Have a great weekend Eileen.

rainfield61 said...

The best times to take pictures are in fact during sunrise and sunset.

You have captured the birds very well.

Rohrerbot said...

Yet another sparrow to add to my list of sparrows to know. Sounds like a fun contest and a wonderful charity.

Linda said...

Very nice plug for Hero Dogs...and I loved the photos of the little birds...that one seems to be singing very happily!

jabblog said...

Beautiful header!

The Hero dogs certainly deserve special recognition - I enjoyed the video.

Barbara Selkirk said...

Lovely post on Hero Dogs - there is a great selection of photos of these amazing pups with their people - a lot of soldiers - circulating right now. And they always make me tear up... From all the dog lovers - thanks Eileen for honouring these great animals and publicizing the hero dog awards.

And your spring birds? Just beautiful.. enjoy your weekend - hope you have a great one, and have as much fun as I did reading this post... cheers

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful photos of Goldie Girl! I think honoring hero dogs is a great idea.

Nancy said...

I love the idea of honoring these dogs...They do so much....

Love the pictures of your sparrow...He's magnificent....

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Goldie :)
sei meravigliosa.... è sempre un piacere poterti vedere !
Tanti baci :))

Connie Smiley said...

Goldie could easily steal my heart--she looks wonderful! Please give her a pat from me and a tail wag from Barley. Love your shot of the song sparrow.

Phil Slade said...

A lovely Song Sparrow shot Eileen. And if you think your singing is bad you aint heard mine.

Hootin Anni said...

Goldie Girl, of course is a winner in my book too. She's so pretty. And smart too. Oh, and your sparrow image, the last the lighting in this photo.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

Goldie Girl's a winner!!
i don't personally know any dog heroes...but how about a cat hero?? :)
nice charity!!

and of course your sparrow...i can just about here him singing!

happy weekend!

Al said...

Goldie Girl is a lovely dog. My daughter and son-in-law have a wonderful golden retriever that looks just like her! (We've got a tiny Pomeranian.)

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely golden girl! And a beautiful bird shot too.

i beati said...

I was amazed at the likeness to my Jenna LLammee great spring pics as well

Martha Z said...

Our four footed companions should always be our heros. They are loyal even when we don't deserve it.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Wonderful post.

Regards and best wishes

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on Hero Dogs! Great job- and fun photos too!

Please stop by my blog for a link to a new movie coming out soon called "Darling Companion" with Diane Keaton and Kevin Kline. I thought I would share with all of the Camera Critters! I haven't seen it yet .. but I'm looking forward to seeing it. Let me know what you think!

mick said...

A great idea for hero dogs! I like the photos of the Sparrows - even though I find them most confusing!!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shot of the HERO.

Anonymous said...

I love to hear the Song Sparrows!
Your Goldie Girl is a beauty!

DeniseinVA said...

Brilliant post Eileen, lovely to hear about our Hero Dogs, and this is a wonderful award to recognize them. I am sure your Goldie Girl is your hero. She looks absolutely adorable!!!

Bob Bushell said...

Goldie Girl is a gorgeous dog, and others that give themself the hero digs. Beauty is a Song Thrush.

Maude Lynn said...

That last shot is so lovely! Great capture!

Eden said...

Sparrows are beautiful. Great shots .

threesidesofcrazy said...

Great info to share - love your Goldie! They are just such intelligent dogs. I swear my Whiskey was born understanding English!

Gillian Olson said...

Goldie Girl is beautiful. Glad to hear about the dog hero awards too. That little song sparrow is a winner.

Kathy said...

Great little sparrow pics but I really liked your post about the hero dog awards.

Brian King said...

You have a beautiful dog, Eileen! And I love that last sparrow shot! Very cool!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful critters as always Eileen!

Elaine said...

Looks like a good program to recognize all those wonderful dogs. I really like your white-throated sparrow shot. Just that little touch of white on the front is perfect.

eden said...

Goldie is a wonderful dog. Thank you for sharing info about this Hero Dog. My first time to hear about this.

I love your bird photos too.

Carole M. said...

beautiful images, and I also love your blog header!

Crafty Green Poet said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate all that dogs can do!

Your sparrows are very pretty and of course Goldie Girl is a beautiful hero dog!

magiceye said...

superb captures!

Ingrid said...

I only have "Hero" cats, unless I teach them to bark, lol !
I always admire dogs who find living people in ruins of help blind people.

Jenn Jilks said...

What a great idea! I love your header. I wish our cats would come home in the dark!
We have to corral them by sunset, or they're gone for hours. With coyotes, and maybe a cougar in the forest we are vigilant.

Greetings from Cottage Country!

Lina Gustina said...

Goldie is so beautiful and smart :)
About Hero dogs; I admire the dogs and the trainers!

Saun said...

Love your bird shots! What a lovely story about our heros

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely post, Eileen! Goldie is gorgeous.
As a dog lover you will most certainly enjoy the Australian film "Red Dog" if you haven;t seen it already!

Emzkie said...

Goldie is such a pretty dog! i bet you are very proud of her
thanks for your visit!

Pseudo Pseudoism said...

She is gorgeous !


Icy BC said...

Goldie is such a pretty girl! She is indeed a hero on her own term :-)

Beautiful little sparrow!

Happy Monday!

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