Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Le Conte's Sparrow

I am linking up with World Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

On Saturday, I added the Le Conte's Sparrow to my life list. I had been watching my listserve when I noticed the Le Conte's Sparrow was being seen at the local Irvine Nature Center. This bird breeds in Canada and winters in the South Eastern United States as far west as central Texas and as far north as central Illinois. Certainly no way near Maryland, it must have made a wrong turn somewhere.

The Le Conte's Sparrow is a small sparrow with a large head, with a short gray bill and short pointed tail. It has a buffy-orange yellow face, gray cheeks and a dark crown with a white central stripe. The neck has chestnut streaks, the back is streaked with brown and beige. Its belly is off white and the sides are buffy orange yellow with dark brown streaks.

This Le Conte's Sparrow enjoys moist open grassy areas with sufficient vegetation to provide cover. It's diet is seeds of grasses in the winter and insects in the summer.

The Le Conte's sparrow was seen in the grasses behind where I was standing when I took this photo.  I have posted about one of my previous birding outings with the bird club here Birding Irvine Nature Center.   At that time this field was covered in wildflowers and looked beautiful. It is always nice to add a new bird to my life list, especially so close to home.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my latest lifer and to see more beautiful and wonderful photos please visit: World Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes.  Thanks to Springman and Michelle for hosting these fun memes. Also, I thank everyone for stopping by my post and for leaving the lovely comments.


Linda said...

What a magnificent capture! I so appreciate your educational bits too - always a delight to visit you!

Bob Bushell said...

I like really the Le Conte's Sparrow, I never heard of it before, a first. Thanks Eileen.

Anonymous said...

Good for you, so glad you were able to add this little beauty to your Life list!

TexWisGirl said...

blown off course, just for you to spot! :)

EG CameraGirl said...

How exciting, Eileen! It's wonderful that you were able to see and photograph this cutie... and add it to your life list!

Jen Sanford said...

Ooh awesome- I love a good sparrow! Congrats on the lifer, glad you were able to document it.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I know how special that is to see that little Le Conte Sparrow --especially when he is out of his territory. I'll be curious to hear if anyone else in your area has seen one this year. Surely, he's not all alone...

Keep us posted--if you hear anything.

Karin M. said...

These are amazing shots ....,
great observation, ...
Greeting Karin

HansHB said...

Nice post!
I wish you a happy WBW!

Unknown said...

Nice capture!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

mick said...

Congratulations on your latest "lifer". Great photos too.

Chris said...

Beautiful sighting and nice pictures! Well done. Seeing the landscape where it was seen, it was probably not that easy to find it...

Anonymous said...

Good on you for getting a lifer. My daughter is an avid birder so I know how important a lifer is. Me? I just take pictures and never know what it is I took a picture of until I try to ID it in my guide book...and even then I remain confused at times. So I check it out with my daughter before naming names on my blog.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Congratulations on the lifer! And how lucky for you that it got off course somehow. Thank you for sharing another one of your amazing birds with us.

FjÀllripan said...

Such a sweet little sparrow! :)

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What a sweet bird Eileen, very lovely!!! have a great week~

Larry said...

Congrats on the lifer Eileen! What a pretty little sparrow. The Le Conte's Sparrow would be a lifer for me too!

Modesto Viegas said...

Good capture!!!

NatureFootstep said...

such a pale colored sparrow. Congrats to the lifer. :)

Debbie said...

how exciting eileen, good thing for no leaves ;)))

Icy BC said...

Oh I wish I could remember all of this fantastic description of the Le Conte' sparrow! So pretty..

Gillian Olson said...

Great, lucky for you he was well off his usual path. Very different look for a sparrow.

Elaine said...

Wonderful opportunity for you to add this bird to your lifer list, and especially nice that it was close to home.

Carletta said...

How cool is that! You saw where they had been spotted and then went and not only saw one but got pics as well.
Lovely shots as well!

AVCr8teur said...

Congratulations on your find! You must have been really excited to find one in your neck of the woods.

SquirrelQueen said...

What an amazing find, he is a very pretty little bird. I'm reasonably sure I will not see one here on the West coast. Congrats on this addition to your life list.

Brian King said...

Congratulations on the Le Conte's Sparrow, Eileen! That's very cool to add another bird to your life list.

Stewart M said...

What a great little bird - congrats on the lifer!

Cheers - Stewart M

Carver said...

Interesting post about the Le Conte's sparrow. You got some good shots of it too.

jane said...

Well done - good shots as well - he is a new bird to me I must look him up - have a good week - Jane UK

Nature Rambles said...

Always amazed to see something new. I've never heard of them and I'm glad I stopped by today. Nice captures!

Libby said...

Congrats!!! Cute little sparrow and your photos are great :)

Leora said...

He does look like a special sparrow. Hope he gets what he needs if he's in a different environment.

Rambling Woods said...

Oh always nice to catch a lifer.. I hope the little guy or girl gets back home..Thank you for linking to Nature Notes Eileen....Michelle

joo said...

Superb post Eileen! Such a sweet wee bird and a beautiful place!

Linda said...

What an adorable little bird. A wonderful addition to your bird list.

Phil Slade said...

It's a very distinctive sparrow Elieen and a good lifer where you live. Well done on seeing the bird and getting such good pictures of it.

Anonymous said...

What lovely captures, the sparrow so sweet and beautiful, and the field looking very serene.

Kathie Brown said...

Wonderful post Eileen! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

It is a cute bird! Guess what I missed seeing -- a snowy owl. There was one spotted near Kittanning, PA. I was on my way back to Warren from the Pittsburgh area. I drive through Kittanning. I read about the snowy owl's appearance in the Kittanning area, after I returned home.

Dianne said...

he's a cute little fellow

Al said...

Congratulations, it's a pretty little bird.

Rohrerbot said...

You are one lucky lady!!! Glad you were able to see this bird. I have not, but one never knows:) Hope you are having a good week. Chris

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous captures!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Congratulations on your sighting! Have an excellent day tomorrow!

betchai said...

oh thanks for sharing the identity, am such a poor bird identifier, i may have a picture of this one but did not know the name :) and beautiful image of the meadow with the trees slowly coming back to life.

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet little bird! Congratulations on the sighting.

Springman said...

Congrats on the lifer! You did a fair bit of research on this ID, well documented!

eden said...

Beautiful captures of the sparrow.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

congrats on your latest lifer!
what a pretty little sparrow!
it amazes me how you can ID each one!! i get so frustrated sometimes...in certain species...like the sparrow...there are just SO MANY!!
thanks for the great pic's and all the info!

Betty Manousos said...

absolutely gorgeous captures, eilleen. the little sparrow is so beautiful, i really enjoyed your post.

hope you hyave a great rest of the weekend.


Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...