Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Eastern Bluebirds

I am linking up my Bluebird post with World Bird Wednesday   and Nature Notes

The Eastern Bluebird is a Maryland resident. But, I do not always see them in my yard during the winter months. I do get excited to see the bluebirds using my nesting boxes. The Eastern Bluebird is the reason I am so into birding.  The first time I saw the Eastern Bluebird I was amazed at its beautiful color.

 Above is the pretty female bluebird.

Above, one of my favorite shots of the male Eastern Bluebird.

The Bluebirds make the sweetest sounds, it almost like they are trying to tell me something. I hope you love the Bluebirds as much as I do. If you have a yard it would be fun to put up a birdhouse to see what bird moves in. I have several houses around my yard, that are being used by the Bluebird, Chickadees and usually a Carolina Wren. It is always a treat to see the juvies show up later in the season.

To see more beautiful and wonderful birds please visit Springman's World Bird Wednesday and to see more wonderful nature post check out Michelle's Nature Notes.
Thanks to Springman and Michelle for hosting these fun memes. I am also happy you stopped by to see my post. I appreciate the visit and the lovely comments.  I hope everyone has a happy week.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Heart.... I love our Bluebirds!!!! That 2nd picture is truly awesome. Brings out his blue color so much...

I have a sweet little pair nesting in my nestbox right now. I was working in the backyard today --and watched Daddy going back and forth --obviously feeding Mama who was inside sitting on the eggs... SO exciting!!!


Sue said...

They are indeed beautiful. We had bad luck last year with ours---the swallows chased them out after they had already set up house by my garden. So sad.

Well, don't I just sound dismal---sorry! Love the shots you got!
Have a great week, Eileen!!

Connie Smiley said...

Eileen, your bluebirds are wonderful! So nice to have their company, isn't it?

TexWisGirl said...

i love these sweeties. :) and the male does have some stunning plumage! the female is soft and sweet on her own.

NatureFootstep said...

ah, these area so beautiful. To bad we don´t have them. Nice shots Eileen. :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful bluebirds photos. We get the Western Bluebird occasionally in our yard and at the feeder. I've never been able to get a good picture yet as they are so skitterish. Yet the Mountain Bluebirds we saw in Montana and Wyoming were quite okay with having their photo taken. Very nice Eileen.

HansHB said...

Nice shots, - great WBW post!
I wish you a happy night!

Leslie's Garden said...

Bluebirds are so special. It's funny how sometimes they just look like a dark bird until the sun hits them just right and WHAM! What a gorgeous color! They always take me by surprise (and delight!).

Debbie said...

oh they are just so sweet, i don't get them here in my yard. i do see them on my bike path but they always fly off.

you got some great shots, soon the trees will be covered with leaves, that always makes it harder to get a clear shot.

i don't have any luck with bird houses. my birds prefer the wreath on my front door, so i can't hang it anymore because they would nest in it and we could not use the door.

i love the new header!!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Bluebirds are so beautiful, and welcome! Can't wait to see them again in Illinois next month.

Anonymous said...

Your little Bluebirds are wonderful Eileen.

Yes, it is definitly fun to put up birdhouses and watch what birds nest in them. I have Chickadees in one, Bluebirds in another and Robins in my magnolia tree. I know there are Bluejays, Cardinals and Mockingbirds elsewhere in the yard, I just haven't found the nest yet!

Carole M. said...

who couldn't love those bluebirds; what a treat

Martha Z said...

They are so pretty this time of year, I think their plumage is more intense in breeding season.
Swallows seem to have claimed my box this year, they are pretty too.

Nadege, said...

Such a pretty pair, especially the male one with his gorgeous blue plumage.

Shelley said...

So many nice shots you got of the Bluebird! I haven't been able to get close enough for a half-way decent shot.

grammie g said...

HI Eileen...Do I ever love these sweetie... One sits on the header of my blog!
Love the photo's,and the post, they are great !
They do excite me to no matter how many times I see them!!

Linda said...

Those are some beautiful shots! I absolutely love the bluebird...thanks for sharing these!

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see a bluebird, but I sure do enjoy seeing pictures that others have taken. My favorite picture in your post is the second from the top. The colors / focus ..everything about that picture is perfect!

Gillian Olson said...

The female is pretty but that male is a really handsome fellow. Thanks for sharing, we don't get them here.

Carol said...

I love your photos!

Rohrerbot said...

This is one of the most delicate and graceful birds to watch in the wild. We have them here....in fact two bluebird....but this one is special and has lovely color.

Carletta said...

Excellent closeups Eileen!
I have a couple of bluebird boxes and one has been used for each of the last four years. They are setting up home now.
I have yet to get pics like yours. (sigh) :)

mick said...

Great photos and such a beautiful bird. I have read of this bird but never seen it.

jeanlivingsimple said...

Eileen, I adore your handsome Blues.
You really should print and frame all three photos!

Anonymous said...

Those are great photos! We have Western Bluebirds here and Mountain Bluebirds and they have now come in for the summer. I'm happy to say there are lots of them this year!

Diane Writes said...

Hi Eileen! I am not really familiar with the names of the birds. If I am not mistaken, this is the first time I encountered a blue bird. Thanks to your blog. :)

The bird looks so unique and lovely and the fact that you mentioned that it produces the sweetest sound, then that makes the blue bird one of the most lovable :)

Fjällripan said...

They are so beautiful!

Brian King said...

Those are beautiful, Eileen! I haven't seen Bluebirds in a long time. They're one of my favorites.

Stewart M said...

I can see why a bird like that would grab your attention!

Very nice pictures.

Stewart M - Australia

Libby said...

I have never seen one of these in person - they are so pretty! You got some really great photos too! Glad I got to stop by and see them :)

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Oh Eileen, these are superb!!! Wonderful Bluebird images!!!

Tiago Braga said...

so cute the bird blue =)

Hilke Breder said...

Gorgeous shots, Eileen! I love the bright colors of the males and you are right about their songs!

caite said...

poor girl would love to be blue! love that second one..very nice.

Unknown said...

They are so beautiful!! Boom & Gaey of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Donna@GWGT said...

I too love bluebirds and miss seeing them from when I lived in southern PA. They do come this way I think, but I have never seen one in my garden. Thank you for the lovely photos. It brings back wonderful memories.

Linda said...

wonderful bluebird photos

Carver said...

I love these shots of the bluebirds. I've seen them out this spring but haven't gotten any photographs yet.

Rambling Woods said...

I can see how this beautiful bird would draw you in and the photos are amazing..I have not seen one here and if I did, I would be thrilled...Michelle

Cuby said...

What a captivating little bird such a colourful little chap. I am not surprised he got you into bird watching.

Phil Slade said...

Hi Eileen. I like the fact it was Eastern Bluebird got you into birding,a good choice. Lovely pictures.

EG CameraGirl said...

They are such beautiful birds, Eileen, and I have yet to see them in the wild. Maybe this will be the year!!

Karin M. said...

Beautiful photos, wonderful colors and great light....compliment...
a fascinating bird parade...
Best regards, Karin

joo said...

Eastern Bluebird is such a beautiful bird! Lovely post, Eileen!

Donna said...

My favorite bird and our state bird in NY. They visit me all year round here...love their song too!!

Anonymous said...

Eileen, these are beautiful photos of the bluebirds!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

How beautiful these birds are, Eileen. We don't have them here in Australia, so I enjoy bird-watching them virtually through your photos!

Anonymous said...

What stunning captures of nature's tones and beauty.

Joanne Olivieri said...

What absolutely gorgeous colors on him and great detail. I love the fact he was posing for you :)

Kay said...

I don't know if The Hummingbird Trail is a place to see hummers or not. I've never hiked this trail before. If I see any hummers, I will try to get photos of them.

Springman said...

I wish my bird houses were more successful, apparently I need to do some upkeep. How great it would be be have Bluebirds nesting!
Nice post Eileen!

Elaine said...

Wonderful! Wish they came further north....

rainfield61 said...

They are really blue.

Reena said...

I've only seen them on folks' blogs. They are so beautiful! I hope someday I too can capture them on film!

diane b said...

They certainly are beautiful birds and we don't see them here so it is a delight to see them on your blog. The second picture is so captivating because you have caught a " catch light " in the birds eye which gives depth and dimension to the image.

barbara l. hale said...

I love seeing that bluebird!

Celeste said...

Stunning photos! The little male is quite the showman :)

Small City Scenes said...

What a beautiful bird. We have the Western Bluebird out here (I have never seen one) and the Mountain Bluebird which is all blue and never seen by me anyway. I keep looking. I am glad you have so many pictures of 'yours'. I see Betsy in Tennessee commented. She always shows her babies. Love 'em. MB

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

The bluebirds are so pretty. I don't think we have them in Australia.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

They're so wonderful (and so is your yard). Loved learning that it is the special "first bird" that got you interested in birding. Lovely post.

Indrani said...

I wish it would visit me. Lovely captures.

eden said...

Beautiful sunset. The blue bird is so cute. Wish I would see them in my backyard too.

Chaparral Earth said...

Do they put up the little bird houses for the eastern blue bird back there as they do for the western bluebird in California ?

It's ashame when they cut down old snags from the firest as these are the prime targets for woodpeckers who later abanbon these and bluebirds or other cavity nesting birds take over.

Nice pictures , Kevin

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...