Sunday, March 4, 2012

Chasing the bird

I am linking up with Mary's Mosaic Monday  and Our World Tuesday

Yesterday, hubby and I drove to Maryland's Eastern shore on whim. I was hoping to see the Virginia Warbler that has been sighted at Pickering Creek Audubon Center. I do not usually go chasing birds but this one has been seen in the area for about a month or more and seen just the day before. Hubby and I arrived at Pickering Creek and soon after I could hear the Virginia Warbler. Another birder standing next to me was able to see it low on the ground behind a lot of brush. I would have needed a step ladder to see over the brush and then look down to where is was on the ground.

  A Great Blue heron in flight at Pickering Creek Audubon Center

So, we decided to drive on further to the Blackwater NWR it was there we saw a lot of birds....highest count being Snow Geese and Canada Geese and a lot of Tundra Swans. We also saw some Yellow Rump Warblers, Mallard ducks, Coots, Northern Shovelers, Bald Eagles, Vultures and Great Blue Herons.

Large count of Tundra Swans at the Blackwater refuge.

After leaving Blackwater NWR, I was not ready to give up on the Virginia Warbler so we went back to Pickering Creek. Again I was able to hear it but not see it. It was so frustrating to be so close to a bird and not be able to see it.

 The field next to Pickering Creek center had a large amount of seagulls. My shot only shows a small amount of the seagulls that were there. I am not sure why they were attracted to this field.

The Cedar Waxwings were all over the place at Pickering Creek. I also saw bluebirds and a Mocker and lots of Canada Geese and Coots. I was surprised to run into some of my birding friends from home, so I wasn't the only birder out there chasing the Virginia Warbler.

To see more wonderful mosaics and beautiful photos please visit Mosaic Monday   and  Our World Tuesday

Thanks to Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group at Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy!  I wish everyone a happy week.


Rohrerbot said...

That's exciting! Aren't bird chases fun? The hard part is finding a place to park the car while on the go!! Those are some amazing shots of birds....and lots of them! And you snapped a shot of an EAGLE!!! Lucky birder:)

Susan Ellis said...

Fun to see others' results of their Sunday drives. Your drive took you to much more watery places than mine You got in some great shots!

Anonymous said...

So sorry you weren't able to see the Virginia Warbler, at least you knew it was there! :) On the bright side, you were able to get a lot of great shots of other birds!

Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

You were blessed with so many beautiful bird views while out chasing the Virginia Warbler, and at least got to hear it's sweet song. Sounds like a great day!

TexWisGirl said...

always so jealous of bald eagle sightings. and love to see the waxwings, too!

Carol said...

Beautiful views, Eileen. Sorry you missed but at least you heard! You capture the birds beautifully. Looks like a great weekend. Have a great week ahead!

Linda said...

I love bird chasing...the last time I was out in the woods, I was chasing a pileated woodpecker...kept hearing him, catching a glimpse, and watching him fly away...chasing know the drill! You captured some wonderful shots, in spite of the fact that you didn't get the Warbler!

rainfield61 said...

I thought you were flying after them.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The cedar waxwings are here in Florida this week...hundreds of them! It's been fun to see them migrating through! ♥

black eyed susans kitchen said...

The pictures are wonderful Eileen, but that shot of the Heron in flight is just amazing!
♥, Susan

Snap said...

Sorry you didn't find your bird of choice (!!!!), but I enjoyed seeing your other feathered friends!

Vee said...

That photo of the heron in flight is just wonderful. You did very well to capture it. Such beautiful photos...

Jen Sanford said...

Sounds like an awesome variety!

A Garden of Threads said...

How frustrating to hear it and not see it. It sounds as if the birds are on the move, getting ready to migrate to their nesting sights. Beautiful mosaics.

CEO Lisa Anne - L.A said...

Beautiful photo's. I love the Tundra Swans and Canadian geese. Looks like an amazing weekend. Blessings,


Mary said...

Omigosh, that photo of the heron is amazing! We saw a huge flock of seagulls in a field near our home last week... and we're pretty far from the ocean! xoxo

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

It was too bad that you did not see the Virginia Warbler but you did see many other beautiful birds. I guess it will soon to be time to see birds beginning their spring migrations. V

BernieH said...

What a shame you didn't spot the Virginia Warbler. Still it must have been an enjoyable day. The swans were magnificent. said...

Thank you for sharing your birding day with me and your sightings. Love the photograph of the Heron, we see them quite frequently here as lots of gardens have fish ponds and he is after his meal!!!

Your weather looks quite good, like here in the UK which encourages the birds. Have had blue tits, robin and blackbird at the feeder already this morning. Have a good week, Jackie in Surrey, UK.

diane b said...

Bad luck that you couldn't see your special bird but hearing it must have been good too. But you saw so many,many other wonderful birds. It sounds like a birder's paradise there.

Cuby said...

What a lovely set of photos. The blue heron is a particularly good one. This looks such a nice place to go but sorry you didn't manage to see the Virginia warbler.

Dan Huber said...

Looks like an amazing day of birds. Sorry you did not see the chased bird. Wonderful photos.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

What a wonderful day! Thanks for taking us along.

Chris said...

Wow i'll sign right now for the eagle and the waxwings ;-) Superb! You got to see a lot and I hope things will come back to normal soon over here... The winter has been too long this year, both for the photographer and the birds ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, What a bunch of outstanding sightings! I have seen the Shovelers once and they are comical and beautiful all at once. Nice picture of the Bald Eagle! I so enjoy seeing your fine pictures! Have the best coming week and an exceptionally nice day today!

Anonymous said...

I just saw some of those Cedar Waxwings (masked bandits) on another blog... aren't they beautiful!
Great shots, esp the next one up of all the birds in flight! =)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots. The first one of the heron in flight is spectacular!

Maude Lynn said...

It is so frustrating when you hear, but just can't see!

But, you did get some gorgeous shots!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I hope you get the opportunity to see the Virginia Warbler before it migrates. I'm sure that will be exciting for you!

I love swans and could watch them all day. This looks like a beautiful Audubon Center!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

aaaah, chasing birds (and butterflies) can sometimes be very frustrating!

wonderful sightings & pictures!!

(i have to tell you...the other day i found feathers out front. some had BRIGHT yellow tips...and others had this WAXY bright RED (like a piece of toothpick) sticking out of the ends. i had never seen feathers like this. i googled a desription and found out they are from the Cedar Waxwing!!! i looked them up & they migrate down here! BUT i've never seen one! obviously, at least ONE passed through...but unfortunately, something got him!) :(

Sylvia K said...

I always look forward to your bird captures, Eileen, and I'm never disappointed!! These are wonderful -- even if a little frustrating!! And such a great variety! Hope your week is off to a great start! Enjoy!


Martha Z said...

It seems like you had a great day birding, even if you didn't see the warbler. I think it would be hard to have a bad day in such a setting.

Unknown said...

Great sightings Eileen!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Al said...

What a great variety of birds, excellent photos.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You know that would have been an incredible birding day for most of us! I can see how it would be disappointing not to see the bird when you could hear it. But wow at least you did hear it (and knew how to identify it by the song). I'm impressed.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hello There, Since I've been away from blogging for a week, I have alot of catching up to do. We had a wonderful trip to Arkansas --but it's great to visit with my blog friends. Hope things are going well with you.

Great bird pictures, Eileen... I had fun with the little birds I fed at Mt. Nebo --but didn't see the eagle I was looking for... Go back soon since I'm sure you will see that Virginia Warbler.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful captures of emotion and mood exhibited in these great captures, so scenic and beautiful.

Gillian Olson said...

Great pictures, especially the herons, too bad about the warbler, but you did hear it!

AVCr8teur said...

What fun to see so many birds in one place! It's almost like a treasure hunt to see what birds you might encounter.

Dianne said...

What a wonderful day out ..... Bird watching and clicking away with your camera ...... Love your captures Eileen.

Randi said...

Such a splendid shot of the heron! I can see that you had a wonderful day chasing birds.

Elaine said...

Too bad you didn't see the Virginia Warbler, but at least you did see a wonderful variety of birds. Looks like you had a good day!

Ebie said...

Wow! I could imagine the excitement if I was there! A lot of birds and I wonder how to count them!

I like unplanned trips too!

Stewart M said...

Hi there - now if we found what we were lokking for every day it would be dull! (He said having not missed out on a new warbler!)

Seems like a good day out anyway!

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Indrani said...

I wish I could see at least half of these. Great sights.

Unknown said...

gorgeous bird shots! you captured a lot of action here. i enjoyed the photos.

Phil Slade said...

Nice mosaics Eileen. Pity you missed out on the warbler but it looks like you made up for it with all the other birds you saw.

Nature Rambles said...

Really lovely photos! What a fruitful drive...t5he birds in flight are beautifully captured!

NatureFootstep said...

that is a swan I never seen. And so many of them. Nice sight.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Great bird pics Eileen! I love the ones in flight. I have noticed a few birds returning to our yard. Good sign that Spring will be here soon!

...melody... said...

These are lovely nature shots! Thanks for sharing! :D

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...