Thursday, March 8, 2012

SWF>>>>Walk in the woods

I am linking up with Skywatch Friday

These are some shots of the skies with the moon and planets over my backyard. Also,  some shots from my walk with Goldie Girl on the fireroad going thru the woods to the lake.

 These shots of the crescent moon were taken on  Feb. 26. I enjoyed looking at the moon when it was lined up with Venus and Jupiter. My son was able to show me where to locate various stars. It was a beautiful evening with a clear sky. I was able to focus on just the crescent moon.

 I would have loved to have a clearer shot that included all three Jupiter, the moon and Venus. My moon in the middle looks like it has a star effect when it should look like the crescent moon in the photo above. I guess I need some more practice.

I like this view looking up at the sky thru the pine trees.

Goldie Girl and I checked out the reservoir, I spotted some Common Mergansers across the lake way too far away for my camera.

I was checking out the treetops looking for a "new" bird or first of season bird when I spotted one of my regulars the Tufted Titmouse.

More of the Turkey and Black Vultures flying over my yard. It is like clockwork, they arrive back into the trees next to my house every evening.

This photo above of the full moon was taken in the morning of March 6. The moon was setting and I watch it slide down behind my backyard trees.

To see more wonderful skies from around the world click Skywatch Friday. Thanks to the hosting group: Sylvia, Sandy and Wren. I also appreciate all the visit and comments. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend!


Linda said...

I love the photo looking up through the trees! Beautiful...however, I have a question about the turkey vultures. We saw an abandoned home a few months ago that had so many of them sitting on the roof that we couldn't count them...we wondered if there was something dead inside? What is it that attracts so many of them to a particular area?

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful shots!
I especially like the photo of the sky and the trees.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day.

diane b said...

Looking through the trees is a suer shot. The crescent moon id great too. I can never get it in focus.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wonderful skies; I loved the header shot of the trees and was happy to see it along with the rest of your lovely sky shots in this post.

TexWisGirl said...

i like your trio shot. and love those vultures! but my favorite shot was looking up into the pines. be still my heart...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Linda. I find it rather odd, yet exciting, they have chose the trees in your area to roost in nightly and wonder what it is about that particular area that attracts them.

Love the full moon shot!

Jen Sanford said...

I agree that the shot of the trees is amazing! The moon was definitely gorgeous here last night- love your crescent shot.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

LOVE the header picture...lying on the ground and looking straight up!! so over whelming!!
at least the buzzards aren't flying overhead while looking straight up! woops!

of course...i LOVE the moon shots. and to get such good pictures with the planets too!! yeah! that final moon shot looks like it has webs all around it...

thanks for the walk...

Cuby said...

Your header photo is great.
The sky last night was clear and on my walk home the moon was glorious surrounded by a million twinkles! Your sky photos are a joy.

Maude Lynn said...

Beautiful moon shots!

Rohrerbot said...

Really nice shots. I hadn't a clue all of this was going on! I like your sky filled with birds....that would be wonderful to see everyday!!! Looks like a fun night. And good to have someone who knows something about the planets and moon!

Dawn Fine said...

Oh my..all my photos of planets and Moon are blurry.
Great shots!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful skywatching, and the trees, don't they makes me look so little.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love that moonshot!

Unknown said...

Wonderful tree shot!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Randi said...

Fascinating shots of the it!

Carol said...

Beautiful skies, Eileen, and I love the moon shots esp the first one.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful variety of shots. I like those shot through the trees.

betchai said...

wow, very lovely images Eileen, the first one of the moon is standing out and i too love looking high through towering trees, really lovely set of images.

Carver said...

Wonderful shots of the moon, birds, water and trees. I love the perspective of how you shot the trees.

Karen said...

Terrific shots! Love the sky view through the pines!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful captures for the day, Eileen! I love the moon shots and the birds, but I really love looking up through the trees at skies! Wonderful perspective! Happy SWF! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


Andrea said...

I love the detailed texture of the moon in that first photo, i wonder why i can't take something like that! May i know your settings, haha! Thanks Eileen. That one behind the trees is lovely too, which i can't duplicate as well.

Gillian Olson said...

Love the shots of the trees, I always think this makes them look as if they are extending their arms to pick me up!

HansHB said...

Great shots! The moon is so good!
Happy Friday to you!

Indrani said...

The moon is just like smiling lips... makes me smile too.

Anonymous said...

How gorgeous, from the moon to the trees, looking up through them, to the serene waterscape.

Birgitta said...

Excellent photos!

Ebie said...

I missed the skies on that weekend. It was cold here and the skies were grey.

Hopefully next week, I will see the same phenomenon.

Your moon shots are beautiful and the see the bright light!

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous shots! And a lovely moon.

Pearl Maple said...

The moon has been fabulous this week and great angle on the view of the sky through the trees, thanks for your kind comments on my post.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Oh Eileen, I adore, absolutely adore trees and I so enjoy the sky, and you have done a marvelous job at sharing them both so beautifully!!!

Carletta said...

Wonderful shot of the moon Eileen!
I tried to get the moon and planets together and it just didn't work for me. At least you got all three in the shot. :)
Lovely looking up through the trees to see the blue sky - nice perspective!
Hope you're having a great start to your weekend!

Benita said...

Wonderful photos.

Ingrid said...

Gorgeous pictures, love the once looking up through the trees

Kim, USA said...

Hi Eileen your photos are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


Serline said...

Love your crescent shot and the sight of your blue skies fills me with joy.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Eileen. I especially love the crescent moon shot and the view of the sky looking up through the pine trees. What a great perspective! I'm going to try that. Thanks for visiting my site.

Jenn Jilks said...

I love your travel photos, but your nature photos are best!

Greetings from Cottage Country!

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» likes these moon shots! (Difficult to get without camera shake, aren't they?!)

eden said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen! The photo with the planets in the background is my favourite.

Thomas Lee said...

I love the pine tree shot.

Liz said...

A great series. My favourite is the upwards view through the pine trees.

Dimple said...

I like looking up through the trees, too, Eileen. These are all great shots, you had a good walk in good weather.
I have mostly given up trying to capture the moon and stars when it is really dark, it's so hard to get a decent shot. Yours are really good!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Your moon shots are just captivating!! The tree tops and lovely winged birds are lovely as well!! Thanks for the treat-

Joe Todd said...

The sky and the pines Wow

Nancy said...

These photos are so serene. Lovely. I especially like the last one. A very cool shot.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely shots, Eileen. Photographing the moon and stars is tricky, I need lots of practice myself.

Inger-M said...

I love the moon shots, especially the first one!

Kathie Brown said...

Love the moon and the planets! I love the shot looking up through the pines and I am always amazed by the hundreds of vultures you have!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...