Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blackwater Tundra Swans

For this weeks World Bird Wednesday   and  Nature Notes

I am showing more of the Tundra Swans we saw at Blackwater NWR.  I wanted to mention Blackwater NWR is having their Eagle festival Saturday March 10.

The Tundra Swans winter on lakes and estuaries in the lower 48 states. Feeding in open waters, marshes and croplands. In the photo the swans are in front of a large flock of Snow Geese.

Sorry, the photos are so fuzzy, I zoomed out so far and cropped some of the photos.

First years birds have a dusky plumage in the winter.

The scenery at Blackwater is beautiful with the water and grasses and the trees.

To see more beautiful and wonderful birds check out World Bird Wednesday   and  Nature Notes.  Thanks to Springman of World Bird Wednesday and to Michelle the host of Nature Notes.

Thank You also for stopping by to see my post and for the nice comments. I hope the rest of your week is a happy one.


TexWisGirl said...

such beauties! love the line of geese in the background, too.

theconstantwalker said...

So lovely to see...

Rohrerbot said...

I would be mesmerized by the swans flying over the water. I'm hoping to see this one day. Gorgeous shots!

Unknown said...

They are incredible!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Carletta said...

That last shot reminds me so much of the wetlands in Eastern Virginia. Sure wish I was going to be in the area for the Eagle festival. I'm sure you're going. :)
Take lots of images!
Lovely serene shots today Eileen!

Linda said...

The shots are great - makes me wish I had been there! Awfully cold now for being on the water though...I admire your courage to brave the weather!

Sondra said...

what a thrill to see all those swans and snow geese!!! Oh an Eagle Festival sounds interesting...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

The Tundra Swans are just gorgeous.. Thanks for sharing them, Eileen.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen Wonderful pictures. So nice to see these great white birds. I was fortunate to see some of these Swans in Alaska in the Talkeetna area in 2010 and also in Yellowstone on the Yellowstone River last year. Have a super nice day tomorrow!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Such a wonderful birding place there. I loved seeing the two kinds of birds together.

Anonymous said...

What a great way to spend the day! I love the wall of Snow Geese, I bet that would have been something to see when they all took off to the sky.

AVCr8teur said...

Are those swans all huddled together in the background in your first photo? It would be amazing to see them fly in or take flight in groups.

Rambling Woods said...

I have never seen one, I wonder if their disposition is that of geese.. a tad cranky...I hope you have a great week and I know you will be out enjoying nature...Michelle

Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous birds! We have them here also, including a few that are in residence all year.

rainfield61 said...

Beautiful swans on lakes.

Reena said...

Love their flight! And love Birdman and World Bird Wednesday.

Martha Z said...

Before long they will all be gone, back to their breeding territory. I do enjoy the winter visits of these beautiful birds.

Anonymous said...

The last shot shows the beautiful setting for these elegant-looking birds.

Arija said...

Great to see so many swans. I just love their majesty.

Thank you for your prolonged support and kind words.

Leora said...

It does look like a beautiful place. Ah, the life of a swan.

Bob Bushell said...

They look so pleasant and the photos.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - think I like your swans more than my Ibis!

But I think your right - they are still kind of cool!

Cheers - Stewart M

Donna said...

Eileen these are such beautiful birds that we don't see up here on our lake..

Hootin Anni said...

The swan images you've shared? Beautiful!!! Having a chance to go see the eagle festival?---I'm envious!! But your nature photo blog?========PRICELESS!!!

Carver said...

I enjoy your birding so much. I love the way you caught the swan flying low over the water.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm looking forward to seeing tundra swans soon! :)

Icy BC said...

Beautiful swans, and so many of them! I love watching them especially at the end of autumn!

CameraCruise said...

What a beautiful place!
All those graceful swans, love to see them.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day.

NatureFootstep said...

they look a little like Mute swans I think. Would love to see one.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful captures of nature's loveliness, and serenity within the winter day.

Kerri Farley said...

Lovely! I've only been to BNWR once but thought it was great!

Springman said...

I saw my first Tundra swans this year, awesome sight!

Brian King said...

Wow, those are gorgeous, Eileen! We don't have Tundra Swans.

Larry said...

Amazing birds those Tundra Swans. You got some nice shots of them, especially the in flight photo!

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice scenes.

Regards and best wishes

betchai said...

i always love it that you capture the beautiful and meaningful moment in your walks eileen, very inspiring.

Celeste said...

Beautiful birds, I do hope they manage to compete with the invasive Mute Swans that seem to be appearing everywhere.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...