Saturday, March 17, 2012

More from Hashawha

I am linking up Camera Critters and Sunday Bridges


These photos were from last weekend's hike at our local Hashawha Nature Center.  It was a pretty day for a hike and we saw many signs of Spring.

Above is a beautiful male Eastern Bluebird, a footbridge over a stream, turtle and the boardwalk at the Hashawha Lake.

Above a White Throated Sparrow, I believe the bottom left and right are Song Sparrows.

There are a few places where you have to cross these footbridges over the streams on the trails.

I am pretty sure this is a Northern Red-bellied Cooter. I looked up turtles seen in Maryland to find the name of this turtles at first I thought it was a Red-eared Slider but my turtle does not show the red stripe behind its eye.

Another footbridge over the stream, this is where I found a few Song Sparrows near the edge of the stream.

One of the many Song Sparrows I saw while hiking and birding Hashawha.

On the way home we passed by this farm with these cute Alpacas. I just love these cute critters.

To see more cute and wonderful critters, please visit Camera Critters.  Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters.  Also, please visit Louis's Sunday Bridges.   Also, thanks for stopping by to see my post. I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend.


Phillip said...

Spring in your part of the World, and a beautiful autumn day here in the Southern Hemisphere.

Blair said...

Hi again Eileen,
Once again your blog is an eye catcher. Thanks for sharing. I especially like the header photo. Such a great capture..
Until next time...God Speed and Fair Winds.


laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

yay...spring is in the air!
Hashawha looks like a nice place to wander...LoVE the turtle shots!! (turtles & animal totems)

the Alpacas are definitely the CUTEST! their fur looks SO thick...they look like stuffed animals! i just want to reach out and wrap my arms around them!

thanks! i always like to hike through new places!
Happy St Patty Day!

Linda said...

Honestly, Eileen...I would just love to follow your footsteps! You find the most fascinating places to hike and take photos, and the ones we get to see are always amazing! I am trying to keep track of all these places so when we get a week to wander we can check them out...but you may have to refresh my mind when that time comes! Love the bluebird, and the sparrows, and the turtles...well, you get the picture! I so enjoy my visits to your blog! Happy St. Pat's Day!

Anonymous said...

Those little Alpacas sure are cutes, are the darker brown ones babies?

Happy St. Paddy's Day, hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Leslie's Garden said...

I love turtles! Looks like a wonderful place to hike and enjoy nature. I hope you'll go back when the trees fill out the woods are dark and deep!

Hootin Anni said...

Love the blue bird!!!! And at first I thought they were llamas. They're cute, aren't they?

Betty Manousos said...

hi eileen, what a great start to the day!
i really enjoyed your photos.
absolutely love seeing all this beauty!!

happy st. patrick's day!
betty xo

Rohrerbot said...

I love the Alpaca pics. I don't know what it is about those animals that makes me smile but they are really cool looking....and some of them have a little attitude. They've been known to spit on people:) I saw a a group of Eastern Bluebirds here a few weeks ago and it was a real treat. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Al said...

Nice shots, I'd love a place like that. I always like crossing bridges, and these little footbridges fascinate me.

TexWisGirl said...

cute fuzzies at the end. :) i like your turtle, too.

Anonymous said...

Great critter collection here! Hashawa looks like a lovely place to commune with nature.

Cheryl said...

Could you please send some of those bluebirds up here? I'd really love to see one in real life.

Looks like a wonderful hiking day. Hope someone verifies your turtle for you. Still waiting on help with my hawk.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post - full of sun and charming critters!

threesidesofcrazy said...

Great tour - I love the turtle best!

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice shots.

Regards and best wishes

Michael said...

Some great critters there. Like them all. Wish we had Bluebirds here.

Jo said...

The Eastern Bluebird is beautiful, Eileen. I love viewing your nature with you. Thanks for taking us along on this interesting tour. Thanks too, for your many comments on my blog. I finally managed to comment on yours and hope you're having a wonderful St Patrick's Day and weekend. Hugs Jo

Phil Slade said...

Hey Eileen those turtles have wierder names than birds. Good shots of the sparrows - there are so many NA sparrows I forgot some.

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant photos, I love the bridge over the water and Alpacas, superb.

AVCr8teur said...

Indeed it looks like spring in your neck of the woods. Those alpacas look like they are waiting for something. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

mick said...

It all looks like a great place to walk. I like the look of the little bridges. I still get confused with all those sparrows you have over there.

Roan said...

I saw an Eastern Bluebird fly across the road in front of me a few days ago. It's nice to see them back. This looks like a great place for hiking with your camera. Great shots.

Karin M. said...

How nice it must be there until the summer.
Soon it will be everywhere beautifully green.
Greetings Karin.

Kathy said...

Love that little bluebird!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great place for a hike. Nice pics. Alpacas are very interesting. And as always your outing was very well photographed!

Shelley said...

So much diversity at this nature center! Looks like a beautiful hike!

rainfield61 said...

The turtle always very slowly.

But once it reaches the destination, it is spring.

Elaine said...

Lovely place to walk to soak up the approach of spring!

SandyCarlson said...

These are great. I especially love the sunbathing turtle!

Kay L. Davies said...

What a great post, Eileen. I love that bluebird. And the footbridges. What a great place.

Carol said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen. I love your collage...the eastern bluebird is stunning.

Jen Sanford said...

Gorgeous- love the foot bridges..

Julie said...

Very nice of the park's people to build bridges to help walkers get across when wet and sloshy. Some of the birds are very sweet. We do not have many sparrows left here in Australia. I adore the turtle that you have photographed. Very precious.

Jim said...

Wonderful photos and great bridges.

My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful post, I love the bridges and the critters

CameraCruise said...

Great shots!
Love the Eastern Bluebird and of course the Alpacas.

Willard said...

I really enjoyed the photo tour. It looks like a great place to spend time afield with the camera.

Excellent images!

Crafty Green Poet said...

looks like a lovely place for a walk, those alpacas are adorable!

Debbie said...

so happy to see the alpacas, you probably remember that i have a farm i visit!!

great pictures...i really loved the blue bird, i don't see them in my yard!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The first picture in the lovely mosaic (the wonderful bluebird) and I was happy!! Great critters every one. (I am not even going to try yet to learn to ID turtles -- I love them, but my brain is full remembering birds, learning butterflies and attempting to learn plants. There is no more room for turtles at this point ;>)!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I enjoy your posts a lot. Today I especially like seeing that little turtle. I have not seen any turtles here on my little farm but I am hoping to. Have a superior Sunday!

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images.. it looks like a fascinating place to visit.

Gillian Olson said...

Thanks for these great pictures, you found quite an array of critters!

Jenn Jilks said...

I love critters more than many people!
I love your photos!
I don't think I have ever seen a bluebird!
Well done!

Greetings from Cottage Country!

forgetmenot said...

Always great to see your wildlife shots. I love the little alpacas too--so cute. Have a great week. Mickie :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wonderful pictures, Eileen. That nature center is gorgeous --and looks like a place where we would walk... Love the Alpacas...And that is a great photo of the turtle sunning himself on that log.

Have a great week.

eden said...

What a beautiful place to hike! Lots of critters to see. Beautiful photos as always, Eileen.

Anonymous said...

So many cheerful spring shots!

Maria said...

Oh, Eileen ... I do wish to see a bluebird up close as you were able to. The color is stunning!
Last spring, on my way home from work, I was able to see one fly from one side of the road to the wide, open field on the other. It was wonderful! We only live on 1/2 acre of land, so bluebirds are not to be seen here. We do enjoy so many other variety of birds, but the bluebird remains elusive.
Wishing you a joyful week,

betchai said...

oh, i always love your images because it speaks so much diversity of wildlife in your area.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...