Thursday, March 22, 2012

SWF>>>>Atlantic City Sunrise

I am linking up with Skywatch Friday

These are some shots of the sunrise from our visit to Atlantic City last Sunday.  I thought the colors were beautiful and I enjoyed watching the gulls flying over and seeing a few Common Loons in the ocean. It was a very peaceful morning and we practically had the beach to ourselves.

The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble.
by Blaise Pascal

A pretty Crescent moon and pinkish contrail. 

Every drop in the ocean counts

by Yoko Ono

One of my main reasons for the weekend  in New Jersey was to do some birding at the Edwin Forsythe NWR. I will be doing another post on the birds and ducks we saw at the refuge.

But for now the only birds I saw while on the beach were a lots of gulls and a few common loons seen in the orange ocean. They are quick, diving into the water and coming up in totally different area.

I hope you enjoyed my sunrise and skywatch post. To see more beautiful skies from around the world click here: Skywatch Friday. Thanks to the hosting group at Skywatch: Sylvia, Sandy and Wren.  Thank you also for stopping by to see my skies. I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend. Happy Birding!


Bob Bushell said...

Exquisite skyscapes Eileen.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

until I read about Contrails in your posts, I always thought they were jet planes smoke.

With this knowledge, I tested my very educated engineering and professor husband, what it that, jet plane smoke.

Wrong, it is contrail. I felt for once very clever. Thanks.

Linda said...

Absolutely beautiful photographs! I love all of them, but the crescent moon was amazing!

penny said...

Your sky shots are gorgeous, Eileen. I love the soft colors you captured so well.

Thanks for the memories of long ago and far away. Its been many moon since I've been back to AC.
cheers :)

Anonymous said...

WOW WOW WOW - these are spectacular!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sunset Eileen! Looking at your photos reminds me of all the sunrises and sunsets we watched while living in San Diego, Ca.... I miss the beach!

Anonymous said...

The sunrise pictures are beautiful; however, my favorite is the crescent moon.

grammie g said...

HI Eileen...fabulous colors...I like the second and the last ..the cresent moon is great!!

Thomas Lee said...

A beautiful sunrise to start the day.

TexWisGirl said...

these are fabulous! and i really loved those quotes, too...

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful pictures, the colours are so rich.

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images..

Karin M. said...

Beautiful and perfect shots,
My compliment for this grandiose series...
Best regards, Karin

Kim, USA said...

Wow Eileen these are stunning photos!

Food Friday

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Beautiful scenes.

Regards and best wishes

Sylvia K said...

Glorious, breathtaking skies, Eileen, and your captures are superb! Isn't it wonderful to be surrounded by skies like these? Hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy!


HansHB said...

Great post, - lovely colours in the sky! I like you composition!
Happy SkyWatch to you!

HansHB said...

Great colours in these pictures! Lovely post!
Happy SkyWatch to you!

Unknown said...

Well done series, Eileen. Boom & Gaey of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous shots!

Pat said...

Gorgeous orange and peachy sky and reflections! I am glad you captured the colors of the sunrise.

My name is Riet said...

Wow, your skies and photo's are fabulous Eileen.Have a nice weekend!

nonizamboni said...

Stunning skies! and love the quotes to illustrate them. Colorful and rich--thanks for sharing!

Carol said...

Gorgeous skies, Eileen! And I love the crescent moon. Ono's quote says so much in a small sentence.

diane b said...

I did enjoy your sunset and orange sea with a floating bird. I love the fence line or pier going into the water makes the shot.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I LOVED your skies Eileen! And now I know where the Forsythe refuge is. I wish we'd gone there instead of to Atlantic City. Next time!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Definitely gorgeous!

Lina Gustina said...

I'm amazed, Eileen

Ebie said...

I truly enjoyed the views, the colors, and the crescent moon. I feel the tranquility and peace, just sitting and watching the sun goes to sleep.

Have a great weekend Eileen!

Rajesh said...

Amazing views of the sky. Love it.

eden said...

Stunning! I love all the photos.

DrillerAA said...

Very nice photo set. The wave in the foreground of the first capture really adds interest to that composition. Well done.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

These pics are beautiful, I love the all the different colors. I've got some major early morning beach walking envy going on.

Cuby said...

These are stunningly beautiful skies and although the bird life was minimal I hope the colourful start and end to the day nearly made up for it! :)

Anonymous said...

What stunning captures of color and light blazing across the skies.

Anonymous said...

WoWoWeee! These are beautiful, Eileen! It's amazing how everything turns the color of the sunset, isn't it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Outstanding pictures! I just am wild about that shot with the Loon in that orange water! Have a really nice day and a great coming weekend!

Joyful said...

Marvellous colour and beautiful scenes.

Sivinden said...

Gorgeous shots! - love the quotes.

NatureFootstep said...

I love how the sunset colors reflects on the wet beach. Great capture. :)

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Oh Eileen, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL! I love your new banner too! Have a great weekend and take care~

Reena said...

Gorgeous shots! Love that crescent moon.

Carletta said...

Love how the light painted the contrails!
Such breathtaking beauty!

Unknown said...

breathtaking sunset, i love the contrails. the water looks magical.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

LOVE the crescent moon shot!!! wow!

aaaaaaah...sunrise, sunset, the moon, the waves, gulls & peaceful!!

Cheryl said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen. Wow! Just love the sunsets.

Diane Writes said...

Wow! Each picture is a priceless piece Eileen. I am totally mesmerized.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...